



  • 外文名:forcefulness
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式音標:[ˈfɔːsflnəs]
  • 美式音標:[ˈfɔːrsflnəs]


英 [ˈfɔːsflnəs] 美 [ˈfɔːrsflnəs]
n. 有力;堅強


The forcefulness of simplicity 簡樸的力量
profoundness and forcefulness 沉鬱頓挫


  • By introducing a degree of forcefulness and humor, the machine could be presented as a vivid and unique character. 通過給它施加一定程度的意志力和幽默感,那么機器人可能就是一個活生生的、獨一無二的人物。
  • They eat different kinds of food which change into forcefulness. 他們吃的各種各樣的食物都轉化成能量。
  • Mr Obama's swipes at the company have lent him an unfamiliar air of forcefulness. 歐巴馬先生揚鞭痛笞bp公司,增添了他一種令人感到陌生的的氣勢。
  • The lions symbolize the mystery, forcefulness and brevity, and characterize the nobility and authority. 獅子代表神秘、威猛和勇敢,但也以高貴和權威為特徵。
  • These adjectives are synonymous when they refer to keenness and forcefulness of thought, expression, or intellect. 這些形容詞用以表示思想、表達或才智的尖銳有力時是同義詞。
  • Generally Speaking, Bacon's literary style has three prominent qualities: directness, terseness, and forcefulness. 一般來說,他的文章有三個突出品質:直接,簡潔,有力。
  • This reliable and precise mechanism combined the light feel of the Vienna action with the forcefulness of the English action both popular at the time. 這種可靠、精確的機械裝置結合了當時非常流行的輕柔的維也納機械裝置和強有力的英國機械裝置。
  • Mr Walcott's poetry has often possessed a clarity, an emotional forcefulness and a descriptive exuberance which has set him apart from most of the rest. 沃爾科特先生的詩歌簡潔明快、情感富於張力、敘述主題豐富,鶴立於其它詩人之上。
  • South Korea is often praised for the speed and forcefulness with which it took over failing banks and bought up bad loans following its financial crisis in 1997-98. 南韓經常因其在97-98年後金融危機後,接管倒閉銀行與購進壞賬的迅速與強力而受到讚揚。
  • This was the position taken by other ministers, too, and articulated with increasing forcefulness as the day wore on and evidence from the night's events became available. 隨著痛苦的一天慢慢逝去,人們能夠蒐集到關於那晚事件的很多證據,這樣的姿態也變得愈加清晰有力。
  • Ancient people considered door gods to be a symbol of righteousness and forcefulness as they thought those with special appearances had supernatural or uncommon abilities. 鬥神是正氣和武力的象徵,古人認門上,用以驅魔。鬥神是正氣和武力的象徵,相貌出奇的人往往具有神奇的稟性和不凡的本領。
  • In this era characterized by too much pettiness and flightiness, it is really a miracle that we should find such imposing forcefulness and artistic excellence as shown in his works. 這個時代有太多的萎瑣,也有太多的浮躁,如此大的氣勢和境界,實在少之甚少,是一個奇蹟。


