Ceyoung Design成立於2010年,公司全稱為北京澤洋尚智網路設計有限公司,是一家以設計,互動為主營方向的專業設計公司。
ceyoung design | 澤洋界面設計,英文介紹,
ceyoung design | 澤洋界面設計
澤洋是中國最早面向市場提供整體 UI 設計服務的專業公司,能夠為客戶提供從可用性評估、互動策劃、界面設計、產品包裝等一站式設計服務。設計服務範圍包括:可用性研究、可用性測試、人機互動設計、圖形界面設計、圖示設計、網站建設等。我們的客戶覆蓋移動設備,車載系統,銀行交易系統,桌面平台,遊戲網際網路等各種平台,並具有多年的開發合作經驗。
Ceyoung Design was established in 2010. The company has collected many professional designers for software interfaces and interaction design. Our team members are all have more than 5 years’ experience of the project. We are able to seize the international mainstream design style and innovative ideas.
We provide professional UI scheme, Website design and visual package. Our service items covers the desktop platforms, Internet platform and electronic consumer products, etc. We offer customers the brand design, concept design, user experience, interactive design, graphic interface design to the final products design.