- 外文名:deprecate
- 詞性:及物動詞
- 英式發音:[ˈdeprəkeɪt]
- 美式發音:[ˈdeprəkeɪt]
- 釋義:反對;抨擊;輕視;聲明不贊成
- 1You should not deprecate your own worth.你不應該貶低你自己的價值。
- 2Remove or deprecate those features that are not widely implemented.移除或者建議不使用那些沒有被廣泛實現的或者會不適當影響互操作的特性。
- 3Some of these, in turn , deprecate the term human resources as useless.因此,其中也有些認為人力資源這個詞語毫無用處。
- 4Some of these, in turn, deprecate the term "human resources" as useless.因此,其中也有些認為人力資源這個詞語毫無用處。
- 5The wise person does not deprecate life nor does he fear the cessation of life.智者既不會藐視生命,也不會懼怕死亡。
- 6As a lawyer, I would deprecate any sort of legal control on gene therapy at this stage.作為律師,我會反對在現階段對基因療法進行任何形式的法律管制。
- 7Luckily, future versions of WebSphere Portal will likely deprecate server-side processing.幸運的是,WebSphere Portal未來的版本將有可能建議不要使用伺服器端處理。
- 8So I wonder why people still look for reasons and justifications, why the even deprecate it.因此,我疑惑是為什麼人們依舊尋找理由與辯解,為什麼從未反對過這種觀點。
- 9His success in the recent series of competitions made his opponents no longer deprecate him.他在最近的一系列比賽中連連得勝,令他的對手不敢再輕視他。
- 10The W3C should address the needs of working developers and deprecate a bad spec when required.W3C 應滿足在職開發人員的需求,在必要時取締一種失敗的規範。
- 11Yet in many ways, Machiavelli proceeds to deprecate the virtues of the nobility, perhaps to our surprise.然而在很多方面,馬基雅維利卻抨擊,貴族階級的所謂美德,或許這令我們很驚訝。
- 12The souls don't have the right to deprecate other souls. It seems likes that human can't deprecate life and universe.靈魂,沒有藐視靈魂的權利,就如同人無法藐視生命、藐視宇宙。
- 13All these reason, and the lack of volunteers willing to work with the Dojo tags have forced us to deprecate the Ajax tags.由於以上原因和缺少處理Dojo標籤的志願者,我們不得不減少對Ajax標籤的關注。
- 14These sites will transition their local repositories to the regional hub and deprecate their local ClearCase and ClearQuest servers.這些站點會將本地存儲庫轉移至區域性軸心,並分解本地的ClearCase與ClearQuest伺服器。