

handed,英語單詞,主要用作動詞、形容詞,作動詞時譯為“交,遞;攙扶;收(帆);(非正式)(使)謾罵;(非正式)(使)輕鬆得到(hand 的過去式及過去分詞)”,作形容詞時譯為“有……手的;用……手的”。


  • 外文名:handed
  • 詞性:動詞、形容詞
  • 英式發音:['hændɪd]
  • 美式發音:['hændɪd]


N-COUNT Your hands are the parts of your body at the end of your arms. Each hand has four fingers and a thumb. 手
N-SING The hand of someone or something is their influence in an event or situation. 影響
N-PLURAL If you say that something is in a particular person's hands, you mean that they are taking care of it, own it, or are responsible for it. 照顧; 掌控
N-SING If you ask someone for a hand with something, you are asking them to help you in what you are doing. 幫助
N-SING If someone asks an audience to give someone a hand, they are asking the audience to clap loudly, usually before or after that person performs. 鼓掌
N-COUNT In a game of cards, your hand is the set of cards that you are holding in your hand at a particular time or the cards that are dealt to you at the beginning of the game. (紙牌遊戲) 手中的牌
N-COUNT The hands of a clock or watch are the thin pieces of metal or plastic that indicate what time it is. (鐘錶的) 指針
PHRASE If something is at hand, near at hand, or close at hand, it is very near in place or time. 在手邊; 在眼前
PHRASE If someone experiences a particular kind of treatment, especially unpleasant treatment, at the hands of a person or organization, they receive it from them. 在…的手中 (尤指受到不好的待遇)
.PHRASE If you do something by hand, you do it using your hands rather than a machine. 手工
.PHRASE When something changes hands, its ownership changes, usually because it is sold to someone else. (常指某物因賣給他人) 易主
.PHRASE If you have your hands full with something, you are very busy because of it. 為...忙得不可開交
.PHRASE If someone gives you a free hand, they give you the freedom to use your own judgment and to do exactly as you wish. 便宜行事
.PHRASE If you get your hands on something or lay your hands on something, you manage to find it or obtain it, usually after some difficulty. 搞到 [非正式]
.PHRASE If two people are hand in hand, they are holding each other's nearest hand, usually while they are walking or sitting together. People often do this to show their affection for each other. 手拉手
.PHRASE If two things go hand in hand, they are closely connected and cannot be considered separately from each other. 密切相關
.PHRASE If you have a hand in something such as an event or activity, you are involved in it. 參與某事
.PHRASE If two people are holding hands, they are holding each other's nearest hand, usually while they are walking or sitting together. People often do this to show their affection for each other. 手拉手
.PHRASE The job or problem in hand is the job or problem that you are dealing with at the moment. 處理中的
.PHRASE If a situation is in hand, it is under control. 在控制之下
.PHRASE If you lend someone a hand, you help them. 幫助某人
.PHRASE If someone lives hand to mouth or lives from hand to mouth, they have hardly enough food or money to live on. 勉強餬口
. → see also hand-to-mouth
.PHRASE If you tell someone to keep their hands off something or to take their hands off it, you are telling them in a slightly aggressive way not to touch it or interfere with it. 不許碰; 不許干涉
.PHRASE If you do not know something off hand, you do not know it without having to ask someone else or look it up in a book. 馬上; 無需查詢地 [口語]
.PHRASE If you have a problem or responsibility on your hands, you have to deal with it. If it is off your hands, you no longer have to deal with it. 由某人處理/不再由某人處理
.PHRASE If someone or something is on hand, they are near and able to be used if they are needed. 現成的
.PHRASE You use on the one hand to introduce the first of two contrasting points, facts, or ways of looking at something. It is always followed later by "on the other hand" or "on the other." 一方面
.PHRASE You use on the other hand to introduce the second of two contrasting points, facts, or ways of looking at something. 另一方面
.PHRASE If a person or a situation gets out of hand, you are no longer able to control them. 失去控制
.PHRASE If you dismiss or reject something out of hand, you do so immediately and do not consider believing or accepting it. 不假思索地
.PHRASE If you take something or someone in hand, you take control or responsibility over them, especially in order to improve them. 對某人/某事負責
.PHRASE If you say that your hands are tied, you mean that something is preventing you from acting in the way that you want to. 受到阻礙
.PHRASE If you try your hand at an activity, you attempt to do it, usually for the first time. (通常指初次) 嘗試
.PHRASE If you turn your hand to something such as a practical activity, you learn about it and do it for the first time. 學做某事
.PHRASE If you wash your hands of someone or something, you refuse to be involved with them any more or to take responsibility for them. 洗手不乾; 不再負責
.PHRASE If you win hands down, you win very easily. 輕易取勝
. with one's bare hands →see bare
. to shake someone's hand →see shake
. to shake hands →see shake
V-T If you hand something to someone, you pass it to them. 遞...給...


handed sword 雙手劍
Single Handed 斷手記
Handed Swors 雙手劍
handed rule 安培右手定則
handed nut 右旋螺母
Mop handed 拖把桿
handed inducement 手性誘導
handed again 我不能再空著手回去了


