

China是瑞士的一支流行金屬樂隊,成立於1985年。是由鼓手John Dommen,組建的樂隊於80年代後期和90年代初期,在國際上取得了巨大的成功(流金黃金歲月啊)。他們的專輯曾進入了Billboard Top 10,在瑞士本土、英國、德國和日本也都取得了相當不錯的成績。


  • 外文名:China
  • 國籍:瑞士 
  • 職業:歌手
  • 代表作品:Sign in the Sky、In the Middle of the Night 
  • 成立時間:1985年


China的音樂被Thin Lizzy, Europe 和Scorpions 這樣的樂隊所影響,早期成員包括吉他手Claudio Matteo和Freddy Laurence, 鼓手John Dommen主唱Vocalist “Math Shiverow和貝司手Marc Lynn.1988年,辛勤和幸運換來了他們和德國Phonogram唱片公司的一紙簽約.不久,他們發行了第一張同名專輯”China”.在電視媒體的強力宣傳和廣大FANS的極力推崇下,China備受鼓舞,在89年又發行了他們的第二張專輯 Sign In the Sky.這張專輯的主唱已經換為Patrick Mason,同時,BASS也被Brian Kofmehl所取代.
China此時已經受到了相當的關注,不僅僅因為他們出色的hard rock旋律,還有他們的新主唱.此後,他們開始了大規模的90個城市的Sign In The Sky巡演,並發行了一張現場專輯Live,過後,主唱的位置被來自美國的Eric St. Michaels所取代,接著,又發行了他們的第三張專輯Go All The Way.92年,Eric回美國,成為一個自由藝人.93年5月,China和Marc Storace(瑞士經典老團Krokus的前主唱)一同,進行瑞士的Radio “DRS 3”現場演出.這次現場日後被錄製為專輯,並以Alive的名字發售(他們的第二張現場專輯).這張專輯被china的fans稱為” a must have for real fans”(真正的Fans所必須擁有的).此後,樂隊一直沒有什麼動靜,95年,樂隊才發行了他們的第四張專輯, Natural Groove,這張專輯加入了更多的新元,走的是Modern Rock路線,但是已經跟原來那種流金曲風相去甚遠了,隨後,樂隊因外界音樂風格的巨大轉變和自身的多種原因,宣布解散.
2000年,借著80年代重金屬回潮的趨勢,和對曾經光輝歲月的懷念,China樂隊宣布重組,並展開了China-Revisited的巡演,吉他手Claudio和Freddy,BASS手Brian和Giovanni(這傢伙是誰?前文沒看見過-_-!)邀請了樂隊的三位主唱Strübi (1st CD,就是Math Shiverow), Eric St. Michaels (3rd CD) 和 Mark Storace (alive CD)一同進行了這次巡演(-_-!一張CD換一個主唱).巡演的每一場,都給廣大Fans一個” a heart pumping”,仿佛回到了曾經的流金黃金歲月.


,吉他手Claudio Matteo在"DJ Claudio"混的很成功(資料說他是個職業的DJer-_-!),目前在AlpenRock House - ZH Kloten;Mad Max – Basel;Schützenhouse - Wangen a/Aare;Backstage - St.Gallen;Albani – Winterthur;Bronx - Buchs SG;Top 10 - Singen D等多家俱樂部工作.樂隊其他人沒什麼資料了


