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  • 外文名:crossed
  • 詞性:形容詞、動詞
  • 英式發音:[krɒst]
  • 美式發音:[krɔs]


cross /krɒs/ CET4 TEM4 ( crossing, crossed, crosses )
cross /krɒs/ ( crosser, crossest )
1.V-T/V-I If you cross something such as a room, a road, or an area of land or water, you move or travel to the other side of it. If you cross to a place, you move or travel over a room, road, or area of land or water in order to reach that place. 穿過; 穿過去
2.V-T A road, railway, or bridge that crosses an area of land or water passes over it. 橫跨
3.V-T If someone or something crosses a limit or boundary, for example, the limit of acceptable behaviour, they go beyond it. 越過 (可以被容忍的限度)
4.V-T If an expression crosses someone's face, it appears briefly on their face. 閃過 [書面]
5.V-T If you cross your arms, legs, or fingers, you put one of them on top of the other. 交叉
6.V-RECIP Lines or roads that cross meet and go across each other. 相交
7.N-COUNT A cross is a shape that consists of a vertical line or piece with a shorter horizontal line or piece across it. It is the most important Christian symbol. 十字架 (基督教最重要的標誌)
8.N-COUNT A cross is a written mark in the shape of an X. You can use it, for example, to indicate that an answer to a question is wrong, to mark the position of something on a map, or to indicate your vote on a ballot. 叉形記號 (X)
9.N-COUNT In some team sports such as football and hockey, a cross is the passing of the ball from the side of the field to a player in the centre, usually in front of the goal. (足球、曲棍球等的) 橫傳
10.N-SING Something that is a cross between two things is neither one thing nor the other, but a mixture of both. 混合物
11.ADJ A cross street is a road that crosses another more important road. (與主要道路) 交叉的 [美國英語][ADJ n]
12. → see also crossing
13. to cross your fingers →see finger
14. cross my heart →see heart
15. to cross your mind →see mind
16. to cross swords →see sword
1.ADJ Someone who is cross is angry or irritated. 憤怒的
2. crossly ADV 憤怒地 [ADV with v]


Crossed Lines 命運呼叫轉移
crossed belt[機] 交叉皮帶 ; 合帶
crossed immunoelectrophoresis[免疫] 交叉免疫電泳 ; 交叉免疫電泳
crossed antenna 交叉天線 ; 交織天線
crossed hemiplegia 交叉性偏癱 ; 交叉性癱瘓 ; 愀
crossed brackets 交叉括弧
crossed sensitization 交叉致敏
crossed shed[紡] 絞經梭口 ; 交叉開口
crossed transactions 交叉型溝通 ; 交叉溝通


