



  • 外文名:eyed
  • 詞性:形容詞、動詞、名詞
  • 英式發音:[aɪd]
  • 美式發音:[aɪd]


N-COUNT Your eyes are the parts of your body with which you see. 眼睛
V-T If you eye someone or something in a particular way, you look at them carefully in that way. 注視
V to look at in a manner indicating sexual interest; ogle 色迷迷地看; 送秋波 (Also eye up)
N-COUNT You use eye when you are talking about a person's ability to judge things or about the way in which they are considering or dealing with things. 眼光
→ see also black eye
PHRASE If you say that something happens before your eyes, in front of your eyes, or under your eyes, you are emphasizing that it happens where you can see it clearly and often implying that it is surprising or unpleasant. 在…眼前/下 [強調]
PHRASE If you cast your eye or run your eye over something, you look at it or read it quickly. 投以一瞥
PHRASE If something catches your eye, you suddenly notice it. 突然注意到
→ see also eye-catching
.PHRASE If you catch someone's eye, you do something to attract their attention, so that you can speak to them. 吸引注意
.PHRASE If you close your eyes to something bad or if you shut your eyes to it, you ignore it. 不理會某事物
.PHRASE If you cry your eyes out, you cry very hard. 痛哭 [非正式]
.PHRASE If there is something as far as the eye can see, there is a lot of it and you cannot see anything else beyond it. 視線所能及
.PHRASE If you say that someone has an eye for something, you mean that they are good at noticing it or making judgments about it. 對…有眼力; 對…有判別力
.PHRASE You use expressions such as in his eyes or to her eyes to indicate that you are reporting someone's opinion and that other people might think differently. 在某人看來
.PHRASE If you keep your eyes open or keep an eye out for someone or something, you watch for them carefully. 密切注意 [非正式]
.PHRASE If you keep an eye on something or someone, you watch them carefully, for example to make sure that they are satisfactory or safe, or not causing trouble. 照看; 留意
.PHRASE If you say that all eyes are on something or that the eyes of the world are on something, you mean that everyone is paying careful attention to it and what will happen. 眾目關注 [journalism]
.PHRASE If someone has their eye on you, they are watching you carefully to see what you do. 密切注意某人
.PHRASE If you have your eye on something, you want to have it. 看中 [非正式]
.PHRASE If you say that you did something with your eyes open or with your eyes wide open, you mean that you knew about the problems and difficulties that you were likely to have. 負責任地
.PHRASE If something opens your eyes, it makes you aware that something is different from the way that you thought it was. (開)眼界
.PHRASE If you see eye to eye with someone, you agree with them and have the same opinions and views. (與某人) 看法一致
.PHRASE When you take your eyes off the thing you have been watching or looking at, you stop looking at it. 把目光移開
. to turn a blind eye →see blind
. to feast your eyes →see feast
. in your mind's eye →see mind
N-COUNT An eye is a small metal loop that a hook fits into, as a fastening on a piece of clothing. (衣服搭扣之) 環扣
N-COUNT The eye of a needle is the small hole at one end that the thread passes through. (針) 眼
N-SINGThe eye of a storm, tornado, or hurricane is the centre of it. (暴風雨、龍捲風或颶風的) 中心; (龍捲風、颶風的) 眼


eyed boys 寵兒
Dragon Eyed 龍之眼 ; 神龍之眼
Black Eyed 黑眼豆豆 ; 黑眼珠
Eyed Turtle 眼斑龜
eyed doe 一隻眼睛的母鹿
eyed boy 睡眼惺忪的孩子
cry eyed 孫丹菲
eyed junco 暗眼燈草巫鳥
goggle eyed 眼球突出


Gloria eyed them jealously.
The cat eyed him warily.
They eyed us with alarm.


