- 外文名:fragmented
- 詞性:形容詞、動詞
- 英式發音:[fræɡˈmentɪd]
- 美式發音:[ˈfræɡmentɪd]
fragment,主要用作名詞和動詞,主要意思為“碎片;(使)破碎”等。單詞釋義 英 [ˈfræɡmənt] 美 [ˈfræɡmənt] n. 碎片;片段;殘存部分 v. (使)破碎,分裂 [ 複數 fragments 第三人稱單數 fragments 現在分詞 fragmenting 過去式 fragmented 過去分詞 fragmented ]短語搭配 fragment ...
1. [broken;fragmented;disorganized]∶分散;殘缺;沒有條理 支離破碎 2. [thin and weak]∶瘦弱;衰弱 引證詳解 1. 分散;分裂。《左傳·哀公二十五年》:“公為支離之卒,因祝史 揮 以侵 衛 。”杜預註:“支離,陳名。” 竹添光鴻 會箋:“支離,分散也,蓋分為數隊以誤敵。”《文選·王延壽》:“...
睡眠片段化 睡眠片段化(fragmented sleep fragmentation)是2020年公布的神經病學名詞。定義 在睡眠過程中由於各種原因導致的睡眠中斷和覺醒。頻繁覺醒會引起睡眠剝奪,導致白天出現嗜睡、精神錯亂、記憶力減退和注意力不集中等情況。出處 《神經病學名詞》第一版。
嚴重分割 嚴重分割是指因為一分類單元的大多數個體生活於小的及相對被隔離的亞種群 嚴重分割(Severely fragmented)(標準B)(特定情況下,可以根據棲息地信息推測),從而增加了該分類單元絕滅的危險。由於與其他亞種群重新合併的機會減少,這些小的亞種群可能會絕滅。
⒏Fragmented ⒐Endlessly ⒑Last Breath Wounds Wide Open 演唱歌手:To Die For 發行公司:未知 發行日期:2006年10月04日 語言種類:英語 音樂風格:搖滾/金屬|歌特金屬|[Gothic Metal]⒈Intro-Sorrow ⒉Wicked Circle ⒊Guilt Ridden State ⒋Like Never Before ⒌Under A Velvet Sky ⒍Scar Diary ⒎New Heaven...
bortz bortz,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“圓粒金剛石”。短語搭配 drill bortz 鑽用金剛石 Esther Bortz 標籤 Bortz Joseph 名稱 fragmented bortz 碎粒金剛石 Jeane Bortz 標籤 Joseph Bortz 標籤 Bortz Esther 名稱 bortz powder 金剛石粉 drilling bortz 鑽井包爾茲 同近義詞 boort,boart ...
《王國之心:鑰匙碎片 Kingdom Hearts:Fragmented Keys》是一款由迪士尼開發的混搭風格的RPG遊戲。遊戲有許多《王國之心》歷代的遊戲角色,玩家能在一個龐大的開放世界,和來自不同平行世界的英雄一起擊退惡魔。手遊版中加入了許多新的迪士尼元素,包括《阿拉丁》《小飛俠彼得潘》《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》《星球大戰》《無敵...
You probably have better things to do than worry about whether the hard disks on your Windows® computer are getting fragmented. Just install Ashampoo Magical Defrag 2. This radically improved program keeps all your computer’s hard disks defragmented. Permanently.Just install it and forget it. ...
forms of victimization declined dramatically after the mid-1990s, and some terribly feared forms of child victimization, like stereotypical stranger abduction, are remarkably uncommon. The considerable ignorance about the realities of child victimization can be chalked up to a field that is fragmented,...
The number of non-state actors, in the past not accountable for committing international crimes or violating human rights, is proliferating rapidly. Their ways of operating evolve, with some groups being increasingly fra...
Empire of Habsburg Austria faced more enemies than any other European great power. Flanked on four sides by rivals, it possessed few of the advantages that explain successful empires. Its army was not renowned for offensive prowess, its finances were often shaky, and its populace was fragmented ...
Fragmented conversations, full of jump cuts and distortion.And what are the stories that emerge from these fragments?And why are they being collected?And it's only when you commit a crime, that the data is put together.And your story is reconstructed. Backwards.A portrait of you – made up...
F5 BIG-IP 安全漏洞來源於cnnvd,是2021-03-19發布的漏洞。漏洞評分 漏洞描述 F5 BIG-IP是美國F5公司的一款集成了網路流量管理、應用程式安全管理、負載均衡等功能的套用交付平台。F5 BIG-IP TMM Fragmented IP Traffic Drop 存在安全漏洞,攻擊者可利用該漏洞可以通過F5 BIG-IP的TMM分片IP流量下降觸發致命錯誤,...
and contingencies on the other. At one end of the spectrum, this book features chapters on policy mobility, in particular the political construction of the "web" of communication and the restructuring or rescaling of the state. At the other end, chapters examine the increasingly fragmented social...
fragmented; uncultivated and desolated fields, to eliminate; remove, to clean (interchangeable 瘥) an epidemic; a plague 古籍解釋 康熙字典 㽨【午集上】【田部】康熙筆畫:15畫部外筆畫:10畫 康熙字典 㽨 《唐韻》昨何切《集韻》《韻會》《正韻》才何切,𠀤挫平聲。《說文》殘薉田也。引《詩·...
《Charlie James》是Peter Case演唱的歌曲,收錄於《The Man With The Blue Post Modern Fragmented Neo-Traditionalist Guitar》專輯中。歌曲歌詞 If you see Charlie James walkin' down the road Please don't tell him which Way you see me go Had a whole lotta trouble Since I saw you left I don'...
of the last 40 years, Adams joins a very distinguished line of contemporary photographers who have won the award, such as Graciela Iturbide (2008) and Nan Goldin (2007). The Foundation singled out Adams' ability to consolidate the medium's history: as photography has altered and fragmented, ...