- 外文名:dermatological
- 詞性:形容詞
- 發音:[ˌdɜːrmətəˈlɑːdʒɪkl]
- 釋義:皮膚病學的
Dermatological Health期刊是由澳大利亞百圖科學出版社(Bio-Byword Scientific Publishing)主導創辦,美國南加州大學皮膚科Shauna Higgins教授和昆明醫科大學第一附屬醫院李賀教授共同擔任主編。DH期刊截至2024年1月12日已有編委成員9人,分別來自美國、中國、澳在利亞等,本刊還在大量招募編委成員,望各學者專家積極參與。欄目...
Chapter 1 Dermatological Introduction Chapter 2 The Skin:Basic Structure 2. 1 Epidermis 2. 2 Dermis 2.3 Subcutaneous Tissue 2.4 Cutaneous Appendages 2.5 The Nerves,Vessels,and Muscles of the Skin Chapter 3 Functions of Skin 3.1 Skin Barrier Function 3.2 Skin Absorptive Function 3.3 Skin ...
D : DERMATOLOGICAL 專注皮膚 S : SOLUTIONS 解決方案 管理團隊 Janifer Yeo-Tan 女士 - 聯合創始人兼執行長 SK Tan 博士 - 聯合創始人兼首席科學官 品牌地址 中國總部:海南省海口市龍華區濱海大道115號HSF海墾國際金融中心3A層3A16 室 商標概況 申請/註冊號:G1365272;申請日期:2017年09月14日;國際...
Cynosure,Inc生產廠地址(中文)5 Carlisle Road, Westford, MA 01886, USA 生產場所5 Carlisle Road, Westford, MA 01886, USA生產國(中文)美國 產品名稱(中文)皮膚雷射治療儀產品名稱(英文)Dermatological Laser 規格型號Elite, Apogee, Acclaim產品標準進口產品註冊標準 YZB/USA 3782-2011《皮膚雷射治療儀》
Active C 是第一個以5%純左旋維他命C所著稱具活性且穩定的“皮膚醫學皺紋修正劑”。(dermatological wrinkle corrector);5%是真皮對維他命C具最佳生物利用率所需的濃度;例如:理膚泉的抗老化系列產品就是藉由Active C進入抗老化(anti-ageing)產品市場抗皺紋(anti-wrinkle)部分的;Active C提供消費者一種可每日...
史提芬強生症候群構成dermatological emergency,治療第一步是要立即停止所有造成它過敏的藥物。記錄上類菌質體感染患者可用口服的大環內酯類抗生素或口服的強力黴素來治療。最初,治療把方法與被熱燒傷的病人相似,和繼續護理的只有支持(例如:靜脈治療及鼻胃管或腸道餵養)和根據症狀(例如:用含鎮痛藥的漱口水治療口腔...
歐洲皮膚科學院(European Dermatological Science Institute,簡稱:EDSI):歐洲皮膚科學院致力於皮膚科學的研究和教育。歐洲聯合大學皮膚科學院研究皮膚的正常和病理生理學,以及開發新的診斷和治療方法。通過與業界合作,學院也推動了皮膚護理和美容產品的創新和開發。學院及專業 數理學院(College of Mathematics and ...
main sponsors for the United States Association of Dermatology Association and the American Association of plastic surgery. The first president of the United States by former president of the United States of America Dermatological Association, the association of plastic surgery former chairman Dr.Claud ...
doctor. 智慧型計算機很快將會成為每位醫生必不可少的診斷工具。3、Consequently, even though the machine is expensive, a dermatological clinic in Westville is considering buying one to reduce diagnostic costs. 因此,儘管這台機器很貴,韋斯特維爾的一家皮膚科診所仍在考慮購買一台,以降低診斷費用。
-agriculture)、環境治理(Bioremediation)、護膚(Dermatologicals)、保健(Nutraceuticals)及醫療(Pharmaceuticals)。 長江生命科技於2002年於香港聯合交易所的創業板上市。長實並持有一系列的信息科技及網際網路有關投資項目,包括:TOM集團有限公司、iMarketsLimited、匯網集團有限公司、Critical Path, Inc、志鴻科技國際...
dermatological aetiology[皮膚] 皮膚病病因學 雙語例句 Further field and laboratory investigations are being performed to identify the aetiology.正在開展進一步現場和實驗室調查以查明病因。Objective To study the aetiology and epidemiology of tick borne spotted fever in northeastern area.目的對我國東北地區蜱傳...
17Consequently, even though the machine is expensive, a dermatological clinic in Westville is considering buying one to reduce diagnostic costs.因此,儘管這台機器很貴,韋斯特維爾的一家皮膚科診所仍在考慮購買一台,以降低診斷費用。18Their success may be determined by a suit related to this issue, ...
CHAPTER 6 DERMATOLOGICAL DISEASES 1. Alopecia 2. Alopecia Areata 3. Grey Hair 4. Dandruff 5. Folliculitis 6. Eyebrow Defect 7. Acne Rosacea (Brandy Nose)8. Tinea (Ringworm)9. Psoriasis 10. Dermatitis 11. Cutaneous Pruritus 12. Urticaria 13. Eczema 14. Vitiligo 15. Tinea Versicolor 16. ...
