- 外文名:cytology
- 詞性:名詞
女性生殖器官由外陰、陰道、子宮、輸卵管和卵巢組成。女性生殖道細胞學檢查(cytology of female genital tract examination)主要用於女性生殖系統惡性腫瘤的篩查和療效觀察和反映體內性激素水平。參考區間 未找到腫瘤細胞,或細胞學1級或2級...
尿細胞學 尿細胞學(urinary cytology)是1995年公布的醫學名詞。公布時間 1995年,經全國科學技術名詞審定委員會審定發布。出處 《醫學名詞 第四分冊》
腦脊液細胞學 腦脊液細胞學(cerebrospinal fluid cytology)是2020年公布的神經病學名詞。定義 觀察腦脊液細胞分類和形態等的細胞學技術。對診斷中樞神經系統炎性疾病、感染和腫瘤等有幫助。出處 《神經病學名詞》第一版。
1.N the disintegration of a cell nucleus, which occurs on death of the cell 細胞核溶解; 導致細胞死亡 [cytology]雙語例句 Severe nuclear damage indicated by pyknosis and karyolysis are customarily taken as evidence of ...
required to have aprelinunary understanding of various plant groups and theirrelationships. These will lay a foundation for students to learn PlantTaxonomy, Plant Physiology, Plant Ecology, Plant Resources,Genetics, Cytology, ...
細針吸取細胞學(fine needle aspiration cytology,FNAC),又稱針吸細胞學,是通過細針穿刺病灶,吸取少許細胞成分作塗片檢查的一種細胞學診斷方法。所吸取的細胞是人為的"脫落細胞",有時可同時吸取少許組織,這種方法有獨特的優點,已...
Polycythemia Vera and Erythrocytosis Cytology of Organ Biopsies and Exudates Lymph Node Cytology Branchial Cysts and Bronchoalveolar lavage Cytology of Pleural Effusions and Ascites Cytology of Cerebrospinal Fluid References Index ...
印片細胞學 印片細胞學(touch imprint cytology)是2018年全國科學技術名詞審定委員會公布的核醫學名詞。定義 將標本切開、用玻片接觸可疑組織製成印片後用光學顯微鏡直接觀察的一種快速細胞學檢查。出處 《核醫學名詞》第一版。
; 粗絲期 ; 粗線期 pachytene chromosome 粗線期染色體 early pachytene 早粗線期 pachytene karyotype 粗線期核型 Pachytene bivalents 二價染色體 ; 條粗線期 pachytene cytology 粗線期細胞學 pachytene dna 粗線期DNA ...
1.N the dissolution of stained material, such as chromatin in injured cells 染色質溶解 [cytology]短語搭配 central chromatolysis 體溶解 ; 中央性尼氏小體溶解 ; 色質溶解 peripheral chromatolysis 染色質溶解 ...
of chromosome number. Including two types of haploid and polyploid changes the whole times, polyploid types, in general, and also includes autopolyploid allopolyploid. a variety of whole-fold variation, both in cytology and...
計算機輔助細胞學檢查(computer-assisted cytology test)是2019年公布的計畫生育名詞。定義 利用計算機及神經網路軟體對細胞塗片進行自動掃描、讀片、篩查,最後由細胞學專業人員做出最後診斷的一種技術。在宮頸癌早期診斷中得到廣泛套用。出處...
1.N the coiled mass of threads visible within a nucleus at the start of cell division 染色絲 [cytology]短語搭配 chromonema aberration 染色體畸變 chromonema theory 染色絲說 chromonema a 染色線 ; 染色絲 ...
1.N the cross-shaped connection produced by the crossing over of pairing chromosomes during meiosis 染色體交叉 [cytology]短語搭配 chromosomal chiasma 染色體交叉 lateral chiasma 側交叉 dimorphic chiasma 雙型視神經交叉 phasic ...