- 外文名:commemorate
- 詞性:動詞
- 1Some galleries commemorate donors by inscribing their names on the walls.一些展覽館把捐贈者的名字刻在牆上以紀念他們。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
- 2A series of movies will be shown to commemorate the 30th anniversary of his death.為紀念他逝世30周年,有一系列的電影要上映。《牛津詞典》
- 3The Duanwu Festival, also called the Dragon Boat Festival, is to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan.端午節,又叫龍舟節,是為了紀念愛國詩人屈原。
- 4We've already looked at portrait sculpture which are busts created to commemorate people who had died, and we've looked at relief sculpture, or sculpting on walls.我們已經看過了肖像雕塑,即為紀念逝者而作的半身像,我們也看過了浮雕,或者說牆上的雕刻。
- 5The purpose is to commemorate Qu Yuan's death.目的是為了紀念屈原的逝世。
- 6They reared a monument to commemorate the great musician.他們建立起一座紀念碑,紀念這位偉大的音樂家。
- 7The city commissioned a monument to commemorate the battle.該市委託人修建了一座紀念碑以紀念這次戰役。
- 8In order to commemorate the day, they nicknamed it Singles Day.為了紀念這一天,他們給它命名為“光棍節”。
- 9B: Yes, it's a way to commemorate a great ancient romantic poet.好的,這是人們紀念古代一位偉大的浪漫主義詩人的活動。
- 10Develop positive anniversary activities to commemorate the event.安排積極的周年活動來紀念這次事件。
- 11This year we commemorate the 70th anniversary of Dr. Bethune's passing.今年是白求恩逝世70周年。
- 12The member of good memory remembers to commemorate his friend with memorials.那位記性好的成員記得用紀念品紀念他的朋友。
- 13Golf lessons will be given in Cannes, France, to commemorate World Health Day.法國坎城市將為紀念世界衛生日而免費舉辦高爾夫球授課活動。
- 14In parliament no senator would lead a prayer to commemorate the slain politician.國會參議員中沒有一人禱告紀念這位被刺政客。
- 15It was designed to commemorate bravery, but also recognized soldiers with wounds.它用來讚揚勇敢精神,同樣也用來表彰受傷的軍人。
- 16To commemorate this occasion, here's a look at some other notable statue-topplings.為了紀念這個重要時刻,下面也出列舉出另外一些惹人眼球的倒塑(推倒塑像)事件。
- 17Before the battle, the Afrikaners prayed, vowing always to commemorate that day if they won.戰前,白人祈禱,如果打贏了這場戰役,誓言要紀念勝利日。
- 18The monument was built in 1936 to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the city's founding.這座紀念碑建立於1936年,為紀念這座城市建市400周年。
- 19We therefore have much to commemorate 50 years after Goodall began her strolls through Gombe.因此在古德在Gombe開始叢林漫步50年後我們應該好好紀念一下。
- 20Now there's a way to commemorate the royal wedding and keep your crown jewels safe at the same time.現在有一個方法可以紀念皇家婚禮的同時保證你的“王冠”的安全。
- 21All countries have a date on which they commemorate their founding and celebrate national pride.每個國家都有一個值得慶祝的日子,用以紀念這個國家的建立,或抒發民族自豪感。
- 22I got this tattoo to commemorate the beginning of my Ph.D. in immunology, ” writes Kevin Bonham.我選擇這樣的紋身是為了紀念自己正式開始攻讀免疫學博士學位,”凱文·博納姆(Kevin Bonham)寫道。
- 23Their splendid old buildings and statues commemorate former greatness and underline past achievement.城市裡輝煌壯麗的古老建築和雕像紀念並彰顯著這些城市曾經的豐功偉績。
- 24The CEO of a small company decided they needed a motto to commemorate their longevity in the industry.一家小公司的執行長決定,需要一條紀念他們基業長青的格言。
- 25The Russians reclaimed the piece, but the town hosts an annual festival to commemorate its arrival.雖然後來俄國人要回了殘骸,但是這個小鎮每年都要紀念一下這顆衛星的造訪。 注意!