



  • 外文名:fittingly
  • 詞性:副詞
  • 英式發音:['fitiŋli]
  • 釋義:適切地,適合地


英 ['fɪtɪŋlɪ]     美 ['fɪtɪŋlɪ]
adv. 適切地;適合地


crown fittingly 恰好完成
appositely fittingly pertinently 適切


  • He closed out his career, fittingly, by hitting a home run. 他以一記本壘打恰當地結束了自己的棒球生涯。
  • We know about the benefits of eating fittingly for our physical health, but food, and cooking it, are proving to be good for our mental health as well. 我們知道合理飲食對我們的身體健康有益,但事實證明,食物和烹飪食物對我們的心理健康也有好處。
  • Sol Axelrod, 37, the manager of the Home Depot here, fittingly learned to fix his own car as a teenager, even changing the brakes. 37歲的索爾·阿克塞爾羅德是這裡家得寶的經理,他十幾歲時就學會了自己修車,甚至還學會了更換剎車。
  • Fittingly it's being delivered on Earth Day. 在地球日提出這一報告再合適不過了。
  • It was a fittingly surreal ending to the day. 真是對這一整天充滿超現實經歷的(完美)收官。
  • Fittingly, Mr Morse was in the Graham Greene room. 那會兒莫爾斯剛好在格雷安·格林曾經呆過的房間。
  • Agamemnon was fittingly called the "king of men". 把阿伽門農稱為“人類之王”是再合適不過了。
  • The restaurant is fittingly called, “Taste of Italy.” 這家飯店稱為“義大利風味”,真是名副其實。
  • Fittingly, she and Michael danced to a song called "I'll be your mirror". 當天,她和麥可也非常應景地挑選了《我願成為你的鏡子》這首歌作為跳舞伴奏曲目。
  • I completed my journey fittingly, testing Hulu on my home computer screen. 我適時地完成了我的旅程,在我家電腦螢幕上測試Hulu。
  • Fittingly for his formidable reputation, he was also known as Arthur Pendragon. 以他令人敬畏的聲名,他也被稱為亞瑟·潘德拉貢。
  • Fittingly, denizens of the space center's rocket garden are lit in the foreground. 前景是航天中心火箭園中被照亮的火箭。
  • Bad credit home equity loans can be used fittingly for the purpose of home improvement. 不良信貸資產置貸款,可以用恰當的目的家居改善。
  • BE stronger to accept fresh thing ability, and the ability fittingly apply to daily pursuit in. 有較強的接受新鮮事物能力,並能恰當的套用到日常工作中。
  • Fittingly, this Astronomy Town sky view finds a lovely part of the Milky Way near picture center. 很恰巧的是,在這幅天文城的星空影像中,銀河最美麗的區域也大約在影像中心的位置。
  • The fittingly tender title track, for example, is a heartbreaking *ditty about losing a loved one. 例如,溫柔得恰到好處的專輯同名主打歌是一首講述失去摯愛的心碎小調。
  • Nearly 40,000 light-years across, the nearby spiral is fittingly referred to as the Fireworks Galaxy. 煙花星系的螺旋近四萬光年。
  • The exclusive honor of a handful of men, for the first time here abundant but be cited proof fittingly. 少數人的專屬榮耀,第一次在這裡豐富而恰當地得到引證。
  • The stories that take place between the Episodes are now being told, fittingly, between the releases of the films. 現在在這兩集之間的發生的故事將被講述——恰逢其時地在兩部電影發布的間隙。
  • Fittingly named the Horsehead Nebula, it is some 1, 500 light-years distant, embedded in the vast Orion cloud complex. 被稱為馬頭星雲,它在1500光年遠,嵌在巨大的獵戶星雲複合體中。
  • A fittingly fearsome vessel for its deadly pilot, the Sith Infiltrator is the personal starship of Darth Maul, Dark Lord of the Sith. 可怕的飛船適合致命的飛行員,“西斯滲透者”是西斯黑暗尊主達斯·摩爾的私人星際飛船。
  • Their discussion of the Prince of Denmark fittingly takes place on Danish soil in the elegant surroundings of the ambassador's residence in London. 他們對這位丹麥王子的討論,實實在在地發生在丹麥的領土上,原來拍攝是在丹麥駐倫敦大使官邸中完成的。
  • Also known as the laryngeal prominence, the Adam's apple sits right on top of the thyroid gland, so the area is fittingly called the thyroid cartilage. 亞當的蘋果也被稱為喉結,它位於人體甲狀腺的右上方,因此喉結又被形象的稱為甲狀軟骨。
  • It is top of the Amazon chart, number three on Barnes & and most fittingly the book also tops Apple's own chart: the iTunes books best-seller list. 它也是亞馬遜(Amazon)書店的銷售榜首,巴恩書店(Barnes &排行第三名,而最為理所應當的是,這本書也占據了蘋果公司自身榜單的榜首:iTunes暢銷書排行榜冠軍。
  • The t-shirt he was wearing, fittingly, giving everything he's been through in the last few days, bearing the slogan, "Sport is more than winning or losing." 他身上穿的T恤衫很合適,上面印有“用運動不負爭勝的心”的標語,正好講述他在過去幾天所經歷的一切。
  • Barrichello's win marked the 100th by a Brazilian driver, and fittingly he dedicated it to Felipe Massa, who had advised him on racing lines only last week. 巴里·切羅贏得了所有巴西車手的第100個冠軍,並且他將這個冠軍獻給了馬薩,他在上周剛剛建議他回到賽道。
  • Sir Alex's 24th anniversary as United manager was fittingly crowned with one of the hallmarks of his remarkable reign - a winning goal deep into injury time. 弗格森爵士作為曼聯主帥的24周年紀念用一場曼聯式的勝利為自己慶祝——傷停補時的絕殺。


