adv. 燦爛地;輝煌地;光亮地
You played really brilliantly. 你的表現真是棒極了。
The strategy worked brilliantly. 這項策略非常成功。
The plan worked brilliantly. 計畫實施得十分順利。
It's a brilliantly sunny morning. 這是個陽光燦爛的早晨。
It was brilliantly sunny. 陽光明媚。
He acquitted himself brilliantly in the exams. 他在考試中表現出色。
Many of the patterns show brilliantly coloured flowers. 許多圖案都有絢麗多彩的花。
The goalie saved brilliantly from Johnson's long-range shot. 守門員漂亮地撲擋了詹森的遠射。
His acting career started brilliantly, then sank into mediocrity. 他的演藝生涯開場時轟轟烈烈,然後就變得庸庸碌碌。
In this new book, Harrison brilliantly disentangles complex debates. 在這本新書里,哈里森出色地在複雜的爭論中理順了頭緒。
It is a very high quality production, brilliantly written and acted. 這是一部非常高質量的演出,絕妙地編寫而成並被表演出來。
Fluorescent lights flickered, and then the room was brilliantly, blindingly bright. 螢光燈閃爍了幾下,然後房間就亮得刺眼。
Yet, it is important to note as well that sound is often brilliantly conceived. 然而,同樣重要的是要注意到,聲音通常是構思巧妙的。
T. H. Breen argued that the consumer boycott was a brilliantly original American invention. T.H.Breen認為,消費者抵制運動是美國的一項傑出發明。
At eight in the evening the schoolhouse was brilliantly lighted, and adorned with wreaths and festoons of foliage and flowers. 晚上八點,教室里燈火輝煌,裝飾著樹葉和鮮花編成的花環和彩帶。
After setting himself up in Hollywood, he single-handedly pioneered the concepts of branding and merchandising—something his company still does brilliantly today. 進入好萊塢後,他單槍匹馬開創了品牌和行銷的概念,而他的公司至今仍在這方面做得很出色。
The chapter "Old Aice's History" brilliantly dramatizes the situation of that early generation of workers brought from the villages and the countryside to the urban industrial centers. 《老艾斯的歷史》這一章生動地描述了早期一代工人從農村被帶到城市工業中心的情況。
The chapter "Old Alice's History" brilliantly dramatizes the situation of that early generation of workers brought from the villages and the countryside to the urban industrial centers. “老愛麗絲的歷史”這一章生動地描述了從鄉村和農村來到城市工業中心的早期工人的情況。
The shops were brilliantly lit up. 那些商店燈光明亮。
The earth-men saw that the flier was brilliantly illuminated, pouring out a gorgeous amethystine radiance from its violet ports. 地上的人看到傳單被照亮了,從紫羅蘭色的連線埠中倒出了華麗的紫水晶光芒。
And, yes, it works brilliantly. 沒錯,它實施起來會很出色。
He ran a brilliantly decentralised campaign. 他主導了一場輝煌的分散運動。
The wedding had been brilliantly planned. 婚禮設計得相當出色。
AMY: Did you know that you act brilliantly? 艾米:你知道,你表演得很精彩嗎?
Thankfully, all four boys get on brilliantly. 我這四個兒子相處十分融洽,我可真是謝天謝地了。
I think Jones captured jungle warfare brilliantly. 我認為瓊斯把握叢林戰非常到位。
Read brilliantly-written blogs, and learn from them. 閱讀編寫出色的部落格,並從中學習。
We've been to some brilliantly demented gallery openings. 我們一起去過一些很出色的令人發狂的畫廊開幕式。
Would your strokes be tremblingly timid or brilliantly bold? 你的落筆會是顫抖膽怯的,還是鮮明果敢的?