他們的歌很美,很柔軟,好像是貼在你耳朵旁邊訴說著一個故事, 聲音中似乎帶著淡淡的憂傷和思念, 讓你禁不住想起那些的遙遠的事情, 很美的旋律, 它一定會不斷迴蕩在你的耳邊.......
關於Capercaillie樂隊的核心成員Karen Matheson,美國告示牌雜誌Billboard Magazine:“這個時代最棒的蓋爾語女聲”。
凱爾特女聲”讚譽,那時Karen的年紀雖然不大,但卻懂得相當多的凱爾特字彙與傳統歌謠,主要因素是由於Karen的外婆Elizabeth MacNeill是一名傳統歌謠的歌者,她的許多克爾特歌曲都是從那裡學來的,而且“雷鳥”樂團之所以有堅實的凱爾特民族元素為創作素材的原因也是源自於此。
凱爾特音樂創作了無限可能的出路,他們嘗試將其民族樂音加以結合轉化,不論流行節奏還是非洲等其他民族的音樂紋脈皆是他們創作素材,九五年他們參加英國的WOMAD音樂節時早已是舉世之名的當代凱爾特樂團了。不過在轉化的過程中,該團使用的樂器以及成員架構與來自愛爾蘭的Clannad家族合唱團(Enya的姐姐Maire (Moya) Brennan為主唱)有些近似,也因此許多樂迷都喜歡將這兩團做為比較。若您聽過Clannad與Capercaillie的作品,其實您能發現這之間還是有明顯不同,前者雖然來自
Karen Matheson可以說是最傳統、最正宗的Celtic風格的代表,Clannad樂隊其實無論成就的數量還是質量都無可比性,倒是另外一支著名的Celtic樂隊Altan與之相似程度更高,當然風格也是有差異的。
Karen Matheson的演唱,是一種起伏變化迅速的“哼唱”類型,與Enya的慢速吟唱相比,這樣的風格要想唱得出優美、純淨、連貫的旋律,對歌手來說難度極大,但Karen Matheson卻完美地做到了,拋開突出的音樂創作能力不談,這本身就已經足夠吸引人了。“這個時代最棒的蓋爾語女聲”的確實至名歸。
也許是不懂蓋爾語的緣故,國內知道Karen Matheson的本來就不多,大多局限於她的單獨的三張個人專輯,知道把她和Capercaillie(雷鳥)聯繫在一起的人更少(Capercaillie也只在一些Celtic合集裡偶爾露面而已),殊不知Karen Matheson的主要成就恰恰就是在Capercaillie之中,這與Celtic在音樂界如雷貫耳的事實很不協調。由於蒐集的專輯比較多,逐一篩選也是份苦差事,索性直接發個全集,讓大家自己來鑑賞。
收錄截止2008年該樂隊的21張專輯(全集)、其核心歌手Karen Matheson的三張個人專輯以及Karen Matheson客串與其他音樂家合作的部分單曲

Capercaillie - 1984 - 《Cascade》
Capercaillie - 1987 - 《Crosswinds》
Capercaillie - 1988 - 《The blood is strong》
Capercaillie - 1989 - 《Sidewaulk》
Capercaillie - 1991 - 《Delirium》
Capercaillie - 1992 - 《Get out》
Capercaillie - 1993 - 《Secret people》
Capercaillie - 1993 - 《The blood is strong II》
Capercaillie - 1994 - 《Capercaillie》
Capercaillie - 1994 - 《Dark Alan (Ailein duinn)》
Capercaillie - 1994 - 《When you return》
Capercaillie - 1995 - 《To the moon》
Capercaillie - 1996 - 《Glenfinnan (Songs of the '45')》
Capercaillie - 1997 - 《Beautiful wasteland》
Capercaillie - 1998 - 《Dusk till dawn, the best of Capercallie》
Capercaillie - 1998 - 《Waulkroots》
Capercaillie - 1999 - 《The best of》
Capercaillie - 2000 - 《Nadurra》
Capercaillie - 2002 - 《Live in concert》
Capercaillie - 2003 - 《Choice language》
Capercaillie - 2004 - 《Grace and pride - The anthology》
Capercaillie - 2008 - 《Roses and tears》
Karen Matheson - 1996 - 《The dreaming sea》
Karen Matheson - 2002 - 《Time to fall》
Karen Matheson - 2005 - 《Downriver》
Capercaillie - (a) Dean cadalan samhach (b) Servant to the slave ('92 version).part1
Capercaillie - (a) Dean cadalan samhach (b) Servant to the slave ('92 version).part2
Capercaillie - A cur nan gobhar as a' chreig (Herding the goats from the rocks)
Capercaillie - A state of yearning
Capercaillie - Aignish
Capercaillie - Ailein duinn (Dark Alan)
Capercaillie - Ailein duinn (清唱)
Capercaillie - Alasdair mhic cholla ghasda (Alasdair, son of gallant coll) (長版)
Capercaillie - Alasdair mhic cholla ghasda (Alasdair, son of gallant coll) (短版)
Capercaillie - Alasdair mhic cholla ghasda (Alasdair, son of gallant coll)
Capercaillie - Alasdair's tune
Capercaillie - Am ataireachd ard
Capercaillie - Am buachaille ban
Capercaillie - Am mur gorm (The blue rampart)
Capercaillie - An eala bhan (The white swan) (長版)
Capercaillie - An eala bhan (The white swan)
Capercaillie - An fhideag airgid
Capercaillie - An gille ban
