- 外文名:consubstantial
- 詞性:形容詞
- 英式發音:[kɒnsəb'stænʃ(ə)l]
- 釋義:同質的;同體的;三位一體的
consubstantialem Patri: 他與聖父同一本性;per quem omnia factasunt. 通過他一切被創造出來。Qui propter nos homines 為了我們人,et propter nostrams alutem 為了我們得救,descendit de caelis. 他從天上降臨,Et incatnatus est 通過聖靈 de Spiritu Sancto 從童貞瑪利亞 ex Maria Virgin...
Most modern scholars agree that Severus as well as Dioscorus probably diverged from what was defined as orthodoxy more in their emphasis upon the intimacy of the union between God and man in Christ than in any denial that the humanity of Christ and that of mankind are consubstantial.In...
Jesum Christum(我信唯一的主,基督耶穌)Filium Dei unigenitum,et ex Patre natum ante omnia saecula(天主的獨生子,他在萬世之前,由聖父所生)Deum de Deo,Lumen de Lumine,Deum verum de Deo vero(他是出自天主的天主,出自光明的光明,出自真天主的真天主)genitum non factum,consubstantial ...
The ultimate essence of the consubstantial trend to the modern communication design is the fulsome functionalism, rationalism. 傳達設計同質化的根本原因在於過度的強調功能化、理性化。It is a remarkable season's work by a player who will celebrate his 29th birthday at the weekend, and manager Jose ...
in unum Dominum Jesum Christum,Filium Dei unigenitum,Et ex Patre natum ante omnia sæcula.Deum de Deo, lumen de lumine,Deum verum de Deo vero,Genitum non factum,consubstantialem Patri:per quem omnia facta sunt.Qui propter nos homines,et propter nostram salutem descendit de coelis.
kappa計算結果為-1~1,但通常kappa是落在 0~1 間,可分為五組來表示不同級別的一致性:0.0~0.20極低的一致性(slight)、0.21~0.40一般的一致性(fair)、0.41~0.60 中等的一致性(moderate)、0.61~0.80 高度的一致性(substantial)和0.81~1幾乎完全一致(almost perfect)。spearman係數 對不服從正態...
[3] PJ Tao (陶平均), WW Zhang, Q Tu, YZ Yang. The Evolution of Microstructures and the Properties of Bulk Metallic Glass with Consubstantial Composition Laser Welding. METALS, 2016, 6, 2331-2339. (SCI 4區,影響因子1.574)[4] PJ Tao (陶平均), YZ Yang. Effect of aspect-ratio ...
The equality of the right to education has substantial connote, and its central content means equal access to school. 受教育權平等有著豐富的內涵,其中入學機會的平等是受教育權平等的基本內容。Thus, the word collegiality can connote respect for another's commitment to the common purpose and ability ...
protect temples and shrines, serve to lead large military groups levied as needed to serve the church, and roam the land seeking to do good in Lathander's name and promote his worship. Individual temples and shrines of Lathander do not usually maintain standing military forces of substantial ...
bioscience corporation with more than 5,800 employees and annual sales of .3 billion. Over the years, this small company that pioneered the use of membrane technology in hundreds of diverse applications grew not only in size and sales but also in scientific capability. Through substantial R&D ...
procedures and processes, as well as proven practices regarding a function of the Olympic Games organisation. They may also contain client or venue oriented information relevant to the function. The Technical Manuals are modified when necessary after each edition of the Games. Substantial changes to ...
of materials displaying length scales of more than 100 nm. At this size, nanoscale materials exhibit physical and chemical properties that differ greatly from those of their bulk counterparts. These interesting properties can be advantageously exploited for a number of applications and have substantial ...
present position, they offer multiple perspectives on the interplay of internal and external forces and demonstrate that any comprehensive discussion of world cities has to engage a multiplicity of perspectives. With an introduction by Josef Gugler and an afterword from Saskia Sassen, this substantial ...
and in the 19th baskets from locally grown willow. Woollen cloth production con-tinued into the 17th century. From the late 17th century the alluvial clays of the Parrett valley provided material for the bricks and tiles for which Bridgwater became well known in the 19th century. Substantial es...
present position, they offer multiple perspectives on the interplay of internal and external forces and demonstrate that any comprehensive discussion of world cities has to engage a multiplicity of perspectives. With an introduction by Josef Gugler and an afterword from Saskia Sassen, this substantial ...
edition of the book of the same title by the first authorwhich was published in 2000. The subject of ruin probabilities and related top- ics has since then undergone a considerable development, not to say boom. This much expanded and revised second edition aims at covering a substantial part...
Much Ado About Nothing , As You Like It , Twelfth Night , All’s Well That Ends Well , and Measure for Measure . The authoritatively edited text of the plays is supplemented with footnotes, bibliographies, a detailed chronology of Shakespeare’s life and times, and a substantial intro...
Abstract: Recent years have witnessed substantial outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) from many emerging economies. Should the governments of these economies encourage OFDI in order to promote domestic innovation? Much OFDI by emerging economy multinational enterprises (EMNEs) has been undertaken to ...