



  • 外文名:bough
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 屬性:英語單詞
  • 常用短語:bough transformation hough




Bough House 堡豪斯餐廳
Dream Bough 黑甜鄉之樹
sweet bough 蘋果樹
grass bough 草苗
henry bough 路透社的包亨利
bough transformation hough變換
Bough Grey 灰色
Mark Bough 標籤


  • 1I rested my fishing rod against a pine bough.我把我的魚竿靠在松樹的一個大樹枝上。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2The Tree trembled so in every bough that one of the tapers set fire to the foliage.樅樹的每根枝子都在發抖,弄得一根蠟燭燒著了一根枝子。
  • 3Or set upon a golden bough to sing或者就鑲在金樹枝上歌唱
  • 4Petals on a wet, black bough.潮濕黑枝,花瓣繽紛綻放。
  • 5A bough floats in the river.河裡漂著一個大樹枝。
  • 6The bough was loaded with fruit.樹枝上果實纍纍。
  • 7Do not cut the bough you are standing on.不要砍你所立足的樹枝(不要自己害自己)。
  • 8“Yes, to children, ” said the apple-bough.“看到了,它只能和孩子在一道時是這樣!” 蘋果枝說。
  • 9We saw a finch light on (or upon) a bough.我們看到樹枝上停著或一隻麻雀。
  • 10He hitched a rope round a bough of a tree.他把一根繩子繞系在一棵樹枝上。
  • 11While the chaffinch sings on the orchard bough.燕雀在果園的枝頭啁啾。
  • 12Their bright wings “bespangled every bough like stars”.他們閃亮的翅膀“把每一個樹枝都點綴得星光閃閃”。
  • 13Brighten, his head cocks, he pauses under a green bough.明亮,頭顱高昂,他在一根綠色的樹枝下停下來。
  • 14A bough of fruit falls from the sun on your dark garment.一根果實的枝條自太陽落到你深色的衣服上。
  • 15The ant seized[5] the bough[6], and swam back to the shore[7].螞蟻抓住樹枝,游回了岸邊。
  • 16The reports include When the Bough Breaks (on child protection);這些報告包括:樹枝何時斷裂(關於兒童保護);
  • 17Rough cough is tough enough," Bough said while touching the torch."劇烈咳嗽是夠難以對付的,"大樹枝在觸摸手電筒時說道.
  • 18The reports include When the Bough Breaks (on child protection); the Ready or Not!這些報告包括:樹枝何時斷裂(關於兒童保護);是否準備好!
  • 19A nightingale was sitting on a bough of an oak and singing, as her custom was.夜鶯坐在一棵橡樹的樹枝上,像往常一樣在唱歌。
  • 20A pat of butter underneath the bough, a wedge of cheese, a loaf of bread and—Thou.一小塊黃油,一根芹菜,一角乳酪,一片麵包,還有你——宜人的秋色。


