



  • 外文名:faction
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 釋義:派別;內訌;小集團;紀實小說
  • 英式讀音:[ˈfækʃn]


Chaos Faction 混沌大亂鬥 ; 大亂鬥
Inferno Faction 地獄種族 ; 地獄勢力 ; 煉獄勢力
Faction Wars 異族勇士 ; 幫派戰爭
Faction Respect 幫派聲望
faction faction 派別 ; 小集團
bold faction 豪放派
Faction colors 派系色彩


  • 1A breakaway faction of the rebel group has claimed responsibility for the killing.反叛團體的一個分裂出來的派別已宣稱對那次兇殺負責。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2Mr. Takeshita became the party's kingmaker, handing the largest faction over to one of his own disciples.竹下先生成為黨內決定誰能當選的關鍵人物,他將最大的派系移交至他自己的一位追隨者手中。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3A rebel faction has split away from the main group.一幫反叛者從核心組織中分裂了出去。《牛津詞典》
  • 4To what faction do I belong?我屬於哪個派別?
  • 5Red Faction: Guerrilla.我是Volition公司紅色派系:游擊隊項目的設計總監。
  • 6The country is afflicted with faction.這個國家正遭受內訌。
  • 7Chocolate improves blood vessel faction.朱古力能增加血管功能。
  • 8Each faction has a unique cultural theme.每個派系有一個獨特的文化主題。
  • 9You can choose your faction colour, and name.你可以選擇你勢力的顏色和名稱。
  • 10But the royal faction did not give up without a fight.但是王室派系並沒有不戰而降。
  • 11Many of these anxieties are expressed by the “realist faction”.許多憂慮被表達成“現實主義內訌”。
  • 12Arkath is the patron deity of the Dwarves (Fortress faction).阿爾卡斯是矮人們(堡壘勢力)的主神。
  • 13Arguments break out between different faction at the party conference.在黨的會議上不同派別之間發生了爭論。
  • 14Most animals in the game are Neutral, allowing them to work in any faction.這個遊戲中大部分的動物都是中立的,所以可以加入任何陣營中。
  • 15A group of people so powerful they're practically a faction unto themselves.組的人如此強大,他們幾乎是一個派系本身。
  • 16Everything that one faction considers bad, another faction transvalues and considers good.一派認為不好的事物,被另一派重新評判,成為了好的事物。
  • 17If you join a faction (and have enough money) you can recruit the second branch from towns.如果你加入一個派別(和有足夠的錢),您可以招募第二處的城鎮。
  • 18It is very important that players are not limited to working for only one faction at on time.這是非常重要的球員並不限於工作只有一個派別在對的時間。
  • 19Where faction is the faction name. This is the portrait for the first leader of that faction.Faction是派系的名字。這是那個派別的第一任領導人的圖像。
  • 20HOMELESS, faction-ridden and riding a losing streak, Pakistani cricket was already having a bad year.無家可歸、內訌嚴重、連遭敗績已讓巴基斯坦板球運動這一年過得並不如意。
  • 21But he left a possibility for the more moderate Fatah faction to persuade Hamas to change its mind.但是,他忽略了一個潛在的可能性,那就是更為溫和的法塔赫武裝力量會勸哈馬斯改變主意。
  • 22How many faction will Kings and Castles feature? The last video blog showed at least 5 on a concept.《國王與城堡》將會有多少個種族或派別?最近的視頻部落格中顯示最少有5個的樣子。
  • 23No, but it will be possible to learn languages and communicate with players of the opposing faction.不可以,但是玩家可以學習不同的語言,並與不同陣營的玩家交流。
  • 24As social intellectuals, we have to cooperate with one faction within the party to defeat the other faction.作為知識分子,我們得配合一派打擊另一派。
  • 25They attacked a stronghold of a clan aligned with the rival Fatah faction, and gunmen there returned fire.他們襲擊了一個和法塔赫結盟的家族的重要據點,據點內的武裝人員進行還擊。
  • 26These items have to be taken back home or destroyed, lest they fall into the hands of one faction or another.這些裝備必須被帶回國或者被銷毀,防止它們落入到對抗的一派或另一派手中。
  • 27The Fatah faction shrinks from elections, unable to agree on a leader to replace Mr Abbas, who wants to retire.法塔赫的勢力因選舉而有所減弱,無法就接替阿巴斯(想要退休)的領導人選達成一致。
  • 28Its appeal in rural areas is weak. And a smaller faction of it, led by Arthur Mutambara, has now endorsed Mr Makoni.他們在農村的吸引力很微弱,另外他們當中的一個由亞瑟·穆塔姆巴拉(Arthur Mutambara)領導的小派別已經決定支持馬科尼先生了。


