- 外文名:examples
- 美式讀音:ɪg'zæmpl
- 釋義:例子;列證(example的複數形式)
- 詞性:名詞,動詞
Examples & Explanations 《Examples & Explanations》是一本圖書,作者是May, Christopher N.; Ides, Allan;
《Specification by Example》是Manning Publications出版的圖書,作者是Gojko Adzic 內容簡介 Summary Specification by Example is an emerging practice for creating software based on realistic examples, bridging the communication gap ...
《Proc Tabulate by Example》是Sas Inst出版的圖書,作者是Haworth, Lauren E.內容簡介 An abundance of real-world examples highlights this step-by-step guide to producing tables and reports using the TABULATE procedure. ...
straightforward book makes it easy to learn SAS programming. In an instructive and conversational tone, author Ron Cody clearly explains each programming technique and then illustrates it with one or more real-life examples,...
《Lego examples》是一款Android平台的套用。套用介紹 樂高磚都是偉大的,為所有年齡段的孩子。他們可能會失去他們的想像力在小或大的建築,動物塑像,汽車、船隻、以及各種指令。樂高磚可組裝和連線在許多方面,構建這樣的物體工具、建築物,...
development environment for the classic Smalltalk-80 programming language. This book, intended for both students and developers, will guide you gently through the language and tools by means of a series of examples and ...
comparing two means, ANOVA, and regression--this book provides an easy-to-follow, how-to approach to statistical analysis not found in other books. For each statistical task, Cody includes heavily annotated examples usi...
《現代鋼琴演奏技巧實用教程-練習譜例》是2015年上海音樂出版社出版的圖書,作者是卡琳娜 波波娃。本書講述了現代鋼琴演奏技巧分為基礎練習部分及高級練習部分,共十八章,針對練習指導冊中每一章的內容增添了與之相對應的練習曲譜,為演奏...
《Essential ASP.NET with Examples in Visual Basic.NET》是2003年2月出版的圖書,作者是Onion, Fritz。內容簡介 This book will provide the definitive resource for ASP.NET developers working in Visual Basic .NET, not just to...
Digital Signal Processing with Examples in MATLAB?, Second Edition 《Digital Signal Processing with Examples in MATLAB?, Second Edition》是2011年1月CRC出版的圖書,作者是Samuel D. Stearns。
《Microsoft[ Access 2010 Programming by Example with VBA, XML, and ASP》是一本圖書,作者是Korol, Julitta。內容簡介 With more than 275 applied examples and 10 projects, Access users can quickly build database solutions ...
body paragraph包括:paragraph A:topic sentence—1support and detail(or examples)—2support and detail(or examples)—3support and detail(or examples)—concluding sentence paragraph B:結構同A paragraph C:結構同A (...
examples examples目錄中包含了所有隨XFire二進制包發布的實例,包括這些實例的原始碼和相關Web套用配置內容。lib目錄 lib目錄中包含XFire運行所需要的外部支持類包(.jar檔案),可以根據不同項目所需的XFire特性選擇所需要的支持類包。保守...
\examples C:> javac greetings\Hi.java 由於 greetings.Hi 引用了 greetings 包中其它的類,編譯器需要找到這些其它的類。上面的示例能運行是因為預設的用戶類路徑剛好是含有包目錄的目錄。但是,假設我們想重新編譯該檔案並且不關心我們...
Examples § 5. The Cross Ratio a. The simple ratio b. The double ratio or cross ratio c. The cross ratio in circle geometry Examples CHAPTER II. THE MOEBIUS TRANSFORMATION § 6. Definition: Elementary Properties a. ...
Examples A.Domain and range B.Odd and even functions C.Composite and inverse functions Exercises 2 Function transformations Summary Examples A.Dilation, reflection and translation B.Graphs of1f(x),fx and|fx| Exercises 3 ...
1 parameter spaces: constructions and examples a parameters and moduli b construction of the hfibert scheme c tangent space to the hilbert scheme d extrinsic pathologies mumford's example other examples e dimension of the ...
1.4 Notes on examples 2 THE HOT BIG BANG COSMOLOGY 2.1 The expanding Universe 2.2 Epochs 2,3 Scales 2.4 The cosmic microwave background 2,5 Ingredients for a model of the Universe 2.6 History of our Universe ...
表率效應,英文名稱:Examples effect 社會學依據 在現實生活中,領導者總是員工目光的焦點。但是,振臂一呼,應者雲集的領導能力絕不是一個領導職位就能賦予的,沒有追隨者的領導剩下的只是職權威懾的空殼。也就是說,是追隨者成就了...
so far是一個英語辭彙,表示迄今為止的意思。如:no one has so far attempted.so far :迄今為止 Examples:1. The scientist is doing experiments no one has so far attempted.科學家們正在作一項迄今為止沒人做過的實驗。2. We...
Typical Examples Problem solving strategy Examples Questions and Problems Chapter 2 Dynamics of Particles and Systems Review of the Contents Typical Examples Problem solving strategy Examples Questions and Problems Chapter 3 Rigid ...
B.Examples:1.parallelism of words:She tried to make her pastry fluffy, sweet, and delicate.parallelism of phrases:Singing a song or writing a poem is joyous.2.parallelism of clauses:Perch are inexpensive; cod are ...
examples Ramps at A-Tech Smooth ground surfaces of entranceways, without stairs Wide interior doors and hallways Lever handles for opening doors rather than twisting knobs Light switches with large flat panels rather than ...
package examples.di;public interface Greeting { String greet();} GreetingImpl.java 問候語的實裝。package examples.di.impl;import examples.di.Greeting;public class GreetingImpl implements Greeting { public String greet() { re...
2.3.1.Examples...64 2.3.2.Constructing[f]UnderUnstructuredDomains...65 2.3.3.Constructing[f]UnderStructuredDomains...67 2.3.4.Conclusions...77 2.4.FuzzyEquivalenceRelationandHierarchy...77 2.4.1.ThePropertiesofFu...