circularity,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“圓;[數] 環狀;圈狀”。
- 外文名:circularity
- 詞性:名詞
- 發音:[ˌsɜːrkjəˈlærəti]
- 釋義:圓;[數] 環狀;圈狀
circularity,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“圓;[數] 環狀;圈狀”。
[circularity] 指在思想或表達方式上繞圈子的性質或狀態 [tortuous;circuit;indirect;roundabout] 曲折迴旋的;環繞的 迂迴曲折 【意思】迴旋、環繞;指在思想或表達方式上繞圈子的性質或狀態;一種作戰方式,進攻的軍隊繞向敵人深遠側後作戰。也指路十分曲折或一種自然景象。迂迴是繞向敵人後方的機動。目的是攻擊敵人的...
基因圓周性是一個專有名詞。基因圓周性 genetic circularity 斷裂已死的細胞遺傳基因能夠複合或重合嗎?假如人的手或腳斷了,能夠做手術駁回,但為甚么已死斷裂的細胞基因不能複合呢?不過,人的手、腳斷了一段時間,細胞死亡後也是不能駁回的,因為細胞死亡後不能重生復活增長。即使做手術駁回,雖然表面看來是一樣,...
失圓 失圓(out of circularity),是指因機械振動或使用不當而引起輥筒不圓的現象。因機械振動或使用不當而引起輥筒不圓的現象。
[circularity] 指在思想或表達方式上繞圈子的性質或狀態 6.迂迴 yūhuí [tortuous;circuit;indirect;roundabout] 曲折迴旋的;環繞的 迂迴曲折 7.迂見 yūjiàn [absurd view] 迂腐而不切實際。不合事理的見解 8.迂拘 yūjū [conventional] 迂闊而保守,不知順應潮流;拘守陳規,迂腐而不知變通 這位老爺天生的...
芯[包層表面]不圓度 芯[包層表面]不圓度(non-circularity of core [cladding])是1997年發布的鐵道科學技術名詞。公布時間 1997年經全國科學技術名詞審定委員會審定發布。出處 《鐵道科學技術名詞》第一版。
annularity,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“環形狀態,環狀”。短語搭配 annularity ligation 環扎法 path of annularity 環食帶 Keywords annularity cascade 風機 annularity circularity ring 環狀 zone of annularity 環食帶 雙語例句 The track it creates is called the path of annularity.它...
在理論上,作為GDP國際比較的貨幣轉換因子,購買力平價應符合特徵性(Characteristically)、無偏性(Unbiasedness)、傳遞性(Circularity or Transitivity)、結構一致性(Structural Consistency)、因子互換性(Factor Relations)等基本要求。在國際比較中,常用的購買力平價匯總方法主要有:EKS法、GK法和CPD法。實際上,任何一種...
3.4.1創建派生類Circularity、Triangle和Square 56 3.4.2重載方法 57 3.5委託和事件 57 3.5.1聲明事件的參數類 58 3.5.2聲明委託和事件 58 3.5.3引發事件 59 3.6繪製圓 59 3.7繪製三角形 61 3.8繪製四邊形 64 3.9使用委託進行回調 66 3.10上機實踐 68 3.11常見問題及解答 69 3.12小結 70...
2.1.3 The law of anthropogenic circularity 2.2 Procedure of material flow analysis 2.2.1 The objectives and system determination 2.2.2 The framework and data inventory 2.2.3 Estimating the unknown data 2.2.4 MFA diagram and its interpretation 2.3 Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis 2.3....
emphasize key concepts and serve as a self-test. Ensure the proper assembly of parts, improve quality, and reduce costs with help from this authoritative resource. Coverage includes: Dimensioning and tolerancing fundamentals Symbols, terms, and rules Datums Form--flatness, straightness, circularity...
20Then, two methods are discussed which are point-circle transformation and circular curve fitting for inspecting the bearing's circularity, dimension and concentricity.然後,著重討論了用於軸承邊界的圓度、尺寸和圓心度檢測的兩種計算方法—點—圓變換法和圓形曲線擬合法。21Factory production of riveting die...
