- 外文名:fictional
- 詞性:形容詞
- 英式發音:[ˈfɪkʃənl]
- 美式發音:[ˈfɪkʃənl]
《Fictional Women Soldiers and Warriors, Including》是一本圖書,作者是Books, Hephaestus。內容簡介 Hephaestus Books represents a new publishing paradigm, allowing disparate content sources to be curated into cohesive, relevant, and informative books. To date, this content has been curated from Wikipedia ...
Fictional Shopkeepers 《Fictional Shopkeepers》是Books LLC, Wiki Series出版的圖書,作者是Source Wikipedia,Books, LLC
《Fictional Realism in 20th Century China》是Columbia University Press出版的圖書,作者是David Der-Wei Wang 內容簡介 王德威(David Der—wei Wang) 台灣大學外文系畢業,威斯康辛大學麥迪遜校區比較文學博士。曾任教於台灣大學、哥倫比亞大學東亞系。現任哈佛大學東亞語言及文明系Edward c.Henderson講座教授。著有...
《Fictional California》是Sufjan Stevens、Angelo De Augustine演唱的歌曲,收錄於專輯《Back to Oz / Fictional California》。歌曲歌詞 Bring it on to you hard 對你盡情揮灑 Our school spirit was defined by dance and drama 舞蹈和戲劇定義了我們的校風 The lord above will be my guide 上蒼將是我的嚮導...
《The Fictional Encyclopaedia》是2011年出版的圖書,作者是Clark, Hilary。內容簡介 First published in 1990, this work offers an analysis of the phenomenon of encyclopaedism in literature. Hilary Clark develops the theory of an encyclopaedic form in the interests of making clear distinctions between ...
Dead. Gay. Fictional 《Dead. Gay. Fictional》是由Tiffany Johnson執導的電影,由Erik Adkins、Adam Blake、Diona Elise Burnett等人主演,於2020年在美國播出。
NONFICTIONAL ROMANTIC PROSE 《NONFICTIONAL ROMANTIC PROSE》是John Benjamins Pub Co出版社出版的圖書,作者是Sondru, Steven P. (EDT)、Nemoianu, Virgil (EDT)、Gillespie, Gerald Ernest Paul (EDT)、Sondrup, Steven P. (EDT ) 。
of man-made and natural atrocities, David Der-Wei Wang argues, fiction arises to bear witness to the immemorial and unforeseeable. Beginning by examining call in 2013 to “tell the good China story,” Wang illuminates how contemporary Chinese cultural politics have taken a “fictional turn,”...
makes an original claim for the importance of his theoretical ideas as they are formed, tested, and eventually redefined in Heart of Darkness and Lord Jim. Setting the narrator's discourse in these tales in the context of the dynamic interplay of Conrad's fictional with his non-fictional ...
In British Fiction and the Production of Social Order Miranda Burgess examines what Romantic-period writers called 'romance': a hybrid genre defined by a shared role in the negotiation of conflicts between political economy and moral philosophy. Reading a broad range of fictional and ...
撒謊作文(Fictional composition),指在要求進行有真情實感的記敘文寫作或散文寫作下,學生為了與應付試卷或平時作文題目、主旨相符而故意編造、捏造作文中素材、事件的現象。撒謊作文是一種在教育中非常普遍的一種不好的現象。無中生有,反客為主,沒有的事情說成有,對於學生而言是一種對於心智的危害。成因 撒謊...
《福布斯》虛擬人物財富榜(The Forbes Fictional 15)是由《福布斯》雜誌根據在遊戲、電影等媒體中出現的虛擬人物的價值而評選出的人物,其人物財富會和當年全球經濟相掛鈎。入選排行榜的主要標準之一,就是這些角色需在現實世界中被人們所熟知,市場因素,特別是商品因素,也為排行榜的估價提供了參考。 2013年8月1日...
StarGate (簡稱:SG)(中文簡稱星門)指的是由一部1994年電影開始,並由其後繼的詳述一個精心設計的虛擬宇宙(fictional universe)作品組成的的科幻媒體授權經營(media franchise)事業。電影裡的故事在小說、2部真人演出電視劇(Stargate SG-1和Stargate Atlantis)、一部動畫系列劇(Stargate Infinity)和其他的衍生...
《Crunch and Crack, Oink and Whack!: An Onomatopoeia Story》是Brain P Cleary編著的圖書。內容簡介 Rhyming verse from Brian P. Cleary presents the fictional Clip-Clop Elementary School's celebration of "Onomatopoeia Day." Enthusiastic young students make their way from band room (Rattle! ...
seriously, brilliantly roaming across this frontier. Good nonfiction, he believes, is crafted like a whodunnit, and a skilled novelist builds precisely detailed worlds through observation and research. Taking us on a tour of his own creative method, Eco recalls how he designed his fictional realms...
《The Journal of Professor Abraham Van Helsing》是Forge Books出版的圖書,作者是Allen C. Kupfer 內容簡介 Professor Abraham Van Helsing was the fictional creation of Bram Stoker for his dark work of fantasy Dracula... or was he? Fragments of a recently discovered journal suggest otherwise. For ...
《The Shape of Things to Come》是Penguin Classics出版的圖書,作者是H. G. Wells 內容簡介 When a diplomat dies in the 1930s, he leaves behind a book of 'dream visions' he has been experiencing, detailing events that will occur on Earth for the next two hundred years. This fictional '...
'real' domestic. By recreating the structure, design, function and social significance of specific rooms and garden buildings, and the ways of life they facilitated, Domestic Space in Eighteenth-Century British Novels does more than just provides that information. This book brings the fictional ...
the development of the modern Spanish novel from 1600 to the present. Drawing on the combined legacies of Don Quijote and the traditions of the picaresque novel, these essays focus on the question of invention and experiment, on what constitutes the singular features of evolving fictional forms. ...
《rustlers of west fork, the》是1992年Bantam Books出版的圖書,作者是L'Amour, Louis。內容簡介 In this first of four classic frontier novels, Louis L'Amour adds his own special brand to the life and adventures of one of America's favorite fictional cowboys, Hopalong Cassidy. In The Rustlers ...
《Mystery at Woodhaven and Other Stories》是一本2009年出版的圖書,作者是Ehrhardt, JJ。內容簡介 The book you are holding in your hands is a compilation of short fictional stories, plus some of my inspirational poetry at the end. I have a feeling that if you purchased it you would not be ...