



  • 外文名:contentment
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式發音:[kənˈtentmənt]
  • 美式發音:[kənˈtentmənt]


contentment /kənˈtɛntmənt/
1.N-UNCOUNTContentment is a feeling of quiet happiness and satisfaction. 滿足


Collectivity Contentment 總體滿意
You contentment 有你就知足了
Feel contentment 感到知足
contentment E 滿意
Or Contentment 或知足
Nihilistic Contentment 唱片名
contentment degree 滿意度
Contentment More 知足常樂多點
ppoweriing contentment 限度認付


  • 1They found contentment in living a simple life.他們在簡樸的生活中得到滿足。《牛津詞典》
  • 2He felt a sudden sense of calm, of contentment.他突然感受到了內心的平靜和滿足。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3I cannot describe the feeling of contentment that was with me at that time.我無法形容我當時的滿足感。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4Clara felt a sensation of contentment such as she had never before experienced.克拉拉體驗到一種前所未有的滿足。
  • 5He has found contentment at last.他最終得到了滿足。《牛津詞典》
  • 6That was agreeable, so they chewed it turn about, and dangled their legs against the bench in excess of contentment.這是令人愉快的,所以他們就輪流把它嚼了嚼,然後他們懸著腿,坐在長凳上,非常開心。
  • 7The old man spent his old age in contentment.那位老人晚年過得很稱心。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 8Does it mean true contentment?它是指真正的滿足嗎?
  • 9Of simplicity and contentment.淺薄無聊和樸素知足的真正價值。
  • 10Paul learned contentment.保羅懂得如何知足。
  • 11To make that calm contentment mine.我只要怡然知足的恬靜。
  • 12What is contentment?滿足是什麼?
  • 13I went to bed that night feeling contentment.當晚我倍感滿足的上床睡覺。
  • 14The Inescapable Feeling of Total contentment.隨之而來的完全滿足感。
  • 15That's a well-kept secret of contentment.這就是滿足的秘密。
  • 16But for me comparison is the enemy of contentment.但是對我來說,做比較是自我滿足的大敵。
  • 17Gratitude is one of the best ways to find contentment.尋求滿足最好的方式之一就是心懷感激。
  • 18If you don't learn contentment, you'll never be happy.你要是沒學會滿足,就永遠不會幸福。
  • 19I write of contentment because too many feel a lacking.因為有太多人感到貧乏,所以我把滿足當作素材。
  • 20"If you don't learn contentment, you'll never be happy."你要是沒學會滿足,就永遠不會幸福。
  • 21I've learned the secret of contentment in every situation.我掌握了在任何狀況下知足的秘密。
  • 22But more importantly, they are about achieving contentment.但更為重要的是要懂得知足常樂。
  • 23With Stillness, Simplicity and Contentment, I purify my body.我用平靜、簡單和滿足淨化我的行為。
  • 24One should abandon attachments and strive to find contentment.因而我們在摒棄過多貪戀的同時,要努力找尋那份知足。
  • 25Ultimately, rest is an extension of our contentment and security.從根本上說,休息是滿足感和安全感的延伸。
  • 26Contentment means my happiness is not dependent uponcircumstances.知足意味著的我的快樂不取決於我所處的狀況。
  • 27I believe if you find contentment, you don’t need entertainment.我相信,只要我們從內心得到滿足,我們根本沒必要去尋找這些娛樂活動。
  • 28He then travelled to these places in search of the secrets of contentment.之後,他去這些地方旅行,尋求滿足感的秘密所在。


