- 外文名:groan
- 詞性:名詞、及物動詞、不及物動詞
- 英式讀音:[ɡrəʊn]
- 美式讀音:[ɡroʊn]
《Moan & Groan》是Squeeze Head演唱的歌曲,收錄於專輯《Commander Riddim》。專輯介紹 《Commander Riddim》是Squeeze Head於2019年發行的音樂專輯,共收錄2首歌曲,由歌手Squeeze Head擔任專輯製作人,《Moan & Groan》也收錄其中。
《Groanin'》是Nono陳童言演唱的歌曲,由Nono C作詞作曲,收錄於專輯《18》。歌曲歌詞 Watching shadow chasing shadow With my eyes shut and my mind blows Dive in the ocean of emotion I thought I’ve grown old But I’m ...
《Moanin' Groanin' Blues》是Tommy Ladnier演唱的歌曲,收錄於專輯《The Warm And Tender Soul Of Tommy Ladnier》。專輯信息 《The Warm And Tender Soul Of Tommy Ladnier》是Tommy Ladnier於2000年1月1日發行的音樂專輯,共收錄25...
咯 咯是一個漢字,同“喀”。gē zhī [groan;creak] 形容聲音 地震時房梁咯吱咯吱地直響 肩上扁擔壓得咯吱咯吱直響 咯2 kǎ 〈動〉同“喀”。用力使東西從食道或氣管里出來 [cough up]。如:咯血;咯痰 另見gē;lo;luò ...
22、groan:呻吟。 23、spectre-thin:鬼影似的形銷骨立。 24、leaden-eyed:目光呆滯無神的。 25、lustrous:有光澤的,光輝的。 26、Or new Love pine at them beyond to-morrow:新歡難持久。因上行中已有否定詞cannot,所以這一行中...
(2) 同本義。訇的俗字 [groan;snort]且睡在床上推病,口裡哼哼囋囋的不絕。——《西遊記》(3) 又如:哼賁(呻吟。通“唧”);哼兒哈兒(呵斥的聲音);哼哼囋囋(痛苦時的呻吟聲);哼哼唧唧(象聲詞。形容病痛的呻吟聲);痛得...
(5) 呻吟 [groan]一個姿情的不休,一個啞聲兒廝耨。——《西廂記》詞性變化 ◎ 耨 nòu 〈名〉(1) 鉤兒鋤,一種鋤草的農具 [weeding hoe]釋其鋤耨而下淚。——賈誼《旱雲賦》(2) 〈方〉∶元明戲劇中常見,狀男女狎昵之...
Then he heard a groan from next door, room eighteen The Mexican kid lived there The Priest had passed him on the stairs and saw the kid was hooked But he never spoke Because he didn’t want any juvenile connections...
1to groan; to moan; to utter moans 2a groan; a moan 詳細解釋 1. 誦讀;吟詠。《莊子·列禦寇》:“鄭人緩也,呻吟裘氏之地,祇三年,而緩為儒。”郭象註:“呻吟,吟詠之謂。”漢·王充《論衡·案書》:“劉子政玩弄《...
(3) 呻吟 [groan]今痛而呻者,江南俗謂之呻喚, 關中俗謂之呻恫。—— 唐· 顏師古《匡謬正俗》(4) 另見 dòng 常用詞組 恫瘝在抱 古籍釋義 康熙字典 【卯集上】【心字部】恫 ·康熙筆畫:10 ·部外筆畫:6 《唐韻》...
I sit and moan and writhe and groan Yeah my belly really aches I sit and moan and writhe and groan Take Pepto Bismol It's very suited For all kinds of ailments Take some tums if it fails You can always try ...
Luella Miller,歌手,代表專輯有《The Best of Country Blues Woman》。演藝經歷 2017年9月1日發行專輯《The Best of Country Blues Woman》。2015年6月4日發行專輯《Tornado Groan》。2011年12月23日發行專輯《Jazz Figures / Luella...
Yes you gave a groan When I took that throne But can you choose a Queen When you behave like a drone Where the silverware's not expected And certainly never been That's the ideal kingdom Of this Tupperware Queen ...
Have you seen my life Mr Groan Do you know what it's like to be outside All you have to do is smile to cause a landslide And you do and you do Mr Groan Heard a song just yesterday About a man who got...
asthmatic breathing, supposed upward motion of the spirit (in Chinese herb medicine), to long for; to covet, to hum over; to moan; to groan 古籍解釋 康熙字典 㰰【辰集下】【欠部】康熙筆畫:11畫部外筆畫:7畫 康...
Rudy have hot gal a moan and groan Crash oh dawn the phone Baby don't stop yeah you like that Simone Champion lover the best pound for pound Take you to the clouds without going downtown Why why don't you ...
67.A Groan or a Moan是呻吟還是嗚咽 68.Harvest Time收割季節 69.A Haven of Hedonists享樂主義者的庇護所 70.A Circus Hijacking馬戲團劫機 71.A Hostile Homestay家庭居住時遭遇敵意 72.Homecoming回家 73.The Illustrator...
dismay,英語單詞,名詞、動詞,作名詞時意為“沮喪,灰心;驚慌”,作動詞時意為“使沮喪;使驚慌”。單詞發音 英 [dɪsˈmeɪ] 美 [dɪsˈme]短語搭配 give a groan of dismay發出氣餒的呻吟 雙語例句 To my dismay, ...