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  • 外文名:corona
  • 英式音標:[kəˈrəʊnə]
  • 美式音標:[kəˈroʊnə]
  • 詞性名詞


英 [kəˈrəʊnə] 美 [kəˈroʊnə]


  • n. (尤指在日蝕或月蝕期間的)日冕,日華,月華;冠,冠狀部位;(物理)電暈(=corona discharge);(教堂的)環形吊燈;(建築)挑檐滴水板;(Corona)科羅納(美國城市名)
  • 【名】 (Corona)(羅、葡、西、意、英)科羅納,科羅娜(人名)
  • 複數: coronas coronae


solar corona:[天文]日冕
corona discharge:電暈放電
galactic corona:銀河暈 ; [天] 星系冕


  • The disease is caused by a newly-found type of corona-virus. 這種疾病是由一種新發現的冠狀病毒引起的。youdao
  • We have found seven types of corona-virus that can infect humans so far. 到目前為止,我們已經發現了七種可以感染人類的冠狀病毒。youdao
  • During this Spring Festival, the city received much attention because of a novel corona virus. 今年春節期間,這座城市因為新冠病毒而獲得許多關注。youdao
  • Some corona-viruses cause disease in humans, others spread illness among animals, including camels, cats and bats. 一些冠狀病毒導致人類疾病,另一些則在動物中傳播疾病,包括駱駝、貓和蝙蝠。youdao
  • When people first saw a corona-virus under a microscope, they found that its spikes made it look like a crown. 當人們第一次在顯微鏡下看到冠狀病毒時,他們發現它的刺突使它看起來像一個皇冠。youdao
  • Rarely, animal corona-viruses can evolve and then spread among people, such as Middle East respiratory syndrome and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). 少數情況下,動物冠狀病毒會進化並在人群中傳播,如中東呼吸綜合徵和嚴重急性呼吸綜合徵(SARS)。youdao
  • Following these rules, the new coronavirus we are suffering from was named "COVID-19" by the WHO on Feb 11, 20. In this name, "CO" means "corona", "VI" stands for "virus" and "D" means "disease". 按照這些規則,世界衛生組織於2月11日將新型冠狀病毒這傷害我們的病毒命名為COVID-19。在這個名字中,“CO”代表“冠狀”,“VI”代表“病毒”,“D”代表“疾病”。youdao
  • Yes, we do. I'll be right back with your Corona. 我們有,我馬上給您上柯羅娜。youdao
  • What we are going to look for are waves in the corona. 我們想要尋找日冕中的熱波。youdao
  • Beyond that is the solar wind, an outflow of gas from the corona. 在這些之外還有太陽風——由日冕而來的氣體流。youdao
  • Changes we see in the corona reflect changes deep inside the sun. 日冕的變化反映的是太陽內部的變化。youdao
  • The images show only the Sun’s corona, the outermost layer of the atmosphere. 圖像顯示太陽最外層的大氣上只有日冕。youdao
  • Gandini: I was really interested in Corona and Ricky, who I got close to. 甘迪尼: 當我接觸到克羅那和瑞奇時感到他們真的很有意思。youdao
  • The composite brings out the correlation of structures in the inner and outer corona. 這樣的複合顯示出內部日冕和外部日冕結構上的關聯。youdao
  • The corona will be the most dramatic alteration in the profile of the building in a century. 日冕將成為一個世紀以來這座形象建築最引人注目的改變。youdao
  • All that's visible during totality is the sun's relatively faint upper atmosphere, called the corona. 日全食期間能看見的只有太陽上部相對模糊的大氣,被稱為日冕。youdao
  • People crowded Lookout Point in Corona del Mar on Friday morning, looking for any sign of a tsunami. 周五上午,科羅納·代爾·馬爾瞭望台擠滿了人,關注著任何海嘯即將到來的預警。youdao
  • At the top is the super-hot corona, which is made of structures such as loops and streams of ionized gas. 最頂層的是超熱日冕,由日冕環和電離氣體流組成。youdao
  • "The [Sun's] corona has a temperature of 2 million degrees but we don't know why it is so hot," she said. “日冕的溫度高達兩百萬度,但是我們不知其原因,”她說。youdao
  • The solar atmosphere above that consists of the photosphere, chromosphere, a transition region and the corona. 太陽大氣則由光球層、色球層、過渡區和日冕組成。youdao
  • The sun's outermost region, called the corona, shines like a halo around the moon during a total solar eclipse. 圖上太陽的最外層的區域稱為日冕,在日全食時,照耀得如同月亮周圍的光環。youdao
  • Everybody can enjoy it from 4 to 80," says Rose Corona, who runs the family ranch and business with her brother Steve. 4歲到80歲的成員都可以從中享受到樂趣。”RoseCorona和她的哥哥Steve經營家庭農場。youdao
  • Leslie Homan, designer and founder of Femme Metale Inc. of Corona, Calif., makes edgy rock-n-roll jewelry for women. 位於加州科羅娜的Femme Metale Inc.的設計師兼創始人萊斯利·赫曼(Leslie Homan)製作面向女性的前衛搖滾首飾。youdao
  • Finally, the outermost part of a star's atmosphere is the corona, which if super-hot might be linked with convection in the outer layers. 最後,恆星大氣的最外層部分是日冕,這是一個由於外層對流導致的超熱區域。youdao
  • The Solar Probe Cup will scoop up bits of the sun’s corona and solar wind to continuously measure its speed, temperature and density. 太陽探測杯(The Solar Probe Cup)會收集一些日冕和太陽風去持續地測量速度、溫度和密度等數據。youdao
  • Most of the heat in the corona, said Klimchuk, is apparently still released by the snapping of stressed magnetic fields in the corona. 他說,日冕層的大部分熱量,很明顯地仍是通過日冕層中應力磁場的強烈作用而釋放出來的。youdao
  • Siberian Totality by Anthony Ayiomamitis shows a dramatic solar eclipse with wispy elements of the Sun's corona visible around the black disc 安東尼·艾因梅米緹斯(AnthonyAyiomamitis)《西伯利亞全食》(描繪了這場令人矚目的日食中,那黑色的圓盤周邊細微可見的光暈)youdao
  • Total solar eclipses are of special interest to astronomers because it is the only time the sun's corona can be seen from the Earth's surface. 天文學家們對日全食特別感興趣,因為它是可以從地球表面看到的太陽日冕唯一的一次機會。youdao
  • Total solar eclipses are of special interest to astronomers because it is the only time the sun's corona can be seen from the Earth's surface. 天文學家們對日全食特別感興趣,因為它是可以從地球表面看到的太陽日冕唯一的一次機會。youdao


