climb up to the top(鈴木亜美演唱歌曲)

climb up to the top(鈴木亜美演唱歌曲)

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《climb up to the top》是鈴木亜美的音樂作品,收錄在《Supreme Show》專輯中。


  • 外文名稱:climb up to the top
  • 所屬專輯:Supreme Show
  • 歌曲時長:6分33秒
  • 歌曲原唱:鈴木亜美
  • 填詞:Yasutaka Nakata 
  • 譜曲:Yasutaka Nakata 
whoop it up
blow one's top
What is you up to?
out of control
whoop it up
I can't stop this
it's a hard facts
climb up to the top
whoop it up
speak out please
What is you up to?
make a sensation
whoop it up
I can't stop this
it's a hard facts
whoop it up
blow one's top
What is you up to?
out of control
whoop it up
I can't stop this
it's a hard facts
climb up to the top
whoop it up
speak out please
What is you up to?
make a sensation
whoop it up
I can't stop this
it's a hard facts
whoop it up
brow one's top
What is you up to?
out of control
whoop it up
I can't stop this
it's a hard facts
climb up to the top
whoop it up
blow one's top
What is you up to?
out of control
whoop it up
2I can't stop this
it's a hard facts
climb up to the top
囧 賴潤誠のLrC ★
囧 賴潤誠のLrC ★


