- 外文名:hearken
- 詞性:不及物動詞、及物動詞
- 英式發音:[ˈhɑːkən]
- 美式發音:[ˈhɑːrkən]
harken,英語單詞,主要用作動詞,作動詞時譯為“傾聽;聆聽(等於 hearken)”。單詞用法 V → a variant spelling (esp us) of hearken 短語搭配 Harken Dwight 名稱 harken scythes 死神之鐮 Karl Harken 標籤 Thomas Harken 標籤 Van Harken 名字 Bill Harken 比爾·哈肯 Sandy Harken 標籤 Dwight Harke...
Dos!“ Hearken, ye Loethe! Do not hide thyself Behind the backs of the priestess ready to die By thy word I, Azamath Tormtor, shall not Follow thy path I am free - I own my way Realize - I am different, I am not thine And thy Rules do not affect me, thy orders are in vain...
眼淚始終陪著你 眼神中交匯我能夠體會 在你心中未曾磨滅的光輝 別放棄我會在這裡 陪著你一直到天明 這是靈魂深處最後的純淨 相信這有神明指引著你 Fortheturningawayofthesimpleshallslaythem,Andtheprosperityoffoolsshalldestroythem.Butwhosohearkenethuntomeshalldwellsafely,Andshallbequietfromfearofevil.
萬語逢重訴,You hearken to the lover's say,餘歡若雲浮。And happy is the lover,意轉何遲暮,'Iis late to hearken,late to smile,慰情聊勝無:But better late than never:生靈未忍去,I shall have lived a little while 柩馬立躑躕。Befor I die for ever.一九六○年七月十九夜改稿。“慰情...
Simon是一個英語單詞,名詞釋義為聖經人物,外國人名,任達華∕雷宇揚/GST黑客等藝人的英文名。單詞釋義 Simon 名詞 n.1. 聖經人物,西蒙(耶穌十二使徒之一);聖經中被迫協助背負耶穌的十字架者 2. 外國人名,男子名,西蒙,[英格蘭人姓氏] 西蒙來源於希伯來語人名,含義是“聆聽”(to hearken) 暱稱 Sim,Simkin,...
reap with shouts of joy.流淚撒種的,必歡呼收割。27Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy.流淚撒種的,必歡呼收割。28Hearken; Behold, there went out a sower to sow.有一個撒種的。出去撒種。29If I sow criticism, I'm going to reap criticism.我種下的是批評,我將收穫批評。