- 外文名:forklike
- 詞性:形容詞
- 發音:['fɔrk,laɪk]
- 釋義:像叉一樣的
Forktail Rainbowfish 霓虹燕子 Soptted Forktail 斑背燕尾 forktail perch 顯齒海鯽 Forktail Decotion 法印 單詞釋義 尾巴開叉魚 ...forklike像叉一樣的forktail尾巴開叉魚forktailed尾巴開叉的...四歲鮭 ...forklength尾叉體長forktail四歲鮭formofnet網形... ...
pid_t fork( void);(pid_t 是一個宏定義,其實質是int 被定義在#includesys/types.h>中)返回值: 若成功調用一次則返回兩個值,子進程返回0,父進程返回子進程ID;否則,出錯返回-1 函式說明 一個現有進程可以調用fork函式創建一個新進程。由fork創建的新進程被稱為子進程(child process)。fork函式被...
flower vase.*Piet Hein Eek: Much of the Dutch designer's furniture is made fromreclaimed scrap wood. He is an example of many of the young designersfeatured in AND FORK that are using environmentally-friendly or recycledmaterials and innovative manufacturing techniques. Eek says, "I like using...
钂,漢語三級字,讀作钂(tǎng),古代一種與叉相似的兵器。現代釋義 基本字義 钂tǎng ⒈ 古代一種與叉相似的兵器。基本詞義 ◎ 钂 tǎng 〈名〉古兵器。亦稱钂鈀、钂叉 [fork-like weapon]。為半月形或當中有槍尖,兩邊出翅,略似叉 钂手,每名明盔一頂,甲一副,…钂一把。——明· 戚繼光《...
furcula,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“[昆] 叉突;[昆] 彈器(等於furculum)”。單詞用法 N any forklike part or organ, esp the fused clavicles (wishbone) of birds 叉形構造; 尤指鳥類的叉骨 短語搭配 furcula supra-analis[昆] 肛上叉 ...
用作形容詞譯為“叉狀的,有叉尖的,有尖齒的”。網路釋義 叉狀的 有尖齒 英語釋義 prongy adj. resembling a fork; divided or separated into two branches "horseradish grown in poor soil may develop prongy roots" 同義詞: bifurcate biramous branched forked fork-like forficate pronged ...
furculum,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“叉突;彈器”。單詞用法 柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 furcula /ˈfɜːkjʊləm/ (also furculum)1.N any forklike part or organ, esp the fused clavicles (wishbone) of birds 叉形構造; 尤指鳥類的叉骨 單詞釋義 叉骨 ...furcula=叉骨furculum=...
Unlock the secret closet at the end of the Forkstop.(在最後的Forkstop解開密室)銅 One-Eyed Freak Defeat the Cycloid.(打敗獨眼巨人)銅 Pit Champion Defeat the Battlelord in Las Vegas.(在拉斯維加斯打敗Battlelord)銀 Not Bad for a Human Defeat the Alien Queen.(打敗外星人女王)銀 A Good...
Passage 3 The History of the Custom of Eating with a Fork Section Ⅲ Optional Listening Exercises Passage 1 Why Do Americans Love Uniforms?Passage 2 Pizza: a World Popular Food Passage 3 The Trends of Interdependent Future Unit 5 Section Ⅰ Main Ideas and Important Details Passage 1 The ...
prong,英語單詞,主要用作名詞、動詞,作名詞時譯為“尖齒;方向;(俚語)陰莖;耙子;(多種工具的)尖頭;(作戰)分支”,作動詞時譯為“刺,貫穿”。單詞用法 柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 prong /prɒŋ/ ( prongs )1.N-COUNT The prongs of something such as a fork are the long, thin pointed ...
Shortly before dusk they reached a fork and took the left-hand track. 快到黃昏時,他們來到一個岔路口,沿著左邊的小徑走去了。She was invisible in the dusk of the room. 她在昏暗的房間裡,別人看不見她。There's traffic in the streets from dawn till dusk. 從黎明到黃昏街上車輛川流不息。It...
to protect forests.為了保護森林,做到停止使用一次性筷子這一點非常重要。29Chinese people use chopsticks and western people use fork and knife.中國人用筷子,西方人用刀叉。30Even many valuable materials like silver can be used to make chopsticks.甚至許多貴重的材料,如銀,都可以用來做筷子。
對執行緒的實驗化支持,FreeBSD 4.x 的實現基於 rfork();Nginx 主要的英語站點是;英語文檔草稿由 Aleksandar Lazic 完成。IMAP/POP3代理服務認證方法 POP3: POP3 USER/PASS,APOP,AUTH LOGIN PLAIN CRAM-MD5;IMAP: IMAP LOGIN;SMTP: AUTH LOGIN PLAIN CRAM-MD5;SSL 支持;在 IMAP 和 ...
