- 外文名:diffractometry
- 詞性:名詞
- 發音:[,difræk'tɔmitri]
- 釋義:衍射學;衍射測量
2、雷射衍射法(laser diffractometry,LD)雷射衍射粒度儀主要由光源、顆粒分散器、聚焦透鏡、探測器、計算機組成。測量時,光源發出雷射束,經過處理成為平行光,照射到待測顆粒,發生散射;顆粒的大小決定了散射光的角度,其分布則決定了散射光強度;散射光經過透鏡,被探測器檢測,並由光信號轉化為電信號;電信號經過...
3. Peter A Beckmann*, Clelia W Mallory, Frank B Mallory, Arnold L Rheingold, Xianlong Wang*. Methoxy and Methyl Group Rotation: Solid-State NMR 1H Spin-Lattice Relaxation, Electronic Structure Calculations, X-ray Diffractometry, and Scanning Electron Microscopy. ChemPhysChem, 2015, 16(7), 1509....
(4) Application of X-ray diffractometry and scanning electron microscopy to study the transformation of carnallite and thenardite to schoenite at 25 °C, Chemical Engineering Communications, 2019, 通訊作者 (5) The sensitivity of temperature to tachyhydrite formation: Evidence from evaporation ...
歸因於其分析能力,特別是精修處理超大晶體結構和不規則晶體結構的能力,TOPAS已經成為水泥界、採礦冶金、礦物分析等行業的物相分析工業標準。迄今為止,一些最大的晶體結構是用TOPAS求解出的。TOPAS 在國際粉末衍射結構協會international Structure Determination by Powder Diffractometry Round Robin 2中的表現最佳。
(5)Qinyu Hai.,Huaide Chen.,HaizhouMa.,Junliu.,Xiwei Qin.,Application of X-ray diffractometry and scanning electron microscopy to study the transformation of carnallite and thenardite at 25℃.Chemical Engineering Communications. DOI:10.1080/00986445.2019. 1575821. SCI.(6)韓積斌.,許建新.,...
王立, 方文卿, 蒲勇 et al., ZnO/AlN/Si (111) 薄膜的外延生長和性能研究 [J]. 光學學報 (10)Zheng Chang-Da, Fang Wen-Qing, Wang Li, Mo Chun-Lan et al., Misorientation and bending of ZnO films on sapphire by x-ray double crystal diffractometry. Chinese Journal of Luminescence ...
主編國際專著一部:Multi-functional Two-dimensional and Tri-dimensional X-Ray Diffractometry,Bentham Science Publishers出版社。申報國家發明專利20餘項。主講過的主幹課程2 門,其中主講過研究生主幹課程 1 門,指導16名本科生完成畢業論文。學術成果 [1] 2004.7-2005.7 中國地質大學(北京) 2004年優秀博士論文...
(8)Lab Session 3: XRay Diffractometry(XRD)(14)Lab Session 4: Atomic Force Microscopy(AFM)(21)Lab Session 5: UltravioletVisible Spectroscopy(29)Lab Session 6: Raman Spectroscopy(36)Lab Session ...