



  • 外文名:harmless
  • 詞性:形容詞
  • 釋義:無害的;無惡意的
  • 英式讀音:[ˈhɑːmləs]


英 [ˈhɑːmləs] 美 [ˈhɑːrmləs]
adj. 無害的,不會導致損傷的;無惡意的,不會引起不快的


harmless /ˈhɑːmlɪs/ TEM4
1.ADJ Something that is harmless does not have any bad effects, especially on people's health. 無害的
2.ADJ If you describe someone or something as harmless, you mean that they are not important and therefore unlikely to annoy other people or cause trouble. 不會惹麻煩的


Mostly Harmless 基本上無害 ; 基本無害 ; 大部無害
Harmless Error 無害錯誤 ; 無害的疏忽
hold harmless 免受損害協定 ; 不受損害
harmless food colour 無毒食用色素
harmless flaw detector 無損探傷儀
harm-harmless 無害的
A Harmless Visitor 毫無惡意的來訪者


  • It was just a harmless frolic. 那不過是個無害的嬉鬧遊戲。
  • It's just a bit of harmless fun. 開個小玩笑罷了,並無惡意的。
  • The bacteria are harmless to humans. 這些細菌對人無害。
  • Horoscopes are merely harmless escapism. 占星術只是無害的、讓人逃避現實的消遣方式。
  • It was just a piece of harmless frivolity. 這僅是無惡意的愚蠢行為。
  • This experiment was harmless to the animals. 這個實驗對動物無害。
  • Not all chemicals normally present in living organisms are harmless. 並非所有正常存在於活的有機體中的化學物質都是無害的。
  • Although it may look unpleasant, this condition is harmless and usually clears up with regular shampooing. 這可能不好看,但這種情況是無害的並且經常的洗頭通常可以消除它。
  • The mountain hasn't been entirely harmless, however. 然而,這座山並非完全無害。
  • On their own, cookies are generally harmless, if mildly intrusive. 就其本身而言,信息包通常是無害的,即使有輕微的干擾。
  • A group of moving elephants make people scared, although they are harmless. 一群移動的大象讓人害怕,儘管它們是無害的。
  • People often think of gossipers as harmless, but cruel lies can cause pain. 人們通常認為說閒話的人是無惡意的,但是殘忍的謊言會給別人帶來痛苦。
  • Even seemingly harmless details on a resume, it appears, can tap into recruiters' biases. 即使是簡歷上看似無害的細節似乎也會引起招聘人員的偏見。
  • I now take the view that religion is harmless so long as it does not compel its members to proselytize. 我現在認為宗教是無害的,只要它不強迫其成員改變宗教信仰。
  • Unless you are allergic to tarantula venom, they are harmless to humans (though they pack a painful bite). 除非你對狼蛛毒素過敏,否則它們對人體是無害的(儘管它們咬你一口會很痛)。
  • The man who wrote this entry was called Ford Prefictor, and he was in a world far from being called harmless. 寫下這個條目的人叫作福特·普里菲克特,他正在一個遠遠不能稱作無害的世界裡。
  • In study after study, there's a positive reaction in almost one-third of the patients taking harmless substances. 在一項又一項研究中,幾乎有三分之一的病人在服用無害物質後產生了正反應。
  • One group was given a drug while the other group received a harmless substance instead of medicine without their knowledge. 一組服用藥物,而另一組在不知情的情況下服用無害的藥物。
  • Roughly the size of a soda can, sitting on a bookshelf, a relatively harmless gadget may be turning friends away from your home. 一個汽水罐大小的小東西放在書架上,這個相對無害的小玩意可能會讓你的朋友遠離你的住宅。
  • Popping food into the microwave for a couple of minutes may seem utterly harmless, but Europe's stock of these quick-cooking ovens emit as much carbon as nearly 7 million cars, a new study has found. 把食物放進微波爐里幾分鐘似乎完全無害,但一項新的研究發現,在歐洲,這種快速烹飪的機器的碳排放量幾乎和700萬輛汽車的一樣多。
  • He seemed harmless enough. 他似乎不會惹麻煩。
  • The lottery provides harmless fun for millions. 彩票抽獎為數百萬人提供正當娛樂。
  • Most people considered him a harmless eccentric. 多數人都認為他是一個無傷大雅的怪人。
  • The truth is that some plants can hurt you, but most are completely harmless. 事實上,有些植物會傷害你,但大多數是完全無害的。
  • Perhaps a design works so well. It is adopted elsewhere again and again, with seemingly harmless improvements, until, suddenly, it does not work at all anymore. 一種設計效果很好,反覆套用於其他地方,加上一些看似沒什麼影響的改進,突然有一天它就不奏效了。
  • Non-native species can appear harmless for decades, then turn invasive. 非本地物種可能會在幾十年內看起來無害,繼而變得有入侵性。
  • What is more, non-native species can appear harmless for decades, then turn invasive. 更重要的是,非本地物種可能會在幾十年內看起來無害,然後變得有入侵性。
  • If labelling obesity as a disease was harmless then it wouldn't really matter, he writes. 他寫道,如果把肥胖列為一種疾病不會產生危害,那就沒什麼影響。
  • One family of completely harmless snakes, the kingsnake, has also evolved serum that neutralizes rattlesnake venom. 一種完全無毒的蛇家族,王蛇,也進化出了能中和響尾蛇毒液的血清。
  • These agreements are also commonly called Hold Harmless Agreements. 這些協定通常也稱為免責協定。

