emotional damage

emotional damage,英語詞組,英式音標為 [ɪˈməʊʃənl ˈdæmɪdʒ] ,美式音標為 [ɪˈmoʊʃənl ˈdæmɪdʒ] ,中文意思是“精神傷害”。


  • 中文名:emotional damage
  • 別名:精神傷害
  • 英式發音: [ɪˈməʊʃənl ˈdæmɪdʒ]
  • 美式發音: [ɪˈmoʊʃənl ˈdæmɪdʒ]
  1. 1You have some serious emotional damage. 你絕對有嚴重的情傷問題。
  2. 2Various infringement methods lead to material and emotional damage. 它們的侵權手段多樣化,給權利人造成物質和精神兩方面損失。
  3. 3Experts say some people who change their skin color suffer emotional damage. 專家說一些改變皮膚顏色的人也遭受到了情感傷害。
  4. 4Your description of the emotional damage your children have suffered is disturbing indeed. 你描述的、你孩子的情感怎么怎么受到了傷害的確讓我不安。
  5. 5Emotional damage can manifest physically. 情緒傷害也可以在生理上表現出來。
  6. 6Result of Housing-Tree-Person Test suggests that the participants in intervention group were significant improved on defect sense, emotional damage and social interaction. 3. 房樹人測驗結果表明,干預組在缺陷感、情緒狀態和社會交往傾向上均有很大程度的改變。
  7. 7Some people, seriously loved once will not dare to literally love, because be afraid of, repeat, afraid of emotional damage, afraid of soul becomes more tired. 有的人,認真愛過一次以後就不敢再隨便愛了,因為怕重蹈覆轍,怕感情的傷害,怕心靈變得更累。
  8. 8Emotional damage is a very important part of tort law. The system of emotional damage has been gaining more attentions from academic circle and practice circle with more and more discussion on the subject raised. 精神損害賠償法律制度是侵權行為法的重要內容,該制度日益受到理論界和實務界的重視和矚目,有關著述也日益增多。
  9. 9I would think that a mother's first and foremost priority is to protect her children from any emotional damage, rather than using them as bargaining chips with a spouse or as props to win public sympathy. 我會認為一個母親首要的任務是要保護他們孩子的情感不受傷害,而不是利用他們作為和配偶談判的籌碼、或者是贏得眾人同情的道具。
  10. 10Excess use of your eyes ( as in close desk work) or emotional stress can damage the small intestine and heart meridians, which can create emotional imbalances. 你的眼睛過度使用(如在靠近服務台的工作)或情緒壓力會損害心臟和小腸經絡,它可以創造情緒失衡。
  11. 11The documental study before liberation showed in etiology and pathogenesis there were much deep study in physique factors, endogenous seven emotional frustrations, life damage, which is worth further studying by scientific technique. 建國以前文獻資料研究提示:在病因病機方面,對體質因素、七情致病、生活所傷的論述至深,值得藉助科技手段進行深入探討與研究。