Capercaillie - An ribhinn donn
Capercaillie - An T-Eilean mu thuath (The Isle to the north)
Capercaillie - An t-iarla diurach
Capercaillie - Aodann srath bhain
Capercaillie - A'racan a bh'againne
Capercaillie - Argyll lassies
Capercaillie - Arrival reprise
Capercaillie - Arrival theme
Capercaillie - At dawn of day
Capercaillie - Balindore
Capercaillie - Barra clapping song
Capercaillie - Beautiful wasteland
Capercaillie - Black fields
Capercaillie - Bonaparte (Live)
Capercaillie - Bonaparte (長版)
Capercaillie - Bonaparte
Capercaillie - Both sides the tweed
Capercaillie - Breisleach (Live - Dusk till dawn)
Capercaillie - Breisleach (Live)
Capercaillie - Breisleach (Live - Grace and pride)
Capercaillie - Breisleach
Capercaillie - Brenda stubbert's set
Capercaillie - Callinish, picts, celts
Capercaillie - Calum's road
Capercaillie - Cape breton song
Capercaillie - Claire in heaven
Capercaillie - Clo mhic'ille mhicheil
Capercaillie - Co ni mire rium (Who will flirt with me)
Capercaillie - Coisich, a ruin (Walk my beloved) (12_mix)
Capercaillie - Coisich, a ruin (Walk my beloved) (Live - Live in concert)
Capercaillie - Coisich, a ruin (Walk my beloved) (Live)
Capercaillie - Coisich, a ruin (Walk my beloved)
Capercaillie - Colum cille
Capercaillie - Crime of passion (Live)
Capercaillie - Crime of passion (長版)
Capercaillie - Crime of passion
Capercaillie - Cumha do dh'uilleam siosal
Capercaillie - David glen's
Capercaillie - Dean cadalan samhach
Capercaillie - Dean saor an spiorad
Capercaillie - Distant hill
Capercaillie - Domhnall
Capercaillie - Don't you go
Capercaillie - Downtown toronto
Capercaillie - Dr.MacPhail's reel - Cape breton song (Live)
Capercaillie - Dr.Macphail's reel
Capercaillie - Dr.Macphail's trance ('92 version)
Capercaillie - Eastern reel
Capercaillie - Eilean a'cheo
Capercaillie - Fagail Bhernaraidh (Leaving Berneray)
Capercaillie - Fear a'bhata (短版)
Capercaillie - Fear a'bhata
Capercaillie - Fear-allabain
Capercaillie - Finlay's (Live)
Capercaillie - Finlay's
Capercaillie - Fisherman's dream
Capercaillie - Fosgail an dorus (Nighean bhuidh' ruadh)
Capercaillie - Four stone walls
Capercaillie - Gaelic psalm theme
Capercaillie - Gaol troimh aimsirean (Love through the seasons)
Capercaillie - Gin teann mi ris na ruinn tha seo (Remeberance)
Capercaillie - Glen orchy (Rory MacLeod)
Capercaillie - God's alibi
Capercaillie - Grace and pride (1994)
Capercaillie - Grace and pride (2004)
Capercaillie - Grace and pride
Capercaillie - Grandfather mountain
Capercaillie - Heart of the highland
Capercaillie - Hebridean hale
Capercaillie - Hi rim bo
Capercaillie - Him bo
Capercaillie - Hoireann O
Capercaillie - Homer's reel
Capercaillie - Hope springs eternal
Capercaillie - I will set my ship in order
Capercaillie - Iain ghlinn 'cuaich (John of glen cuaich) (Live)
Capercaillie - Iain ghlinn 'cuaich (John of glen cuaich)
Capercaillie - Inexile (Dusk till dawn)
Capercaillie - Inexile (Live)
Capercaillie - Inexile
Capercaillie - Iona theme
Capercaillie - Islay ranter's reels
Capercaillie - Kenny Mcdonald's song
