future in my hand

《Future In My Hands》是美國歌手Aimee Blackschleger演唱的一首歌曲,收錄於專輯《Devil May Cry Anime Original Soundtrack》(鬼泣原聲大碟),2007年8月18日發行。


  • 外文名稱:Future In My Hands
  • 歌曲原唱:Aimee B(aimee blackschleger)吊帶襪天使
  • 歌曲語言:英語
  • 出處:遊戲《鬼泣》系列動畫版




樂隊:Aimee B(aimee blackschleger)吊帶襪天使
《Release My Soul》(罪惡王冠)
《 Wild War Dance》(戰國BASERA)
《Living Universe》(夢幻之星)




Standing where i should be 在我應在之處
Believing as i'm told to believe 信人授我之物
Being who i should be 為我當為之人
Doing what i should do 行我當行之術
Did you hear what i said? 吾言汝可聞?
Did you get what i meant? 吾道汝可解?
What you saw is an illusion 汝見皆虛幻
You're living in delusion 汝在皆塵煙
Going on and on i have the future in my hands 不斷繼續嘗試,我的未來在我手中
Getting lose from days i never could get over 從我無法克服的過去中解脫
Going on and on until i'm finally myself 繼續嘗試直到我找回自己
Getting out of this dishonest world i never wanted 從這個我厭惡的虛情假意的世界逃離
Now is the time 就是現在
Now is the time 就是現在
Ask me if you're anxious問我是否感到擔憂
I'll give you all the answers 我將給你所有的解答
Truth or dare - it's your choice 真實或是冒險——那是你的選擇
Your truth is what you wish for 你所謂的真實是你希望看到的東西
Who am i to tell you that the future's in your hands? 那個告訴你未來在自己手中的我又是誰
Set me free from lies and cold deceptions, i'm so scared 將我從謊言和冰冷的欺騙中解放出來吧,我是如此地害怕
Going on and on across this land, across the time 繼續嘗試,穿過這片土地,穿過時間
Going on to see, to feel, to breathe 繼續去看,去感受,去呼吸
I've always wanted 那是我一直想要的
Sleepless nights i'm spending 在一個個失眠的夜晚
Counting all the words that broke my heart 我細數著那些讓我心碎的話語
I'm leaving all my past here 我將過去都丟棄在這裡
Then i'll see the world for sure 然後一定能看到期盼的世界
Going on and on i have the future in my hands 繼續嘗試下去,我的未來在我自己手中
Getting lose from days i never could get over 從我無法克服的那些過去中解脫出來
Going on and on until i'm finally myself 繼續嘗試,直到我找回自己
Getting out of this dishonest world i never wanted 從這個我厭惡的虛情假意的世界逃離
Now is the time 就是現在
Now is the time 就是現在
Chase after time 與時間賽跑
Chase after time 與時間賽跑


