



  • 外文名:blended
  • 詞性:形容詞、名詞
  • 英式音標:[ˈblendɪd]
  • 美式音標:[ˈblendɪd]


英 [ˈblendɪd] 美 [ˈblendɪd]
adj. 混雜的;混合的
v. 混合;交融;摻和(blend過去式過去分詞


blended yarn 混紡紗
blended fabric 混紡織物;混紡布
blended cement 摻合水泥;混合水泥
blended fuel [機]混合燃料,調合燃料


  • The thieves soon blended in with the crowd and got away. 竊賊很快混入人群逃跑了。
  • Bread is crushed and blended in like everything else. 像其他東西一樣,把麵包壓碎混合在一起。
  • Fast-food companies are also adding midday and late-night snacks, such as blended drinks and wraps. 快餐公司也增加了一些適合中午和深夜的小吃,比如混合飲料和包裝食品。
  • Although their missions blended commercial and political-military imperatives, the explorers involved all accomplished some significant science simply by going where no scientists had gone before. 雖然他們的任務混合了商業和政治軍事的需要,但相關的探險者都完成了一些重要的科學任務,因為他們去了以前沒有科學家去過的地方。
  • He blended into the crowd. 他消失在人群中。
  • What she said proves to be true of my blended family. 她說的話在我的重組家庭里得到了證實。
  • Under her influence we became a blended family and a good relationship developed between the two families. 在她的影響下,我們成為了一個其樂融融的家庭,兩個家庭之間的關係也變得融洽。
  • The gecko, perched on a branch, has blended itself into its surroundings so well that its coil-shaped body is hard to spot amid the foliage. 這隻壁虎棲息在一根樹枝上,它與周圍環境融合得如此之好,以至於在樹葉中很難發現它那盤狀的身體。
  • Anti-aliased text and alpha blended pixmaps. 抗鋸齒文本和混合視頻的像素映射。
  • This is called the “blended learning concept. 這被稱作“混合教學法”。
  • Solid and alpha-blended (semi-transparent) colors. 純色和半透明混合顏色。
  • The music of the violin blended sweetly with her voice. 小提琴的樂曲和她的嗓音很和諧。
  • The tubes are filled with oil blended with a propietary dye. 管子裡充滿著油和一種特製染料的混合物。
  • Both need to be blended to offer new services, she says. 她說,軟硬體需要融合來提供新服務。
  • This article USES an XML-Excel blended format to store cell values. 本文使用XML - Excel混合格式來存儲單元格值。
  • The turtle's shell blended into the mud, making it almost invisible. 龜殼潛入泥中,使它幾乎不被看見。
  • My favorite drink is at Tim Hortons! They have the best blended drinks. 我最愛喝Tim Hortons的飲料,他們的混合飲料完全沒的說。
  • It is very helpful for web development and can be blended into HTML too. 它很適合用於網路開發,也能夠嵌入到HTML中。
  • Nisbett believes in the blended, but transformed, representation of the two. 尼斯貝特認為,世界未來將走向融合,但是東西方的代表都將轉變。
  • Combine blended fruit and milk in a container large enough for both of your feet. 把攪好的水果與全脂牛奶混合放在一個容器中,容器要足夠大,容得下你的一雙腳。
  • Add butter, granulated garlic, and cayenne and whirl until smooth and well blended. 將蒜泥加入黃油、辣椒粉,攪拌直到充分混合。
  • How to eat: Blended with yogurt or chocolate soy milk and sprinkled with crushed almonds. 食法:混合優酪乳或朱古力豆奶或撒上杏仁壓碎。
  • The blended rate model is a common practice for large, globally distributed organizations. 混合費率模型是大型跨國機構普遍採用的做法。
  • He blended in with the other leaves on the ground, and Trufa was left all alone on the tree. 他跟地上的其它落葉混合在一起,而特魯法孤零零地留在了樹上。
  • In a bowl, whisk milk, vanilla, sugar, and cinnamon into the beaten eggs until well blended. 將牛奶、香草精、白糖、肉桂加入打散的雞蛋中,攪打至充分混合,靜置備用。
  • Wash it all down with fresh papaya or mango blended with shaved ice, milk and a little syrup. 混著刨冰、牛奶和些許糖漿吞下新鮮番木瓜或芒果也要試試喔。
  • Figure 13 shows that as soon as certain events arrive, an alert is blended into the theme. 圖13顯示了在特定事件到達後,警報會立即出現在主題中。
  • There are also six "blended" forms of hopelessness which results when two needs are challenged. 此外當兩種需求同時破滅的時候,還會出現六種混合型的絕望。


