adj. 奇異的,古怪的;怪誕的
1Fantasies cannot harm you, no matter how bizarre or far out they are.無論多么荒誕或怪異的幻想都傷害不到你。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
2That seems so bizarre.看起來好奇怪。
3The building was of bizarre construction.這建築構造奇異。《新英漢大辭典》
4It's certainly varied and sometimes bizarre.它當然是多種多樣的,有時是怪異的。
5Some of the critter's combat strategies seem barbaric or downright bizarre.這種生物的一些戰鬥策略看起來很野蠻,或者完全是怪異的。
6Everyone got a chunk of meat which was distributed by a bizarre stone knife.每個人都得到一大塊肉,用一把奇怪的石刀分著吃。
7He deals with those unbelievable, weird, and often bizarre things and events.他處理那些令人難以置信的、怪異的、常常是離奇的事情。
8However zany and bizarre, Gadaffi was clever as a fox and had more lives than a cat.不管多么滑稽古怪,卡扎菲聰明得像只狐狸,而且命比貓還多。
9Even more bizarre, a woman conceived from a split embryo could give birth to her own twin.更奇怪的是,一個從分裂胚胎中受孕的婦女可以生下自己的雙胞胎。
10Weather conditions that drive this bizarre temperature surge have visited the Arctic before.導致這種奇怪的氣溫飆升的天氣條件以前也曾出現在北極地區。
11That's not a bad thing actually, since Deadpool's bizarre digressions are exactly what makes the film appealing.那其實並不是一件壞事,因為《死侍》怪異的離題情節正是這部電影吸引人的地方。
12To most of us, it seems bizarre that people could miss such obvious changes while they are paying active attention.人們在積極關注卻忽略了這么明顯的變化,這對我們大多數人來說這似乎很奇怪。
13In this week's edition of special series on bizarre medical conditions there's a report of the case of Michelle Myers.本周的離奇病症專題系列中,有一篇關於米歇爾·邁爾斯病例的報導。
14From bizarre antimatter to experiments that tie light up in knots, physics has revealed some spooky sides of our world.從奇異的反物質到把光綑紮成結的實驗,物理學已經揭示了我們世界的一些幽靈般的方面。
15In this week's edition of special series on Bizarre Medical Conditions, there is a report of the case of Michelle Myers.在本周的《奇異醫療事件》特別系列中,有一篇關於米歇爾·邁爾斯病例的報導。
16It would be wonderful to observe a singularity and obtain direct evidence of the undoubtedly bizarre phenomena that occur near one.如果能觀察到一顆奇點,並獲取關於奇點附近出現的可信的怪異現象的直接證據,那將非常好。
17The accolade, awarded by the magazaine Total Politics, goes to the bizarre video cover of the Bucks Fizz classic "Making your mind up".由 Total Politics 頒發的榮譽,授予給了 Bucks Fizz 怪異的古典音樂《振作起來》的視頻封面。
18The bizarre and suggestive menagerie of creatures that followed Godzilla onto the silver screen ranged from the intriguing to the ridiculous.哥斯拉之後出現在大銀幕上的各種奇異而具有暗示性的生物,從耐人尋味的到荒謬的,不一而足。
19Central African tribes and ancient Egyptians described and depicted a bizarre creature for centuries, colloquially dubbed the "African unicorn" by Europeans.幾個世紀以來中非部落和古埃及一直在描述一種奇怪的生物,歐洲人把它通俗地稱為“非洲獨角獸”。
20Other linguists in the earlier part of this century, however, who were less eager to deal with bizarre data from "exotic" language, were not always so grateful.然而,本世紀初的其他語言學家不那么熱衷於處理來自“異國”語言的奇異數據,他們並不總是如此感激。
21Other linguists in the earlier part of this century, however, who were less eager to deal with bizarre data from "exotic" language, were not always so grateful.然而,本世紀初的其他語言學家不那么熱衷於處理來自“異國”語言的奇異數據,他們並不總是如此感激。
22Today, biologists, using 21st-century tools to study cells and DNA, are beginning to understand how these plants hunt, eat and digest—and how such bizarre adaptations arose in the first place.今天,生物學家利用21世紀的工具來研究細胞和 DNA,開始了解這些植物是如何捕食和消化的——以及這些奇異的適應性最初是如何產生的。
23Even without gadgets that understand our spoken commands, research suggests that, as bizarre as it sounds, under certain circumstances, people regularly ascribe human traits to everyday objects.研究表明,即使沒有能夠理解我們口頭指令的小工具,在某些情況下,人們也會經常認為日常物品具有人的特性,儘管這聽起來很奇怪。
24I found the whole story bizarre, not to say unbelievable.我覺得整個事件經過荒誕不經,更不用說不可信了。《牛津詞典》
25The game was also notable for the bizarre behaviour of the team's manager.這場比賽另一值得注意的地方是該隊經理人異乎尋常的表現。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
26In 15th-century Burgundy, royal banquets were enlivened by bizarre entremets.在15世紀的勃艮第,皇室的盛宴因每道菜之間奇特的表演而生氣勃勃。
27I find the whole thing bizarre.我發現這真是件很奇怪的態度。
28This document is really bizarre.這文本真夠奇怪的。
29Yet it is a bizarre tactic.然而這是一個古怪的策略。
30Hispersonality is somewhat bizarre.他性格有點古怪。