- 外文名:heretical
- 詞性:形容詞
- 英式發音:[həˈretɪkl]
- 美式發音:[həˈretɪkl]
《Fate/Heretical peace》是一部同人類型網路小說,作者是貓食眼。內容簡介 正當聖杯將被斬斷之時,從中所召喚出了第八位英靈——天草四郎,與衛宮的尋求理想世界的方法不同並被衛宮所否認,為了“救贖”這個世界,天草利用聖杯創造了一...
〖hereticalideas;fallacy;heresy〗不正當的議論、主張 辟邪說 邪心 xiéxīn 〖wickedidea〗不正當的思想念頭 邪行 xiéxíng 〖evildeed〗不正當的行為 邪行 xiéxing 〖especially〗[方言]∶古怪;特別 這件事很邪行 邪 yé 見“莫邪...
《Priest of Nature》是Oxford University Press出版的圖書,作者是Rob Iliffe 內容簡介 Newton's unusual - or even downright heretical - religious opinions were well known to a number of his contemporaries. For over two ...
Church of God, which began as a religious cult founded by Herbert W. Armstrong, underwent a massive upheaval. At great personal cost, but with an eye to even greater spiritual gain, they renounced their heretical ...
異常。妖異怪誕〖heretical〗性不信巫邪。——《南史》又如:邪螭(古代傳說中之蛟龍,頭上無角);邪教;邪傳(怪異的傳聞);異端邪說;邪魔外道(指各形各色的鬼怪。或形容事情不入正途)邪作名詞 xié 【名】品行不正的人〖...