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英 [dɪˈkɔɪ] 美 [dɪˈkɔɪ]
n. 誘餌;誘騙
vt. 誘騙
vi. 被誘
[ 複數 decoys 第三人稱單數 decoys 現在分詞 decoying 過去式 decoyed 過去分詞 decoyed ]


Decoy effect 誘餌效應 ; 釣餌效應
decoy receptor 誘騙受體 ; 誘餌受體 ; 餌受體 ; 受體
decoy target [軍] 假目標
decoy ODNs 核苷酸 ; 本實驗套用誘騙寡核苷酸 ; 誘騙寡核苷酸 ; 目的檢驗誘騙寡核苷酸
decoy ODN 寡核苷酸 ; 圈套寡脫氧核苷酸 ; 誘騙性寡脫氧核苷酸 ; 誘殺寡脫氧核苷酸
Lethal Decoy 致命誘餌 ; 致命釣餌
Golden Decoy 敵蠅混劑
optical decoy 光假目標 ; 光學數據處理機


  • You will play decoy whilst I beg. 我去乞討,你來當誘餌。
  • Marketing professors call it the decoy effect, which is certainly easier to remember. 行銷學教授稱之為誘餌效應,這名字肯定更容易記。
  • The decoy effect works because of the way our brains assign value when making choices. 誘餌效應起作用是因為我們大腦在做選擇時會確定選擇的價值。
  • I need you to be my decoy again. 我要你再做一次我的替身。
  • The other three are called decoy receptors. 剩餘三種類型的蛋白稱為誘餌受體。
  • The girls decoy more easily than most other children. 這些女孩比其他大多數孩子們更容易被誘騙。
  • He used a whistle to decoy the birds within range. 他用口哨把鳥群誘至射程內。
  • It's just a decoy , a facade, so we'll leave her alone. 那只是一個假象, 一個外表,所以我們要讓她一個人呆著。
  • Areyou there, or are you just a decoy dream in my head? 你真的就在那兒嗎,還是你僅僅是我腦海中誘惑我的夢?
  • The multiple IR decoy is one of the new IR countermeasures. 多元紅外誘餌干擾技術是一種新的紅外對抗手段。
  • Looking for an inconspicuous decoy to get you past the patrol? 想找一種不起眼的誘餌幫你擺脫那些警衛么?
  • The use of Ozawa's impotent carriers as a decoy force was brilliant. 利用小澤那幾條脆弱的航空母艦作為一支誘敵艦隊,這個戰略也是十分巧妙的。
  • He was booked on a flight leaving that day, but that was just a decoy. 他訂了那天起飛的航班,但那不過是個誘餌。
  • IR pyrotechnic materials are the important components of IR decoy flare. 紅外煙火劑是紅外干擾彈的重要組成部分。
  • IR active jamming technology includes IR decoy, IR jammer, DIRCM laser blinding, etc. 紅外有源干擾技術包括紅外干擾彈、紅外干擾機、定向紅外對抗和雷射致盲等。
  • A decoy used in catching animals, especially an artificial bait used in catching fish. 誘餌,圇子:用來捕捉動物的誘餌,尤指用來捕捉魚的人造誘餌。
  • A decoy used in catching animals, especially an artificial bait used in catching fish. 誘餌,圇子用來捕捉動物的誘餌,尤指用來捕捉魚的人造誘餌。
  • Nick acted as a decoy after the dog attacked a group of children swimming in the river. 那隻狗攻擊了在河裡游泳的一群孩子後,尼克作誘餌要將其捉住。
  • Decoy offensive: This ruse allows the player to create decoy units to simulate an army. 自動式誘餌:這計謀允許玩家建立誘餌單位去冒充一支武裝力氣。
  • Decoy units are produced and then launched in the this sector in order to simulate an attack. 創造並指示誘餌單位攻擊,以便假裝一次襲擊。
  • Radar system is deceived by active radar decoy which simulate echoed signals of real targets. 有源雷達誘餌通過模擬真實目標的回波信號,對敵方雷達系統進行欺騙干擾。
  • The third option was a decoy, similar to one of the good options, but obviously not quite as good. 第三個地點是一個對比地點,與兩個地點中好的一面相似,但是明顯不像上面那么好。
  • Strange to say what delight we marry people have to see these poor fool decoy into our condition. 說也奇怪,我們這些已婚的人,是多么高興看到那些可憐蟲被引誘進我們的處境啊。
  • The puzzled officer demanded to know how could that be. The driver replied, "Tonight I'm the designated decoy!" 測試的結果是零,於是困惑的警察問他是為什麼,司機說:“今晚他們派我當誘餌。”
  • When traditional towed radar active decoy (trad) is against a missile seeker system, the jamming efficiency is restricted. 傳統的拖曳式雷達有源誘餌對抗導引頭跟蹤系統,其干擾效能受到限制。
  • When scientists infected the modified birds with lethal doses of H5N1, the virus latched onto the decoy form of polymerase. 當科學家給改造過的雞注射致命量的H5N1病毒後,病毒會依附在假聚合酶上。