(1999). "Subgrouping, circularity and extinction: some issues in Austronesian comparative linguistics" in E. Zeitoun & P.J.K Li (Ed.) Selected papers from the Eighth International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics. Taipei: Academia Sinica.(英文)...
(4)圓形度(degree of circularity) 圓形度又稱輪廓比,表示顆粒的投影與圓接近的程度: ψc=πDH/L DH=(4A/π)1/2 L表示顆粒投影的周長。(5)圓角度(roundness)表示顆粒稜角磨損的程度,其定義為:圓角度=∑ri/NR (≤1)式中 ri——顆粒輪廓上的曲率半徑;R——最大內接圓半徑;N——角數。...
a strong argument for lowering the price.有一個支持降低價格的有力論據。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》29This argument simply cannot hold water in Europe.這種論點在歐洲根本就說不通。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》30There is a dangerous circularity about this argument.這個論點存在著危險的循環論證。《牛津詞典》
Ma, Z.-J.; Ryberg, M.-W.; Wang, P.; Tang,L.-B.; and Chen, W.-Q.* China’s Import of Waste PET Bottles BenefitedGlobal Plastic Circularity and Environmental Performance. ACSSustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 2020, 8 (45): 16861-16868.Liu, Y.-P.; Li, J.-J.; Duan,L.-L....
Tseng, M. L., Ha, H. M., Wu, K. J.*,& Xue, B. (2022). Healthcare industry circular supply chain collaboration in Vietnam: vision and learning influences on connection in a circular supply chain and circularity business model. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, ...
There are definitions based on form, circularity, symmetry, economy of form, lack of economy of form, and repetition. 有定義是基於形式,圓度,對稱,形式的精簡與否和重複。By happy symmetry, where our reindeer are carved on mammoth tusk, the other sculpture shows a mammoth carved on a reindeer...
(10) Xianlai Zeng*, Jinhui Li*. Emerging anthropogenic circularity science: principles, practices, and challenges [J]. iScience, 2021, 24(3): 102237.(11) Jiadong Yu, Minsong Lin, Quanyin Tan*, Jinhui Li*. High-value utilization of graphite electrodes in spent lithium-ion batteries: From...
6.3 圓度公差(Circularity Tolerance) 121 6.3.1 圓度公差的套用 122 6.3.2 圓度公差與包容原則的關係 123 6.3.3 圓度公差常用的修飾符號 123 6.3.4 圓度公差的檢測 124 6.4 圓柱度公差(Cylindricity Tolerance) 125 6.4.1 圓柱度公差的套用 126 6.4.2 圓柱度公差與...
6There are definitions based on form, circularity, symmetry, economy of form, lack of economy of form, and repetition.有定義是基於形式,圓度,對稱,形式的精簡與否和重複。7What seems to be happening now is a repetition of a familiar process in the country's history, the "Japanization" of ...
1.46 ClassCircularityError類 1.47 ClassFormatError類 1.48 Error類 1.49 IllegalAccessError類 1.50 IncompatibleClassChangeError類 1.51 InstantiationError類 l.52 InternalError類 1.53 LinkageError類 l.54 NoClassDefFoundError類 1.55 NoSuchFieldError類 l.56 NoSuchMethodError類 1.57 OutOfMemoryError...
of the late twentieth century, William P. Alston is a leading light in epistemology, philosophy of religion, and the philosophy of language. In this volume, twelve leading philosophers critically discuss the central topics of his work in these areas, including perception, epistemic circularity, ...
他於1991年獲得里德大學哲學學士學位,1994年獲得俄亥俄州立大學藝術碩士學位,2000年獲得俄亥俄州立大學哲學博士學位。其碩士論文題目為《笛卡爾的方法及其理論背景》,而博士論文題目為《認識論之環:論元正當性(Epistemic Circularity:An Essay on the Problem of Meta-Justification)》。2001年12月,桑格與他在網上...