Grip Inc. was the band formed by Slayer drummer Dave Lombardo shortly after his initial departure from that band, teaming up with former Despair guitarist (and noted producer) Waldemar Sorychta. Far from the Slayer clone some might have expected, the band evolved into an ultra-heavy late-nineties thrash band in the mold of early Machine Head, with a shade of Neurosis atmospherics and yes, the occasional Slayer influence (more so on the earlier albums).
2004 sees the release of Incorporated, the band's first album in five years. Though the core sound remains intact, it's clear that the band wants to spread its wings a bit, as several interesting instruments and influences now augment the basic post-thrash style. Incorporated is clearly the most diverse album of the band's career.
音樂類型:Thrash Metal
Grip Inc. 是Slayer樂隊的前鼓手Dave Lombardo離隊後不久建立的。他和一個失落的吉他手(同時又是著名的製作人)Waldemar Sorychta建立了這個樂隊。1993年簽約SPV Records 公司。
也許有些人認為他們只是另一支Slayer。但他們卻錯了。樂隊開始的雛形是Machine Head ,是一支九十年代末期的極端金屬樂隊。他們的音樂中深受Neurosis , Atmospherics 和 Yes的影響。在他們早期的一些專輯中還能見到Slayer的影響。