- 外文名:combatant
- 詞性:名詞、形容詞
- 英式發音:[ˈkɒmbətənt]
- 美式發音:[kəmˈbætnt]
- 1This man could not have been a combatant.眼前這個男人不可能是一個戰鬥人員。
- 2I'm also what you would categorize as a very goal oriented combatant.我也是你將目標分類是一個非常注重戰鬥人員。
- 3Real man dare to combatant and he knows also to protect himself and family.真男人要敢於拼搏,也要懂得保護自己和家人。
- 4Per pale purple and white, two knights combatant with swords, counter-charged.一半淡紫色一半白色的底紋上,兩位騎士高舉手中劍躍躍欲試,守衛正義。
- 5In addition, the trampolinists need developing collective spirit and combatant spirit.此外,運動員還需要發揚團隊精神和拼搏精神。
- 6The idea of a "civilian" depends on an association between innocence and the non-combatant.平民的概念是取決於無辜和非參戰的結合。
- 7Private economy has already become the fresh combatant who has revitalized economic of the Northeast.民營經濟已成為振興東北地區經濟的生力軍。
- 8Any video footage of the attack will be closely scrutinised to see whether he was a combatant, rather than a prisoner.任何襲擊的視頻鏡頭將會被嚴格仔細檢查來確定他是一個戰鬥者還是囚犯。
- 9Some one whom we know heard a combatant say to him in the midst of the grape-shot: "we are here as at a bachelor breakfast."有一個我們認識的人聽見一個戰士在霰彈聲中向他說:“我們好象是單身漢在進午餐。”
- 10The data will contain information on combatant and non-combatant casualties and the data will be released annually in the future.數據將包括戰鬥和非戰鬥人員傷亡信息和數據,未來每年都將發布。
- 11Conrad Anker traverses an alpine ridge deep in the Waddington Range on Mount Combatant, Coastal Range in British Columbia, Canada.加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞海岸山脈戰鬥山,康拉德·安加橫穿沃丁頓山脊深處一座高山山脊。
- 12Definitely much more of a combatant than T3-M4, HK-47 can be equipped with numerous weapons, both carried and installed into droid arm slots.毫無疑問,HK - 47比T3 - M4有著更強的戰鬥力。他可以裝備為數眾多的武器,包括手持和安裝在機器人手臂上的插槽中。
- 13To qualify for a house, an ex-combatant has to be evaluated as having a disability rate of at least ninety percent, in line with the new legislation.根據新頒布的法律規定,前戰員要獲得住房資格,其殘疾程度必須至少達到90%。
- 14His widow Aleida March said she'd decided to publish the unedited writings, Diary of a Combatant, so that readers could get to know him just as he was.他的遺孀aleida March表示,她決定發表這份未經編輯的文稿,《戰爭日記》,讀者可以了解一個真實的他。
- 15A proficient marksman and unarmed combatant, Fett was covered in a sleek armored suit that concealed his scarred visage and strangely tattooed forearms.詹戈·費特精通遠程武器和徒手搏擊。他身著光亮的盔甲,遮蓋住滿是疤痕的臉以及紋有奇怪紋身的前臂。
- 16The Supreme Court said, and I am going to read these words again, 'There is no bar to this nation's holding one of its own citizens as an enemy combatant.最高法院曾說,我在這裡再次引述:‘在美國將本國公民視為敵方戰鬥人員方面沒有任何限制。’
- 17Boar - a fierce combatant when at bay, and ceases fighting only with its life, and therefore may be properly applied as the armorial bearing of a warrior.公豬-在絕境中死戰的鬥士,直到當他的生命凝結成盾紋上的戰士時搏殺才會停息。
- 18The use of this security architecture significantly enhances the combatant commander's ability to use precise positioning, velocity and time, in all environments.這個安全架構的使用大大提高了作戰指揮的能力,可在所有環境下快速及時的精確定位。
- 19Does the remote operator in Nevada remain a legal combatant—in other words, a legitimate enemy target—on the trip after work to Walmart or to a daughter’s soccer match?這些內華達的遠程操作者在他們下班去沃爾瑪或者去參加一個女兒足球賽的路上是否仍是合法的戰鬥員,換句話說,一個法理上的敵對目標?
- 20Now that Mr Abdulmutallab is being treated as a criminal with the right to silence, instead of facing harsh interrogation as an enemy combatant, they have fresh ammunition.既然現在阿卜杜勒-穆塔拉先生被視為罪犯對待,並享有沉默權,而不是接受嚴厲的審訊,他們有了新的指責依據。
- 21It's irresponsible because when you are in these extremely volatile situations, the last thing you want to do is to be seen by one warring side or the other as a combatant.攜帶武器是不負責任的做法,因為當你在這些極其危險的地區,你最不想讓交戰的某一方把你當成了參戰的戰士。
- 22US and UK officials have insisted that no official record of civilian casualties exists but the logs record 66,081 non-combatant deaths out of a total of 109,000 fatalities.美國和英國當局堅持聲稱沒有關於平民死傷記錄的官方檔案存在,但是這些記錄了109,000人的死亡總數中有66,081名是因非戰爭因素喪生的伊拉克平民。
- 23We are confident that by 1 October AFRICOM will be enabled, and will be able to carry out the existing missions of the current combatant commands that are responsible for Africa.惠蘭說:“我們相信,非洲司令部將在10月1日之前開始運作,能夠執行非洲現有的戰鬥指揮任務。
- 24"Warfighters, major commands and combatant commanders worldwide rely on PM DCATS to provide communications connectivity," said Lawrence Prior, ManTech International President and CEO.ManTech國際公司總裁兼執行長勞倫斯說,“作戰人員,世界範圍的依靠PM DCATS的主要司令部和作戰指揮官將提供通訊連線服務”。
- 25He or she will miraculously partake in fights that seem to be exquisitely choreographed, as if the introduction of one combatant fighting out of turn would be both ugly and dangerous.即使這場戰鬥是邪惡和危險的,他或她也會勇敢的參加這一場被精心設計的戰鬥中。
- 26As the trench coat, then the world's most durable weather coat, was popularised, it is estimated that between 1914 and 1918, 500,000 military trench coats were worn by combatant officers.風雨衣,這種當時世界上最耐用的晴雨兩用外套,被普及推廣開來;據估計,1914年到1918年間參戰軍官們共穿用了50萬件軍用風雨衣。