predominate /prɪˈdɒmɪˌneɪt/ ( predominating, predominated, predominates )1.V-I If one type of person or thing predominates in a group, there is more of that type of person or thing in the group ...
控制函式(dominating function)是一種特殊函式,是遞歸證明中常用的一種函式。若對某個a和任何x≥a,均有g(x)≤f(x),則稱f為g的控制函式(或稱f控制g,或f強於g)。如果Δ為一個函式集合,g為一個二元函式,若對任何f∈Δ,...
制約集(dominating set)是圖論的一個重要概念,指一個圖的特殊節點子集,設A是圖G的一個節點子集,若G的任何不在A中的節點都與A中的節點相鄰,則稱A為G的一個制約集,圖G的最小制約集的基數稱為G的制約數,也稱外固數。全制約...
4-dominating主宰比賽 5-Mega Kill殺人如麻 6-Unstoppable-無人能擋 7-Wicked Sick-變態殺戮 8-Mon(重複4次)ster Killl妖怪一樣的殺戮 9-Godlike 如同神一般的殺戮 10-Holy Shit-超越神的殺戮 其他稱號 Double Kill-雙殺-在6...
制約圈 制約圈(dominating circuit)亦稱支配圈.圖上一種特殊的圈.若圖G的不在圈C上的每條邊都與C上的某條邊相鄰,則稱C為G的制約圈.若一個制約圈C的長度為幾,則稱它為制約幾圈.
制約劃分(dominating partition)圖論的一個重要概念.指圖的節點集的一種劃分。制約劃分(dominating partition)圖論的一個重要概念.指圖的節點集的一種劃分.具體地說,一個圖C的制約劃分,就是把G的節點集分為若干個互不相交的子集,每...
獨立制約集(independent dominating set)圖論的一個重要概念.指圖的一種節點子集.具體地說,一個圖的既是獨立集又是制約集的節點子集,稱為該圖的獨立制約集.圖的最小獨立制約集的基數稱為它的獨立制約數.若圖G的節點集可以劃分為...
Many believe that there are no alternatives to globalization as we know it--with its world of giant corporations in the driving seat, dominating a "free" market in reality shaped in accordance with their dictates, and ...
《連通制約集(connected dominating set)》是圖的一種特殊制約集。具體地說,若A是圖G的制約集,且A在G中的導出子圖是連通的,則稱A是G的連通制約集.G的節點數最少的連通制約集的節點數稱為G的連通制約數.圖G的節點集若可以劃分...
s firework of a road-trip buddy comedy debut, Farah Goes Bang, had the festival circuit in a state of acclaim in 2013. Her follow-up female-driven financial drama, Equity, was no different. Next stop: dominating ...
[16] Xiaoyan Kui, Jianxin Wang*, Shigeng Zhang, Jiannong Cao. Energy Balanced Clustering Data Collection based on Dominating Set in Wireless Sensor Networks. International Journal of Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks, Vol....
Mingyu Xiao,Hiroshi Nagamochi:Exact Algorithms for Dominating Induced Matching Based on Graph Partition.CoRR abs/1408.6196(2014)Mingyu Xiao,Hiroshi Nagamochi:Exact Algorithms for Annotated Edge Dominating Set in Graphs with ...