Data Foundry成立於1994年,是聖安東尼奧第一家,也是全美成立前五十家的網路服務提供商之一, 是全美最老牌最具有主機託管經驗的機房之一。Data Foundry機房提供值得信賴的批發和零售數據中心外包,託管以及數據恢復等服務。公司為客戶提供安全優質的伺服器與設備,並提供應急工作區和運營商中立託管等服務,為客戶提供365天24小時全天候現場專業技術支持和客服服務。Data Foundry為超過1000家的企業用戶提供服務支持,橫跨能源,醫療和金融等產業。如今,Data Foundry已經在奧斯汀和休斯敦建立了數據中心,並在奧斯汀,休斯敦,聖安東尼奧和達拉斯都擁有自己的專屬網路。
Texas1數據中心建立於2011年,是一座運營商中立託管的250,000平方英尺的數據中心。坐落於占地40畝的Data Ranch科技園,是Data Foundry機房中的領頭軍。Texas1和Data Ranch園區位於奧斯汀,在批發和零售數據外包,場地租賃以及數據恢復等服務領域處於市場領先地位。由兩處獨立的變電站直接供電,連結超過17家光纖服務商,Texas1是目前在德克薩斯州最穩定,速度最快,數據安全性最佳,數據恢復最可靠的數據中心。
Since 1994…
Data Foundry provides comprehensive wholesale and retail data center outsourcing, colocation, and disaster recovery services. The company provides its customers with secure premium facilities for servers and equipment, emergency workspace and carrier-neutral network accessibility, supported by experienced onsite technicians and customer support 24/7/365. The company supports more than 1,000 enterprise customers across a variety of industries including energy, healthcare and financial services. Founded in 1994, Data Foundry was the first Internet Service Provider in San Antonio and one of the first 50 Internet Service Providers in the United States. Today, Data Foundry operates data centers in Austin and Houston and owns private networks in Austin, Houston, San Antonio and Dallas.
Texas1…The Difference is in the Details
Built in 2011, Texas 1 is Data Foundry’s flagship, carrier-neutral, 250,000 SF data center located at the 40 acre Data Ranch development. Texas 1 and the Data Ranch campus has established Austin as a leading market for wholesale and retail data center outsourcing, colocation and disaster recovery services. Powered by two independent substations and connected to over 17 fiber providers, Texas 1 is the most redundant, connected, and secure data center and disaster recovery solution available in Texas.