distributivity,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“[數] 分配性;分布性;分配律”。
- 外文名:distributivity
- 詞性:名詞
- 發音:[di,stribju'tivəti]
- 釋義:[數] 分配性;分布性;分配律
distributivity,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“[數] 分配性;分布性;分配律”。
完全可分配性(completely distributivity)是數學術語。定義介紹 完全可分配性對於任意兩個集合s和W,用sw表示由W到s中的所有映射的集合.給定一個由Wxs到布爾代數B的映射,它對於每一對w,s(wEW,.sES)確定B中一個元素二二.、.考慮等式 這裡右邊的和是對所有.fES''取的.如果對於基數分別為K和幾的任意兩個集合W...
– (x + y); z = x; z + y; z (right distributivity of + over ;)– (x; y); z = x; (y; z) (associativity of sequential composition)– x k y = y k x (commutativity of parallel composition)– (x k y) k z = x k (y k z) (associativity of parallel composition)如果...
CHAPTER 1 DISTRIBUTIVITY AND QUANTIFICATION1.1 dou and all1.2 dou and quantifieCHAPTER 2 QUANTIFICATION AND PRESUPPOSITION.2.1 The Basic facts2.2 Previous approaches2.3 Interaction of dou with many and few2.4 Context dependency2.5 Accounting for dou-(disharmony)2.6 Other quantifie2.7 More ...
2. Minghui Ma and A.-V. Pietarinen. Peirce’s sequent proof of distributivity. Proceedings of ICLA 2017. Springer. To appear.3. Minghui Ma and A.-V. Pietarinen. Graphical sequent calculi for modal logics. Proceedings of Methods for Modalities 2017. To appear.4. Minghui Ma and Mihir K...
[66] Xiao-Jun Tong, Hong-Xing Li, Mian-Yun Chen and Yi Lin, Distributivity and Zadeh’s operators, Kybernetes: The International Journal of Systems & Cybernetics, 35(10), 2006, 1628-1635.[67] Song-Chol Han and Hong-Xing Li, Maximum order-index of matrices over commutative inclines: An...
8、Gang Li, Hua-Wen Liu*,Distributivity and conditional distributivity of a uninorm with continuous underlying operators over a continuous t-conorm,2016,Fuzzy Sets and Systems 9、Gang Li*, Hua-Wen Liu,Fodor Janos,On almost equitable uninorms,2016,Kybernetika 10、Gang Li*, Hua-Wen Liu,...
z,h;f)6BigCMvaluesofautomorphicGreenfunctions References SomeRecentProgressinHigherKoszulity 1Preliminaries 2HigherKoszulity 3HigherKoszulcomplexes 4HilbertandPoincareseries 5DualalgebrasandExt-algebras 6Generalizedd-Koszulmodules 7LatticedistributivityandKoszulity 8Morerelatedtopics References ...
主要學術兼職 代表性論文 Discourse-oriented Distributivity in Mandarin Chinese, North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL)-21 Proceedings. 2009.On mei ‘every’ and dou ‘all’ in Mandarin Chinese, UCL Working Paper in Linguistics (20), ISSN: 0956-7194 page 1-13. 2008.
2008,Functional quantification in distributivity and events: A view from Chinese. Paper presented at ESSLLI 2008 Workshop “What Syntax Feeds Semantics”. July 2008. Hamburg, Germany: Hambug University.研究課題 近年來主要研究課題:(1)程度語法與漢語研究;(2)多維度語義學(Multidimensional Semantics...
Complete distributivity of the lattice LC(S) of lattice-ordered semigroups, Northeast.Math.J. 12(4)(1996), 407-412.A characterization of prime and semiprime ideals of semigroups in terms of fuzzy subsets, Soochow J.Math, 27(2)(2001), 139-144.半群的模糊同餘擴張,《數學進展》2001年 第...
無限分配性(infinite distributivity)無限布爾代數中的一種運算律.設H是布爾代數B的無限子集,則下列二式在無限運算意義下成立。定義介紹 如果等式左邊是有意義的,則其右邊亦是有意義的,並且兩邊相等.但上面二式右邊有意義時,其左邊未必有意義.例如,若.x=0,則藝(.x '' u) = 0,但當Bu任八不完備時...