Capercaillie - Kepplehall 25 kts
Capercaillie - Kepplehall - Osmosis reel (Live)
Capercaillie - La paella grande
Capercaillie - Leodhasach an tir chein
Capercaillie - Little do they know
Capercaillie - Lordship of the Isles
Capercaillie - Ma theid mise tuilleagh
Capercaillie - Maggie's megaset
Capercaillie - Maideanan na h-airidh
Capercaillie - Maighdean na h-airidh
Capercaillie - Marc's set
Capercaillie - Michael's matches
Capercaillie - Mile marbhaisg (A thousand courses)
Capercaillie - Milleadh nam braidhrean
Capercaillie - M'ionam
Capercaillie - Mo bhean chomuinn
Capercaillie - Mo chailin dileas donn (Live)
Capercaillie - Mo chailin dileas donn
Capercaillie - Mo run gael og
Capercaillie - My Laggan Love (Fox on the town)
Capercaillie - Nil si i ngra (Live)
Capercaillie - Nil si i ngra
Capercaillie - Nuair a chi thu caileag bhoidheach
Capercaillie - Oh mo dhuthaich (Oh my country) (二重唱版)
Capercaillie - Oh mo dhuthaich (Oh my country)
Capercaillie - Oran air bhreith a phrionnsa tearlaich
Capercaillie - Oran do loch iall
Capercaillie - Oran eile don phrionnsa
Capercaillie - Oran sugraidh
Capercaillie - Oran
Capercaillie - Outlaws (Live)
Capercaillie - Pige ruadh (Live)
Capercaillie - Puirt a beul (Snug in a blanket)
Capercaillie - Rann na mona
Capercaillie - Rapture
Capercaillie - Rob Roy reels (Live).part1
Capercaillie - Rob Roy reels (Live).part2
Capercaillie - Rob Roy reels
Capercaillie - Rose cottage reels
Capercaillie - 'S fhada leam an oidhche gheamhraidh
Capercaillie - Sardinia
Capercaillie - Seice ruairidh (Roddy's drum)
Capercaillie - Seinneam cliu nam fear ur
Capercaillie - Servant to the slave
Capercaillie - Shanbally castle (Caberfeidh)
Capercaillie - Shelter
Capercaillie - Sidewaulk reels
Capercaillie - Silver spear reels (Live)
Capercaillie - Skye waulking song
Capercaillie - Smuladh mi's mi air maineol
Capercaillie - Soldier boy
Capercaillie - Soraidh bhuam gu barraidh
Capercaillie - Sort of slides
Capercaillie - Stinging rain (Capercaillie)
Capercaillie - Stinging rain (Grace and pride)
Capercaillie - Stinging rain
Capercaillie - Take the floor
Capercaillie - The ale is deer (Reels)
Capercaillie - The aphrodisiac
Capercaillie - The Blunt reels
Capercaillie - The boy who
Capercaillie - The cockerel in the creel
Capercaillie - The crooked mountain
Capercaillie - The Gaelic reels
Capercaillie - The haggis
Capercaillie - The harley ashtray
Capercaillie - The hebrides
Capercaillie - The hollybush
Capercaillie - The laurel house theme
Capercaillie - The little cascade
Capercaillie - The lorn theme_ Instrumental (Moladh Bhearnaraidh) (In praise of Berneray)
Capercaillie - The miracle of being (Live)
Capercaillie - The miracle of being (Youth re-mix)
Capercaillie - The miracle of being (長版)
Capercaillie - The miracle of being
Capercaillie - The old crone (Poort na caillich)
Capercaillie - The price of fire
Capercaillie - The quimper waltz
Capercaillie - The reel northern light (Instrumental)
Capercaillie - The reel northern light
Capercaillie - The snuff wife jigs
Capercaillie - The sound of sleat
