- 中文名:放我下去
- 作者:M.J.海蘭(M.J.Hyland)
- 譯者:張林
- 出版時間:2008年1月1日
- 出版社:重慶出版集團、重慶出版社
- 頁數:305 頁
- ISBN:9787536689398(753668939X)
- 類別:英國文學
- 原作品:Carry me down
- 定價:22 元
- 裝幀:平裝
Carry Me Down is an engrossing story that at its heart examines an adolescent's difficulties navigating the world. John Egan is a misfit -- a twelve-year-old in the body of a grown man with the voice of a giant -- who diligently keeps track of the lies large and small that are told to him. John's been able to detect lies for as long as he can remember; it's a source of power but also great consternation for someone so young. With an obsession for the Guinness Book of World Records, a keenly inquisitive mind, and a kind of faith, John remains hopeful despite the unfavorable cards life deals him. John is like a tuning fork, sensitive to the vibrations within himself and the trouble that this creates for him and his family, and when his sanity reaches near collapse, a frightening family catastrophe threatens to destroy them. Carry Me Down is a restrained, emotionally taut, and sometimes oddly funny portrait whose drama drives toward, but narrowly averts an unthinkable disaster.
M.J.海蘭,愛爾蘭裔女作家,1968年出生於倫敦,在都柏林度過童年,現居倫敦。處女作《光是怎么進來的》(Howthe LightGets In)獲得2004年度巴諾書店發現獎(Barnes&Noble DiscoverAward)及澳大利亞年度圖書獎(TheAge Bookofthe Year in Australia)提名等。