Gameforge is the leading publisher of(free-to-play) MMOs in the Western hemisphere.
Over 100 million players in 75 countriesenjoy our client, web and social games in over 50 languages. OurAsian-developed MMORPG “Metin2” is played by 9 mio actives per month, securingmarket leadership amongst others in the important territories of Turkey,Germany and Poland.
Established in Germany in 2003, Gameforge is a pioneer in developingand publishing massively free-to-play web games such as OGame, Ikariam,BiteFight, BattleKnight, Gladiatus. Since 2006, we are most successfullyimporting client-based MMOs from East Asia into the West, e.g. Metin2, NosTale,4Story (Gates of Andaron), Ace Online, CABAL Online.
Our game portal MMOGAME. COM integrates all our games into acomprehensive community network, peaking at above 900,000 concurrent playersdaily.
Our customized, vastly variable payment systems and many years of expertisein monetizing online games of our growing 420 full-time staff and severalthousand contractual freelancers ensure maximum market penetration in everyterritory. Gameforge has garnered numerous prestigious awards, both for itsgames and for the company in itself, including the 2009 “Technology Pioneer”award from the World Economic Forum in Davos or the “Employer of the Year” inGermany.
Gameforge recently announced that, starting 2011, we will launch severalbrowser and social media games based on the classic Star Trek™ franchise – oneof the most popular science-fiction entertainment IPs in the Western world.
Gameforge is reaching out to Chinese gamedevelopers to publish their games in the Western hemisphere: across North andSouth America, Europe and the Arab League.