但是從2004年起,最流行的X伺服器映XFree86的 fork —— 伺服器 。 雖然X一般和Unix聯繫在一起,X伺服器也能夠自然地存在於其他圖形環境Hewlett-Packard 的 OpenVMS作業系統用X加上 CDE 做為起標準桌面環境,稱為 DECwindows 。 蘋果公司 的 Mac OS X v10.3 (Panther)包括 Apple X11 ,它基於XFree86 4.3...
4.Where’S the Fork?叉子在哪裡?5.Our New Car Our Big Boat我們的新車我們的大船 6.Where Do You Want to Go?你想要去哪裡?7.When Is Your Birthday?你的生日是哪一天?8.I Love My Kitten我愛我的小貓 9.I Like Fruit我喜歡水果 10.Jack Has a Clock傑克有一個小鬧鐘 11.A Red Dress一件...
I know this will sound weird at first but did you ever try to balance an egg on a fork? On chopsticks? A knife? Under real world circumstances you might end up with a slimy mess. Here is your chance doing it virtually and even compete with friends and players worldwide (Game Center)...
like a lead balloon 毫無效果,毫無作用(意指如鉛氣球無法飛升) balloon catheter 氣囊導管,氣泡式導管 雙語例句 A balloon suddenly went bang. 一隻氣球突然砰地一聲爆了。The balloon hit a tree and burst. 氣球碰到樹上就爆了。She popped a balloon with her fork. 她用叉子把氣球砰的一聲戳爆了。He...
fork lifter 叉車 ; 叉式升降機 ; 叉式萬能裝卸機 ; 叉式裝卸機 Window Lifter Handle 車窗升降搖柄 ; 車窗起落搖柄 雙語例句 Contrary to what one would expect, this kind of shop-lifter is rarely poor. 與人們的預期相反,這類商店扒手很少是窮人。youdao Fork lifter may to into the passage of ...
gifts alive, we invite you to pay for those who dine after you.為了讓禮物的鏈條延續下去,我們邀請你繼續為後面的顧客付款。28Ring, then, if you please, for a second knife, fork, and plate, and we will dine together.現在,假如你不介意,請拉一下鈴再要一副刀叉碟子來,我們一同進餐吧。
Place the tuna in a medium-sized bowl and flake it with a fork. 將鮪魚放在一個中等大小的碗中,然後用叉子將其切成薄片。A worker unloads a fresh catch of tuna for export to the US and Japan. 一名工人正在將一批新鮮的鮪魚裝箱——它們將被出口到美國和日本。Mercury levels are high in ...
Fork Creek River You Hurt Me All Over Again Independence, VA The Lonely Road Back Home He's Holding on to Me Reels Tadoussac et Lindbergh Take Me Back (2006)弦動歸聲 發行日期:2006年2月,Rounder 製作人: Dirk Powell 策劃人: Dirk Powell 流派: Folk On her third disc for the Rounder ...
Fork spoon down, crashed cracked pastry crisp sound, every bite, have sounded like a note melodies resound in our hearts. 叉子舀下去,酥皮應聲裂開清脆的聲響,每吃一口,都像敲響一個音符,優美的旋律在心中迴蕩。And now high streets across the land resound to the thugga-thugga beat of stickered...
It's just a fork along the road Don't say your prayers save your amens You've come this far but you're still far from home Don't say goodbye just say farewell Write every line you live to tell Hold your head like harry give 'em hell As the night ignites the day Make some ...
Fork lifter may to into the passage of each row of the rack, improving the utility ratio of warehouse. 叉車可直接進入巷道記憶體取貨物,倉庫利用率高。The utility model relates to a forge and press combined type central water-cooled oxygen lance spray head assembly. 本實用新型涉及一種鍛壓組合式...
dill是一個英語單詞,讀音是英 [dɪl] 美 [dɪl],可以用作名詞,可以翻譯為蒔蘿;蒔蘿的種子等等。例句:Dill, parsley and water celery as part of the meal is to use fork edible. 例句 The bestcompanionsforcarrotsare numerousandincludechives,dill,flax,lettuce,leekandonion.最好的同伴的胡...
can remember; it's a source of power but also great consternation for someone so young. With an obsession for the Guinness Book of World Records, a keenly inquisitive mind, and a kind of faith, John remains hopeful despite the unfavorable cards life deals him. John is like a tuning fork...
There is no Frigate like a Book Success is counted sweetest Much Madness is divinest sense Tell all the Truth but tell it slant The Lightning is a yellow Fork I taste a liquor never brewed Mark Twain (1835——1910)The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County Henry lames (1843——1916)Th...