



  • 外文名:globalize
  • 詞性:及物動詞
  • 英式發音:[ˈɡləʊbəlaɪz]
  • 美式發音:[ˈɡloʊbəlaɪz]


V-T/V-I When industry globalizes or is globalized, companies from one country link with companies from another country in order to do business with them. 使全球化; 全球化 [商業]
globalization N-UNCOUNT 全球化


globalize view 全球化視野
to globalize 跨國化
globalize economy 經濟全球化
globalize e 使全球化
globalize international business consulting 區域 ; 巴西進口商
In Order To Globalize 為全球化


  • 1One way to lower costs will be to forge alliances with foreign companies or to expand internationally through appropriate takeovers – in short, to "globalize."降低成本的途徑之一將是與外國公司結成聯盟或通過適當的兼併進行國際性擴張–簡言之,就是“全球化”。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2It is difficult for service organizations to globalize.服務性組織全球化的難度很大。
  • 3We Help Globalize Your Business!助您的事業全球化!
  • 4This article focuses on the new Globalize plugin.本文主要側重於介紹這個新的Globalize外掛程式。
  • 5Globalize products by reusing components and examples.通過重新使用組件和樣例使產品全球化。
  • 6The solution is to globalize major Australian corporations.解決的辦法是:將澳大利亞的主要公司推向全球。
  • 7How does the Globalize plugin deal with these aforementioned issues?Globalize外掛程式是如何解決前述這些問題的呢?
  • 8Globalize products by reusing libraries, components, and examples.通過重新使用程式庫,組件和樣例,使產品全球化。
  • 9It may seem strange but the more we globalize, the more we localize.這個看起來很奇怪,但是確實全球化程度越高,我們也越來越本土化。
  • 10Formatting is not just limited to Numbers with the Globalize plugin.Globalize外掛程式的格式化並不僅限於數字。
  • 11For your application UI, you also need to globalize these UI elements.對於您的應用程式的UI來說,也要把這些UI元素全球化。
  • 12You need to use different approaches to globalize different UI elements.需要使用各種不同的方法把不同的 UI 元素全球化。
  • 13When the Globalize plugin constructs the culture, it USES two 2-letter codes.Globalize外掛程式在構建文化時,它使用了兩個分別由兩個字母組成的代碼。
  • 14The first step is to download the Globalize plugin itself (see Resources).第一步是下載 Globalize 外掛程式(參見 參考資料)。
  • 15Mr. Della Valle is looking to globalize the reach of Hogan, founded in 1988.Della Valle先生則正試圖全球化Hogan,這個成立於1988年的品牌。
  • 16We did not go into some of the more detailed aspects of the Globalize plugin.我們沒有深究globalize外掛程式各方面的更多細節。
  • 17For Korean brands, a key mantra has been to globalize their corporate identity.就韓國品牌來講,關鍵性的一步是企業識別的全球化。
  • 18Learn how to globalize the UI for an RCP application using a Hello World sample.通過使用Hello World樣例,學習如何全球化一個RCP應用程式的UI。
  • 19Globalize can now provide localized translations for all strings passed into that method.Globalize現在可以為傳入這個方法的所有字元串提供本地化翻譯。
  • 20Shows how to globalize dates and Numbers in client script, based on browser Settings.演示如何基於瀏覽器設定在客戶端腳本中全球化日期和數字。
  • 21As the world becomes more complex, some things do, of course, standardize and globalize.隨著世界變得日益複雜,某些事物確實理所當然地規範化和全球化了。
  • 22With those studies in hand, we would be well placed to scale up and globalize prevention.掌握了這些研究,我們將處於更好的地位來加大預防力度並使之全球化。
  • 23Literally, everyone in the world who visits your site will be covered by the Globalize plugin.不誇張地說,世界上每一個訪問您網站的人都是Globalize外掛程式所涵蓋的。
  • 24Part 1, "Helping customers globalize their IBM Lotus Notes applications," covers these topics第 1 部分 “幫助客戶全球化 IBM Lotus Notes 應用程式” 涉及以下話題
  • 25Part 1, "Helping customers globalize their IBM Lotus Notes applications," covers these topics.第1部分“幫助客戶全球化IBM Lotus Notes應用程式”討論以下主題。
  • 26The sample in this article will globalize a Hello World application with some simple functions.本文的樣例將使用一些簡單的功能實現Hello World應用程式全球化。
  • 27Both foreign recruits and Korean employees learn from each other, and that helps globalize the company.外國員工和韓國員工都彼此學習著,同時這也幫助者公司全球化。
  • 28The Globalize plugin is designed so that the "main" plugin is in the root folder and called "globalize.js".Globalize 外掛程式被設計成 “主” 外掛程式位於根資料夾,名為 “globalize.js”。