Title 發行時間 名次 周數
In The Middle Of The Night 18.03.1990 11 10
All I Do Is Wait 19.03.1995 43 3
Evasion (Diam's feat. China) 04.04.2004 45 8
China 24.01.1988 6 10
Sign In The Sky 04.02.1990 2 18
Live17.03.1991 39 1
Go All The Way 09.06.1991 10 15
Natural Groove 09.04.1995 24 7
Shop 1) Intro
2) Shout It Out
3) Back To you
4) The Fight Is On
5) Wild Jealousy
6) Rock City
7) Hot Lovin' Night
8) Living On The Stage
9) I Need Your Love
10) One Shot To The Heart
11) Staying Alive
12) Don't Look Back
All Songs by China, except 1) by Fabian Emmenegger; 3) by Fernando von Arb 1988 Phonogram GmbH, Hamburg
Math Shiverow - Vocals
Freddy Laurence - Guitar
John Dommen - Drums
Claudio Matteo - Guitars
Marc Lynn - Bass
Produced by Dirk Steffens
Sign In The Sky
Shop 1) The Great Wall
2) Daed Lights
3) Animal Victim
4) In The Middle Of The Night
5) Won't Give It Up
6) Sign In The Sky
7) Don't Ever Say Goodbye
8) Broken Dream
9) Second Chance
10) Bitter Cold
11) Take Your Time
12) Harder Than Hell
13) So Long
All Songs written by China and Stephan Galfas. "The Great Wall" composed by Claudio C. Cueni
1990 Phonogram GmbH, Köln
Patrick Mason - Vocals
Freddy Laurence - Guitar
Claudio Matteo - Guitar
Brian Kofmehl - Bass
John Dommen - Drums
Produced by Stephan Galfas for
T.E. Saveage, Inc.
Sign In The Sky (Single)
1) Sign In The Sky
2) Don't Ever Say Goodbye
3) Shout It Out (Studio Version) MP3 [186KB]
In The Middle Of The Night (Single)
1) In The Middle Of The Night
2) Dead Lights
3) Animal Victim
4) Shout It Out (Live) MP3 [186KB]
Go All The Way
Shop 1) Pictures Of You
2) Medicine Man (Intro)
3) Medicine Man
4) Slow Dancing In Hell
5) She Did A Real Good Job
6) So Damn Easy
7) Lost Gardens
8) Shake Your Cages
9) Go All The Way
10) Don't Let In The Night
11) In Love Again
12) Face To The Wind
13) In Trouble With Angels
14) Life Keeps Moving On
15) You've Got Me
All Songs by China, Stephan Galfas,
James Palace
1991 Phonogram GmbH, Köln
Eric St. Michaels - Vocals
Freddy Laurence - Guitar
Claudio Matteo - Guitar
Brian Kofmehl - Bass
John Dommen - Drums
Produced by Stephan Galfas for
T.E. Saveage, Inc.
Slow Dancing (Single)
1) Slow Dancing (Remix)
2) Shake Your Cages (Remix)
3) Life Keeps Moving On MP3 [177KB]
Shop 1) Rock City
2) Sign In The Sky
3) So Long
4) In The Middle Of The Night
5) Shout It Out
6) Proud Mary
All Songs by China, except 6) by
John Fogerty
1991 Phonogram GmbH, Köln
Produced by Stephan Galfas for
T.E. Saveage, Inc.
Recorded at the "Marlboro Music
Rock-in Final" in Locarno,
So Far
Shop 1) The Fight Is On
2) In The Middle Of The Night
3) Hot Lovin' Night
4) So Long (Live)
5) Second Chance
6) Medicine Man
7) Living On The Stage
8) Rock City
9) Sign In The Sky
10) Animal Victim
11) Wild Jealousy
12) Proud Mary (Live)
13) Slow Dancing (Remix)
14) Somebody (Demo)
15) Rag Blues (Demo)
16) All Through The Night (Demo)
1992 Phonogram GmbH, Köln
Natural Groove
Shop 1) Natural Groove
2) Bend The Trend
3) All I Do Is Wait
4) Soul To Satisfy
5) 2 Of Everything
6) Lay Down On Me
7) Blame It On Jack
8) Feel It Coming
9) Fact Vs. Fiction
10) Sweet Slow Shuttle
11) Desert Dessert
12) Black Days
1), 3) by Matteo, McCowan
2), 7) by Matteo, Laurence, McCowan
4), 5), 6), 8), 9), 10) by Matteo,
Laurence, Kofmehl, McCowan
11) by Matteo, Laurence, St. Michaels
1995 EMI Records (Schweiz) AG
Douglas McCowan - Lead
Vocals & Percussion
Claudio Matteo - Guitar & Vocals
Freddy Laurence - Guitar & Synthesizer
Brian Kofmehl - Electric &
Fretless Bass
Johnny Giorgi - Drums
Produced by China &
Thomas Kemper
All I Do Is Wait (Single)
1) All I Do Is Wait
2) Facts Vs. Fiction
3) Bend The Trend
MP3 [205KB]
Soul To Satisfy (Single)
1) Soul To Satisfy
2) Desert Dessert
3) Lay Down For Me
MP3 [165KB]
Alive (mit Marc Storace)
Shop 1) Intro
Mussorgsky "London Symphony Orchester"
2) Rock City
Matteo, Laurence, Dommen, Maué
3) Dead Lights
Matteo, Laurence, Mason, Galfas
4) American Woman
Bachmann, Cummings, Kale, Peterson
5) Sign In The Sky
Laurence, Galfas, Mason
6) There's Only One Way
7) You've Got Me Going
Matteo, Laurence, Storace
8) Staying Alive
Matteo, Laurence, Shiverow
9) Lost Garden
Matteo, Laurence, St. Michaels
10) So Long
Matteo, Laurence, Mason
11) Hold On
Vergeat, Storace
12) In The Middle Of The Night
Kofmehl, Laurence, Matteo, Galfas, Mason
13) Bedside Radio
Von Rohr, Von Arb, Naegeli
14) Rock'n Roll
Page, Plant, Jones, Bonham
15) Highway Star
Blackmore, Gillan, Glover, Lord, Paice
16) All Through The Night
Matteo, Laurence, Dommen


