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  • 外文名:boiler
  • 詞性:名詞


英 [ˈbɔɪlə(r)] 美 [ˈbɔɪlər]


Industrial Boiler 工業鍋爐 ; 工業用鍋爐 ; 工業汽鍋 ; 產業鍋爐
boiler plate 鍋爐板 ; [動力] 鍋爐鋼板 ; 樣板檔案 ; 樣板鋼
marine boiler [船] 船用鍋爐 ; 船用汽鍋 ; 翻譯
boiler plant 鍋爐房 ; 鍋爐設備 ; 鍋爐間 ; 鍋爐裝置
electric boiler 電熱鍋爐 ; [動力] 電鍋爐 ; 電熱水器 ; 電氣熱水爐
boiler unit [動力] 鍋爐機組 ; 鍋爐設備 ; 鍋爐裝置 ; 鍋爐裝置鍋爐
boiler fittings 鍋爐配件 ; 鍋爐附屬檔案 ; 鍋爐屬具 ; 汽鍋配


  • 1Pipes convey hot water from the boiler to the radiators.管道把熱水從鍋爐輸送到暖氣片。《牛津詞典》
  • 2With the new boiler you can make big savings on fuel bills.用這種新鍋爐,能省一大筆燃料開銷。《牛津詞典》
  • 3He replaced the boiler when the last one began to spout flames.原來的鍋爐開始噴射火焰之後他便更換了一個。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4Residents heard an enormous bang as a safety valve on the boiler failed.當鍋爐的一個安全閥失靈時,居民們聽到了一聲巨響。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5She kept looking at the dial on the boiler. The needle had reached 250 degrees.她一直看著鍋爐上的刻度盤,指針已經到達250度。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 6The pressure in the cylinders would go up in proportion to the boiler pressure.汽缸內的壓力會與鍋爐的壓力成比例上升。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 7He bought a new water boiler with a digitally controlled pump, and wrapped insulation around the pipes.他買了一個帶有數字控制泵的新水鍋爐,並在管道周圍包裹了絕緣材料。
  • 8My partner says no because the boiler could go, or the roof fall off, and we have no savings to save us.我的另一半說不,因為鍋爐可能會壞掉,屋頂可能會掉下來,而我們沒有可用以自救的儲蓄。
  • 9My partner says no because the boiler could go, or the roof falls off, and we have no savings to save us.我的另一半說不,因為鍋爐可能會壞掉,屋頂可能會掉下來,而我們沒有可用以自救的儲蓄。
  • 10The boiler uses solid fuel.這個鍋爐燒固體燃料。《牛津詞典》
  • 11Dissolve the chocolate in the top of a double boiler.在雙層蒸鍋的上層鍋內融化朱古力。
  • 12After this test we can calculate: It takes 40 minutes to braise a chook by a normal boiler, but it only needs 15 minutes by the flameout reboiler.通過這個實驗我們來算一算:採用普通鍋燉雞需要花費40分鐘,而熄火再煮鍋只需15分鐘。
  • 13The 3D velocity fields in the furnaces' arch area for a conventional stock boiler were measured by the hot wire aerometer.通過熱線式氣壓計測量了常規儲備鍋爐的爐拱區域中的 3D 速度場。
  • 14The boiler discharged steam.鍋爐排放了蒸汽。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 15We should let the steam off the boiler.我們應該放掉鍋爐里的蒸氣。
  • 16Boiler Room (2000).鍋爐房(2000)。
  • 17Do you know what's wrong with the boiler?你知道蒸鍋出什麼毛病了嗎?
  • 18Hanna had turned on the boiler for the bathwater.漢娜打開了洗澡水的鍋爐。
  • 19The boiler from excessive pressure of steam exploded.蒸氣壓力過高的鍋爐突然破裂了。
  • 20Steam boilers of 40 m height. An elevator near every boiler.40米高的蒸汽鍋爐,每個蒸汽鍋爐旁邊都有升降機。
  • 21The new Enel plant here opens its first boiler in two months.二個月後,埃奈爾電廠的第一個新鍋爐將會啟用。
  • 22One 250-mw boiler burns more than 150 tons of coal in an hour.一個250中波的鍋爐一個小時內燒掉了150多噸煤。
  • 23Replace your old boiler with a new energy efficient condensing boiler.用新能源高效冷凝式鍋爐替代你的舊鍋爐。
  • 24The top of the boiler. Try to find a man in the corner of the workshop.鍋爐的頂端,能在這個車間的某個角落找到一個人嗎?
  • 25The metal hinged hose was used to transfer water from a tender to a boiler.通過金屬鉸接的軟管用來將水從煤水車輸送到鍋爐。
  • 26BOILER rooms are often dirty and steamy, but this one is pristine and cool.鍋爐房給人的印象多是潮濕髒亂,然而眼前這個則乾淨清爽。
  • 27Output the class header, including import statements and boiler-plate comment.輸出類頭,包括導入語句和注釋。
  • 28Adjust the central heating controls so that the boiler is only on when you need it.調整集中供暖控制,以便鍋爐只在需要時啟用。
  • 29Maintenance men there quickly produced rags to make a bed behind the boiler for the fawn.那裡的工作人員立即拿出碎布,在鍋爐後面給小鹿鋪了張床。


