v. 集權控制,使集中;實行中央集權
1In the mass production era, multinational firms tended to centralize their operations.在大規模生產時期,跨國公司傾向於集中運營。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
2In order to raise the efficiency of the water supply, measures should be taken to centralize the management of water resources.為提高供水效率,應採取集中管理水資源的措施。
3Centralize business processes across business units.將業務流程跨業務單位集中。
4Both are effective ways to centralize user information.兩者都是集中用戶信息的有效方法。
5Document and centralize makefile creation and ownership.記錄並且集中makefile創造和所有權。
6The king is trying to centralize all power in his own hands.這位國王想把一切權力集中於自己的手裡。
7WIANA also seeks to centralize the handling of abuse and blocking.WIANA還試圖集中對濫用和阻塞的處理。
8You should still strip out the common elements and centralize them.您仍然應該消除公用元素,並將其集中起來。
9It must decide whether to delegate authority to subsidiaries or centralize.它必須決定是委授權力給公司,還是採取集中辦法。
10These are called "hybrid" P2P networks and they centralize at least the list of users.這些網路被稱作為“雜交”P 2 P網路,它們至少會集中用戶列表。
11Web applications centralize data storage and thereby simplify disaster recovery plans.Web應用程式集中化數據存儲並進而簡化了災難恢復計畫。
12Make all decisions based on the action and the context and centralize the logic in the controller.根據動作和上下文作出所有決定並集中控制器中的邏輯。
13But even this doesn't really answer the question: "Why would I want to centralize help in Eclipse?"但即使這樣,也沒有真正回答以下問題:“為什麼要集中管理Eclipse中的‘幫助’?”
14Dassault V6 platform provides a comprehensive platform to centralize data, including 2d and 3d information.達索v 6是一個用來全面集中管理數據的平台,支持2d和3d信息。
15The core concept is to centralize all security decisions in the gateway and prevent unwanted data access.核心思路是把所有安全決策集中在網關,防止不希望出現的數據訪問。
16The Geographically Distributed Development: Centralize Change and Configuration Management information center地理分散式開發:集中式變更與配置管理信息中心
17This is another tool, probably the best I've seen as far as social networking to centralize fans and build support.這是一個新工具,或許是我迄今看到過用社交網路集中冬粉和建立支持的最好的工具。
18Stored procedures are often used to consolidate and centralize logic that was originally implemented in applications.存儲過程常常用來整合和集中那些原來在應用程式中實現的邏輯。
19Since 1991, university research schools have been founded to cater for young researchers and to centralize research activities.自1991年,在大學中成立了研究學院,以滿足年輕學者的需要和聚集研究力量。
20In order for HIPPO to operate more effectively, they decided to move toward a call-center design to centralize processing of claims.為了讓HIPPO更高效地運作,他們決定轉型為呼叫中心設計,以集中處理索賠。
21A project management office (PMO) is an organizational unit to centralize and coordinate the management of projects under its domain.項目管理辦公室(PMO)是組織中集中和協調管理其管轄的各個項目的實體。
22Large organizations with many applications find it useful to centralize the build process using a team that become experts in builds.具有許多應用程式的大型組織會發現,通過具有專業構建經驗的團隊集中進行構建流程非常有用。
23That report provides planning guidance and instructions to centralize your change and configuration management tools for globally distributed teams.該報告提供了規劃指南和指導,以為全球分布的團隊集中所做的變更以及配置管理。
24SSA was striving to comply with a new process standard, the Capability Maturity Model (CMM), and to centralize its software estimation capabilities.SSA努力遵守一個新的過程處理標準,能力成熟度模型(Capability Maturity Model, CMM),並且將它的軟體評估能力集中起來。
25While data warehouses are used to centralize data from operational systems, there is no agreed-upon business definition as to the meaning of "member".公司使用數據倉庫集中存儲來自業務系統的數據,但是沒有為“成員”提供統一的業務定義。
26But why centralize so much resource consumption on an overburdened server, when in theory you could distribute processing and memory needs to clients?但是為什麼要在一個負載過重的伺服器上集中這么多的資源消耗呢?從理論上來說,我們什麼時候可以將處理和記憶體需求分布到客戶機呢?
27The adoption route for centralize change and configuration management provides a phased approach for migrating to ClearCase and ClearQuest repositories.集中式變更與配置管理的採用路徑,為轉移至ClearCase與ClearQuest存儲庫提供了一種階段性的方法。
28Both ESB and hub-and-spoke solutions centralize control of configuration, such as the routing of service interactions, the naming of services, and so forth.ESB和中心輻射型(hub - and - spoke)解決方案都集中控制配置,比如服務互動的路由、服務命名等等。
29Specifically, the contractor will help consolidate and centralize hosting environments that will assist the command in reducing costs and increasing services.具體來說,承包商將有助於加強和集中作戰環境,協助指揮降低成本並增加服務。
30One solution is to have the Communications Center to centralize communication, maintain contacts lists, and categorize your e-mails on the same common message board.一種解決的方法是利用Communications Center在同一個公共訊息留言板進行集中交流、保存聯繫人列表和進行電子郵件分類。