



  • 外文名:denser
  • 詞性:形容詞、名詞
  • 英式音標:[dens]
  • 美式音標:[dens]


英 [dens]     美 [dens]
adj. 密集的;濃厚的(dense 的比較級
n. (Denser)人名;(英)登澤


optically denser medium [光] 光密介質 ; 光密媒質 ; 翻譯
denser medium 光密媒質
Denser than air 比空氣重
optically y denser medium 光密介質
optically denser meduium 光從光密媒質
denser grid 加密格線
Even Denser 甚至更密
Denser J H 名稱
J H Denser 標籤


  • You see, the denser the medium, the faster sound travels. 如你所見,介質越密集,聲音傳播就越快。
  • Competition is usually the more severe the denser the population. 通常是人口越密集,競爭越激烈
  • Late growth wood is denser, less porous. 晚生木材密度大,沒有那么多孔。
  • The denser layers are generally darker than the less dense layers. 較緊密的木層比較疏鬆的木層顏色更深。
  • He travelled on and on; but the farther he went, the denser the wood became, apparently. 他走啊走;但他走得越遠,樹林就顯得越密。
  • As the air space around them is lessened by compaction and melting, the grains become denser. 由於它們周圍的空氣被壓縮、融化而逐漸減少,顆粒變得更加密集了。
  • Silicates such as mineral quartz drifted downward and mixed with denser materials as they reached Earth's core. 石英等矽酸鹽向下漂移,在到達地核時與密度更大的物質混合。
  • All are slowly moving because the plates float on a denser semi-liquid mantle, the layer between the crust and Earth's core. 所有板塊都在緩慢移動,因為它們漂浮在密度更大的半液態地幔上,也就是地殼和地核之間的那一層。
  • All are slowly moving because the plates float on a denser sem-iliquid mantle, the layer between the crust and Earth's core. 所有板塊都在緩慢移動,因為它們漂浮在密度更大的半流體地幔上,也就是地殼和地核之間的那一層。
  • The oceanic plate is made of denser and heavier rock, so it begins to sink down under the continental plate and into the mantle. 海洋板塊是由密度更大、更重的岩石構成的,所以它開始下沉到大陸板塊之下,到地幔之中。
  • An alternative theory is that the sinking part of the plate, which is denser than the hotter surrounding mantle, pulls the rest of the plate after it. 另一種理論是,板塊下沉部分的密度大於周圍較熱的地幔,將板塊的其餘部分拉在後面。
  • The very nature of the initial slash-and-burn agriculture encouraged a further dependence on agriculture and the aggregation of people into denser settlements. 最初的刀耕火種式農業的本質鼓勵人們進一步依賴農業,並促使人們聚集到人口更密集的居住區。
  • As the brain attempts to force the unsteady hand to do its bidding, the tension between the two results in a more compressed, psychologically denser expression. 當大腦試圖逼迫不穩定的手去完成任務時,兩者之間的緊張關係導致的結果是更加精簡、心理上更加難懂的表達。
  • Why, for example, is Mercury so much denser than Earth, Venus and Mars? 例如,水星的密度比地球、金星和火星大嗎?
  • Hardwoods, as their name suggests, tend to be denser and more durable than softwoods. 如名所示,硬木和軟木相比密度更大,也更加耐用。
  • With spectrum tight, big operators say they must build denser networks than they might otherwise. 而由於頻譜資源有限,大移動運營商稱必須構建更為密集的網路,而他們本來不打算這么做。
  • As the crowd starts to get denser, it spontaneously organizes itself into what we call rivers. 但當人群開始變得很擁擠,它就會自發地形成我們所說的人流。
  • In the process they recreated the densest material ever observed - only black holes are denser. 在這個過程中,他們再現了這種迄今所能觀測到的密度最大的物質——只有黑洞比它密度更大。
  • If you prefer a denser view all the time, you can change your density manually in the Settings menu. 若您總是青睞密集的視圖,您可以在設定選單里手動調節密度。
  • Songbird bones may be hollow, but they're actually denser than the bones of mammals of the same size. 鳴鳥的骨頭可能是中空的,但是它們實際上比相同大小的哺乳動物的骨頭的密度要大得多。
  • It also found that "divorcees have denser social networks and are much more likely to remarry other divorcees". 研究還發現離了婚的人有密集的社會關係網路,並且更可能與其他離了婚的人再婚。
  • In fact, you may gain a few pounds early on as you lose fat but add muscle, which is denser and heavier than fat. 事實上,在跑步的初期,你的體重有可能增加幾磅,這是因為脂肪變成更緻密、更有分量的肌肉。
  • He notes that many species of algae pack a far denser punch energy-wise than the plants now used as energy crops. 他注意到許多種海藻與現在用來作為生物能源作物的植物品種相比,可壓榨出能源的濃度要高出許多。
  • Denser tissue, such as cancer, appears bright and white, whereas less dense tissue, such as fat, appears dark or gray. 癌症之類的更緻密的組織會顯示為光亮的和白色的,反之脂肪之類沒那么緻密的組織就顯示成黑暗的或灰的。
  • I worked my hands over the shorter, denser fur of the animal's legs and ribs, but I couldn't find any broken bones. 我用手摸索著麋鹿腿部和肋骨處又短又密的皮毛,但是找不到任何骨折的地方。


