



  • 外文名:forethought
  • 詞性:名詞、形容詞
  • 英式發音:[ˈfɔːθɔːt]
  • 美式發音:[ˈfɔːrθɔːt]


英 [ˈfɔːθɔːt] 美 [ˈfɔːrθɔːt]
n. 深謀遠慮;先見;考慮將來
adj. 預先計畫好的


forethought /ˈfɔːˌθɔːt/ TEM8
1.UNCOUNT If you act with forethought, you think carefully before you act about what will be needed, or about what the consequences will be. 事先的籌劃


forethought is wisdom 謹慎小心是好事 ; 深謀遠慮是明智
forethought phase 即計畫階段
success depends on forethought 成功之道在於深思熟慮
Forethought Wins 深謀遠慮才會贏
Without Forethought 不問青紅皂白
designed with proper forethought 深謀遠慮的籌劃
Do Things Without Forethought 觸機即發
great forethought foresight 深謀無慮
Without preparation or forethought 即席地 ; 未經準備地沒有準備或事先思考


  • With a little forethought many accidents could be avoided. 做些事前籌劃可防止多起事故的發生。
  • Some forethought and preparation is necessary before you embark on the project. 你著手進行這個項目之前必須有所考慮,有所準備。
  • Domestic noises may perhaps be controlled by forethought and courtesy, and industrial noises by good planning and technical improvement. 家庭噪音或許可以通過事先籌劃和禮貌加以控制,工業噪音可以通過良好的規劃和技術改進加以控制。
  • I admire your forethought. 我很佩服你的先見之明。
  • To decide with care or forethought. 仔細考慮以避免危險或傷害。
  • In life and in chess, forethought win. 生命和下象棋一樣,多想一步就會贏。
  • In the end, wisdom and forethought will win. 有了智慧和深謀遠慮,最終才會贏得勝利。
  • In life, as in chess, forethought wins. 人生如下棋,多謀得勝利。
  • In life, as in chess, forethought wins. 譯〕人生如下棋,多謀得勝利。
  • In life, as in chess, forethought wins. 人生如下棋,多思則能勝。
  • After some forethought I decided to fly. 經過先前的考慮後我決定要飛翔。
  • Prudence is a good thing; forethought is wisdom. 謹慎小心是好事;深謀遠慮是明智。
  • An empty refrigerator illustrates a lack of forethought. 空空的冰櫃說明主人缺乏先見。
  • Forethought and self-influence are part of a causal structure. 籌劃和自我影響是因果結構的組成部分。
  • A little forethought would have saved you much trouble afterwards. 如果事先稍微考慮一下的話,就會省掉你以後的許多麻煩了。
  • So it does require more planning and forethought to come out on top. 因此需要更多的計畫和深謀遠慮。
  • The headstrong impetuous man rushed into things without forethought. 這個頑固的莽漢,不預先考慮,倉促行事。
  • But with a little forethought, you can try to avoid making big mistakes. 但是稍微多考慮一下,儘量避免出大錯。
  • You can actually simplify this, too, with just a little bit of forethought. 實際上,您也可以簡化這一過程,只是需要進行一些深入的考慮。
  • The moral of this article is that a little forethought can pay off tremendously. 本文給我們的啟示是:一點點深謀遠慮可以帶來極大的回報。
  • A little forethought can go a long way toward preventing conflicts among coworkers. 一點小小的防範措施對防止同事間的衝突大有幫助。
  • That's the promise of J2EE, and it is fully realizable with some planning and forethought. 這是J2EE的承諾,而且經過一些計畫和預先考慮,這個承諾是完全可以實現的。
  • With a little forethought, you can avoid many embarrassing, annoying, and downright dangerous holiday mishaps. 伴隨一點事先考慮,你可以避免很多尷尬,煩惱,和完全危險的節日災難。
  • A: First of all, good for you for having the forethought to be concerned about issues of conduct and etiquette. 答:首先,你能有這個遠見關心行為舉止和禮節問題,這是好事。
  • Reuse always requires some forethought when creating artifacts, and this principle can be applied in test management generally. 在創建工件時,重用總是需要一些預先計畫,而且這一原則通常可以套用於測試管理。
  • But Spain's experience shows that it needs to be done with more forethought and a better assessment of costs and benefits. 但西班牙的經驗表明,它需要更多的遠見和更好的成本和效益進行評估。
  • To avoid being blindsided, be sure to apply ample forethought to the potential problem areas before taking the Ajax plunge. 為了避免盲目,請確保在採用Ajax之前對潛在的問題領域有全面的事前規劃。
  • It’s possible to make homecooked meals for your family as a working parent; it just takes a little forethought and planning. 對於上班族而言,為家裡人作一頓飯是可能的,這只需要一些提前考慮和計畫。

