- 外文名:estrange
- 詞性:及物動詞
- 英式發音:[ɪ'streɪn(d)ʒ; e-]
- 釋義:使疏遠;離間
1.V to separate and live apart from (one's spouse) 分居
i Estrange 形同陌路
estrange from 翻譯 ; 疏遠
estrange e 使疏遠 ; 使隔離
estrange oneself from sb 跟疏遠 ; 翻譯
Strange & estrange 使
estrange fromgeneration to the next 世代隔閡
- 1His behaviour estrange him from his brother.他的行為使他與哥哥疏遠了。
- 2Are you deliberately seeking to estrange your readers?你是不是在有意地疏遠你的讀者?
- 3Madeleine was not trying to estrange her from the Herzogs.馬德琳無意要使她和赫索格家的人疏遠。
- 4Strange estrange, I will not blame you, you have the right to choose happiness.怪天怪地,我都不會怪你,你有選擇幸福的權利。
- 5The demonization of China will estrange the Chinese from the West and place distance between peoples.妖魔化中國只會讓中國人愈發遠離西方世界,只會加劇人民間的距離。
- 6Technology does not need to estrange us from one another... the physical reality comes alive with the human stories we have told there.技術未必要讓我們彼此疏遠,正是因為有了Facebook上的那些富有人情味的故事,真實世界才顯得有生活氣息。
- 7Their specific treatment of volume, apertures, and overall geometry interested us as tools to estrange conventional ideas of residential housing.該建築在體量、孔徑和整體幾何形狀上的處理手法都激發我們有了遠離傳統住宅的想法。
- 8"Technology does not need to estrange us from one another," Cox said. "the physical reality comes alive with the human stories we have told there."“技術不會使我們彼此疏離,”考克斯說道,“當我們來到那些有故事的地點時,現實也就活靈活現了。”
- 9“Technology does not need to estrange us from one another, ” Cox said, imagining a scenario of a person going to a bar and being able to see anecdotes from friends’ earlier visits.“科技不是讓我們彼此生疏,”Cox說,想像一下這樣的場景,一個人來到一間酒吧可以看到他的朋友之前在此地發生的故事。