dermatology是一個英語單詞,名詞,作名詞時意為“皮膚醫學,[皮膚] 皮膚病學”。
- 外文名:dermatology
- 詞性:名詞
- 1Of or relating to or practicing dermatology.屬於、關於或從事皮膚病學的。
- 2The findings are in the journal JAMA Dermatology.研究結果刊登在《美國醫學會皮膚科》雜誌上。
- 3Dermatology is a subject which studies skin texture.皮紋學是研究皮膚紋理的科學。
- 4The findings appear in The British Journal of Dermatology.研究結果刊登於《英國皮膚病學雜誌》。
- 5The findings are in the May issue of the Archives of Dermatology.研究結果見刊於五月份的《皮膚學文獻集》雜誌上。
- 6The removal of cellulite remains one of the holy grails of cosmetic dermatology.去除脂肪團至今還是皮膚美容學上地終極目標之一。
- 7The life quality evaluation was conducted with dermatology life quality index(DLQI).採用皮膚病生活質量指數(DLQI)對患者進行生活質量評價。
- 8The findings were published online Feb. 26 in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology.這一調查結果發布在2月26日的皮膚病研究雜誌。
- 9They were attending dermatology clinics in various parts of the eastern United States.這些病人在美國東部各地區皮膚病診所接受治療。
- 10It is the largest, most influential and most representative dermatology group in the United States.它是在美國最大,最有影響,最有代表性的的皮膚科的組織。
- 11Later while working in a dermatology clinic, I met a patient suffering from hidradenitis suppurativa.之後在一個皮膚診所工作的時候,我遇到一位患化膿性汗腺炎的病人。
- 12Urticaria is a common skin mucocutaneous allergic disease in dermatology. The etiology is very complex.蕁麻疹是皮膚科較常見的皮膚黏膜過敏性疾病,它的病因複雜。
- 13It also represents a promising tool for the follow-up of other collagen-targeted therapies in dermatology.它也有望成為別的膠原靶向皮膚病治療的後續治療的工具。
- 14There is one great advantage in dermatology, namely, that of dealing with an organ that can be seen and felt.但是皮膚病學有一個巨大的優勢,那就是要處理的器官既能看到,又能捫及。
- 15The study appeared in the BritishJournal of Dermatology, which is owned by the British Associineof Dermatologists.這項研究刊登在由英國皮膚病協會主辦的英國皮膚學報。
- 16OBJECTIVE:To provide direct and high quality pharmaceutical care for out patients in the department of dermatology.目的:為皮膚科門診患者提供直接、優質的藥品保健服務。
- 17According to the American Academy of Dermatology a peak period of pediatric onset is age 11 to 12 in both boys and girls.根據美國皮膚病學會,小兒發病的高峰期是年齡,無論男孩和女孩的11至12。
- 18The results were published in 2003 in both the British Journal of Dermatology and the journal Clinical and Experimental Dermatology.這項研究結果同時刊登在《英國皮膚病學》雜誌和《臨床與試驗皮膚病學》雜誌。
- 19So parents are stuck with the current advice from the American Academy of Dermatology: Keep babies out of the sun for six months.因此家長們一直聽從美國皮膚學會當前的建議:讓嬰兒遠離陽光六個月。
- 20You can find a dermatologist in your area through your health insurance company or at the American Academy of Dermatology Web site.你可以通過你的健康保險公司或美國皮膚學學會網站找到一位在你的地區的皮膚科醫生。
- 21To ensure broad-spectrum protection, the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) recommends sunscreens with any of the following ingredients.為了確保廣譜防護,美國皮膚病協會(aad)推薦使用含有以下任何成分的防曬產品。
- 22According tothe American Academy of Dermatology, 30 million women in this countryhave hereditary hair loss, compared with 50 million men.據美國皮膚科學院的統計,美國有3千萬女性有遺傳性脫髮,而男性的統計數字為5千萬。
- 23While it seems straight from the pages of National Enquirer, the case was recently published in the scientific journal Dermatology Online.如果這個事情刊登在《國家詢問者》雜誌可能覺得沒什麼,但它最近卻被科學期刊《皮膚學線上》發表了。
- 24These results from a prospective, multicenter cohort study by French researchers were reported in the May issue of the Archives of Dermatology.這些研究結果來自法國學者進行的一項前瞻性,多中心佇列研究,相關結果發表在五月期皮膚科文獻集。
- 25The trial included patients aged 5–65 years with scabies who attended the dermatology department at the Institut d’Hygiène Sociale in Dakar, Senegal.該試驗的研究對象是在塞內加爾首都達喀爾的社區衛生保健站皮膚科看病的5至65歲的疥瘡患者。
- 26"I'm big on simplifying everything," said Dr. Jeffrey S. Dover, an associate clinical professor of dermatology at Yale University School of Medicine.“我很喜歡簡化一切,”耶魯大學醫學院皮膚科臨床副教授傑弗里·斯多佛博士如是說。
- 27She cites a study presented at the World Congress of Dermatology that she claims showed that pentapeptides reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles.她引用了世界皮膚病學會議的一個研究,她聲稱研究顯示五肽可以減少細紋和褶皺的出現。
- 28The American Academy of Dermatology criticized the analysis because the data was from research conducted on mice, and it’s unclear if it’s applicable to humans.美國皮膚科學會對這個分析報告指出批評,因為數據是來源於在老鼠身上做的研究,並不清楚是否適用於人。