Nine Surgical diseases List Ten Gynaecological diseases List Eleven Pediatric diseases List Twelve Ophthalmic Diseases List Thirteen Otorhinolaryngological Diseases List Fourteen Anal andrectal diseases List Fifteen Dermatological diseases List Sixteen TCM orthopedics diseases 參考文獻 ...
4.Dihydroartemisinin inhibits melanoma by regulating CTL/Treg anti-tumor immunity and STAT3-mediated apoptosis via IL-10 dependent manner. Journal of Dermatological Science, IF=3.87, 二區, 2020, 通訊作者 5.雙氫青蒿素通過抑制角質形成細胞的增殖和促炎因子的產生改善小鼠銀屑病樣皮膚炎症,中國免疫學雜誌...
16.皮膚科用藥DERMATOLOGICALS 17.眼科用藥0PHTHALMIC PREPARATIONS 18.耳鼻喉及口腔科用藥EAR,NOSE,THROATAND DENTALPREPARATIONS 19.抗寄生蟲藥ANTIPARASITICS 20.其他藥物MISCELLANEOUS 第二章 藥物名稱索引 中文名稱索引 英文名稱索引 第三章 藥物專論 第四章 附錄 縮略語對照表 部分藥物新劑型介紹 FDA妊娠安全...
他還同時擔任30 本以上國際專業科技雜誌的編輯和評審, 例如《Archives ofDermatological Research》, 《Drugs》,《Contact Dermatitis 》,《Clinical Toxicology》,《Dermatology》,《Core Journals in Dermatology》, 《International Journal of Dermatology》,《International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics...
· Life Member of the Dermatological Societyof Singapore[新加坡皮膚病學會終身會員]· Fellow, American Academy of Dermatology,USA[美國皮膚病科學院資深會員(美國)]· 4 European Congress ofAesthetic Medicine [第四屆歐洲醫學美容大會]· 6 Congress of the SwissSociety of Aesthetic Medicine [瑞士醫學美容...
6.Small Intestine 7.Kidney 8.Bladder 9.Pericardium 10.Sanjiao 11.Liver 12.Gallbladder ……PART B Chapter Ⅰ Internal Diseases Chapter Ⅱ Gynecological Diseases Chapter Ⅲ Pediatric Diseases Chapter Ⅳ Diseases of The Eye,Ear,Nose and Throat Chapter Ⅴ Dermatological and Other Diseases Index ...
Travel grant, ESDR ( European Society for Dermatological Research), 1998 Research Grant Award , Chicago Dermatological Society, 1997 Albert and Mary Slepyan Fellowship, University of Illinois at Chicago, 1997 Best Paper (2nd Prize), International League of Somatic Scientists, United States, ...
北京醫學會皮膚性病學分會青年委員會副主任委員,中國醫療保健國際交流促進會皮膚科分會皮膚影像學組組長,中華醫學會皮膚性病學分會美容學組委員,《協和醫學雜誌》編委,Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology(JAAD),BritishJournal of Dermatology(BJD),Archives of Dermatological Research(AODR),...
2、 撥付7,900,000.00美元資助高級皮膚病理學研究,主要針對早期診斷及降低疾病擴散性的療法、及時防護與治癒。(Committed $7.9 million to advance dermatological research — the key to earlier diagnosis, less invasive therapies and, in time, prevention and cure.)3、 免費向12000000萬名兒童、教師及...
Journal of Dermatological Science、Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology等學術期刊審稿人 研究課題 [1] 主持國家自然科學基金,項目名稱:納豆激酶分子內分子伴侶與成熟肽斷裂的分子機理研究,項目號:31501415.[2] 主持北京市屬高校青年拔尖人才項目,項目號:CIT&TCD201804027.[3] 主持北京市教委科研計畫面上項目,項目...
Res. doi:10.1111/j.1755-148X.2009.00644.x Dan Xu,Ruihong Yuan,Hua Gu,Tongyun Liu,Ying Tu,Zhi Yang, Li He*.Theeffect of ultraviolet radiation on transforming growth factor beta1/Smad pathway and p53 inactinic keratosis and normal skin.Archives of Dermatological Research,Dol 10.1007/s ...
1.4 皮膚既往症狀 Dermatological historical signs 1.4.1 瘙癢 Pruritus 1.5 神經系統既往症狀 Neurological historical signs 1.5.1 抽搐 Seizures 1.5.2 震顫/發抖 Trembling/shivering 1.5.3 共濟失調/意識性本體感受缺失 Ataxia/conscious proprioceptive deficits 1.5.4 輕癱/癱瘓 Paresis/paralysis 1.5....
任Journal of Investigative Dermatology、 Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology、British Journal of Dermatology、Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology、Archives of Dermatological Research、European Journal of Dermatology、《中華醫學雜誌》、《中華皮膚科雜誌》等雜誌審稿專家。主持...
Melons, fruits and vegetables can be used for prevention andtreatment of various diseases. The recipes, both ancient and modem,contained in this book have been proved to be effective for treating more than 100 diseases in the medical, surgical, gynecological, pediatric, dermatological and ENT ...