v. (使)嵌入, 把……插入;深信,使深留腦中;(計算機中)內置;栽種;派遣
n. 隨軍記者
1In fact, the process can embed small flaws in the genes of clones that scientists are only now discovering.事實上,這個過程可能會在克隆的基因中嵌入一些小的缺陷,而科學家們直到現在才發現這些缺陷。
2First of all, he wanted to embed in his upcoming high potentials, the user application of really advanced investment theory.首先,他想在他即將到來的高潛力中,嵌入真正先進的投資理論的用戶套用。
3Not only did they develop such a device but by the turn of the millennium they had also managed to embed it in a worldwide system accessed by billions of people every day.他們不僅開發了這樣一種設備,而且在世紀之交,他們還成功地將其嵌入到每天有數十億人訪問的全球系統中。
4Why object is better than embed?為什麼object比embed更好?
5Locate the font you wish to embed.找到你想要嵌入的字型。
6You embed the color inside a tag.還可以將顏色嵌入到一個標籤中。
7How can you best embed Flash content?怎樣才是最佳的flash嵌入方式呢?
8Listing 1 shows how to embed a command.清單1展示了如何嵌入一條命令。
9First, locate a font you wish to embed.首先,找到你想嵌入的字型。
10Why embed a language?為什麼嵌入一種語言?
11Where the font to embed is located?字型將要被嵌入的位置。
12This is pretty standard applet-embed code.這是非常標準的 Applet 嵌入代碼。
13Embed the binary data in the XML document.將二進制數據嵌入到XML文檔中。
14Insert or embed artifacts into other artifacts.向其他的工件添加或者嵌入工件。
15Embed command links in user assistance content.在用戶輔助內容中嵌入命令連結。
16We need to tweak our UI-embed code slightly.需要略微調整UI嵌入代碼。
17To embed the Crystal Report, follow these steps.按照下列步驟嵌入水晶報表。
18Do not embed functional information in the strings.不要將功能信息嵌入到字元串中。
19In an XML document, an element may embed other elements.在XML文檔中,一個元素可能嵌入其他的元素。
20You can also embed the panorama in your own website.你也可以將全景圖嵌入你的站點。
21To embed the Crystal Report, perform the following steps.要嵌入水晶報表,請按照以下步驟。
22As you hire your team, embed a culture of recruiting.在招聘你的團隊時,植入一種招聘文化。
23Next, you embed the view you created in the previous step.接下來,您將嵌入按照前面的步驟創建的視圖。
24Finally you could embed one type of document inside of another.最終你可以在一個類型的檔案中嵌入另一個。
25You can also embed test data as a property of a given test step.您也可以嵌入測試數據,以作為給定測試步驟的屬性。
26You should also embed usability engineers on the project team.您還應該在項目團隊中安插可用性工程師。
27This makes it possible to embed business logic inside the query.因此,可以將業務邏輯嵌入查詢中。
28You embed objects within other objects to form nested HTML code.在其他對象中嵌套對象以構成嵌套的HTML代碼。
29After you embed the custom function, you can use of it inside the form.嵌入了定製函式後,可以在表單內部使用它。
30The current practice is to embed authorization logic in the application.當前實踐是在應用程式中嵌入授權邏輯。