Capercaillie - The tree (Live)
Capercaillie - The tree
Capercaillie - The turnpike.part1
Capercaillie - The turnpike.part2
Capercaillie - The weasel set (Live)
Capercaillie - The weasel
Capercaillie - The Whinney hills jigs
Capercaillie - Thiocfadh leat fanacht
Capercaillie - Tighinn air a'mhuir am fear a phosas mi (The one who will marry me will)
Capercaillie - To the moon
Capercaillie - Tobar mhoire (Tobermory)
Capercaillie - Tobermory
Capercaillie - Troy's wedding (Jigs)
Capercaillie - Truth calling
Capercaillie - Turas an anraidh
Capercaillie - Urnaigh a 'bhan-thigreach
Capercaillie - Waiting for the wheel to turn (12_mix).part1
Capercaillie - Waiting for the wheel to turn (12_mix).part2
Capercaillie - Waiting for the wheel to turn ('92 version).part1
Capercaillie - Waiting for the wheel to turn ('92 version).part2
Capercaillie - Waiting for the wheel to turn (Delirium)
Capercaillie - Waiting for the wheel to turn.part1
Capercaillie - Waiting for the wheel to turn.part2
Capercaillie - When you return (Widescreen mix)
Capercaillie - When you return
Capercaillie - Who will raise their voice (長版)
Capercaillie - Who will raise their voice
Capercaillie - Why won't you touch me
Capercaillie - You will rise again
Capercaillie - You
Capercaillie & Spirit of the west - Canadian skye
Dan Ar Braz (Karen Matheson) - Ailein duinn (Dark Alan) (Live)
Dan Ar Braz (Karen Matheson) - Borders of salt (Live).part1
Dan Ar Braz (Karen Matheson) - Borders of salt (Live).part2
Dan Ar Braz (Karen Matheson) - Borders of salt
Idir & [mjurl=Karen Matheson - A vava inouva 2
Karen Matheson - All the flowers of the bough
Karen Matheson - An ataireachd ard (The surge of the sea)
Karen Matheson - An fhideag airgid
Karen Matheson - At the end of the night
Karen Matheson - Bonnie Jean
Karen Matheson - Calbharaigh
Karen Matheson - Chi mi bhuam
Karen Matheson - Cronan bleoghainn
Karen Matheson - Crucan na bpaiste
Karen Matheson - Early morning grey
Karen Matheson - Evangeline
Karen Matheson - Fac thu na feidh
Karen Matheson - Gleann baile chaoil
Karen Matheson - Goodbye Phoebe
Karen Matheson - Gura tu mo bhoun chomuinn
Karen Matheson - Hoping for you
Karen Matheson - I will not wear the willow
Karen Matheson - 'Ic iain 'ic sheumais
Karen Matheson - Laoidh fhearchair eoghainn
Karen Matheson - Luadh an toraidh
Karen Matheson - Mi le m'uilinn air mo ghluin (With my elbow on my knee)
Karen Matheson - Moch di luain
Karen Matheson - Moonchild
Karen Matheson - Morning
Karen Matheson - Move on
Karen Matheson - My whispered reason
Karen Matheson - O Mhairi's tu mo Mhairi
Karen Matheson - O nach eisdeadh
Karen Matheson - One more chance
Karen Matheson - Puirt a beul
Karen Matheson - Rithill aill (A wedding song)
Karen Matheson - Singing in the dark
Karen Matheson - Speed of love
Karen Matheson - The sreaming sea
Karen Matheson - There's always Sunday
Karen Matheson - Time to fall
Karen Matheson - World stood still
Karen Matheson & Micheal McGoldrick - Buain a' choirce
Karen Matheson & Runrig - chi mi'n geamhradh
Secret Garden (Karen Matheson) - Greenwaves