



  • 外文名:bitty
  • 美式讀音: ['bIti ]
  • 詞性:形容詞
  • 英式讀音: ['bIti ]
  • 屬性:英語單詞
  • 釋義:片段的;細短的


  • 1She's just a little bitty wisp of a girl.她只是一個非常嬌弱的小女孩。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2Satan's spear is to the tallest pine what the tallest pine is to a little, bitty wand.撒旦之矛之於最高的松樹,猶如最高的松樹之於小小的魔杖。
  • 3How about we just start cleaning this itty-bitty corner of your room?不如我們開始打掃你房間的這個小角落吧?
  • 4The song was Little Bitty Tear.這首歌就是《小滴淚》。
  • 5The police has only a few bitty evidence.警方僅有一些支離破碎的證據。
  • 6You're just a little-bitty baby, you know that?你只是個小不丁點嬰兒你知道嗎? 但是你擁有…
  • 7With the itty bitty details of... yea you just have to pay more for it later.根據itty片段的細節……是啊,你只需要在以後為它付出更多即可。
  • 8The play finally jerks its disjointed and bitty way to an arbitrary conclusion.這個劇最後突然把支離破碎的內容拉到一起得出一個武斷的結論。
  • 9So don't think of bats as flying rodents — think of them as itty bitty flying horses.所以別以為蝙蝠就是會飛的老鼠 - 它們其實是會飛的馬(我靠)。
  • 10Try this:How ab0ut we just start cleaning this itty-bitty corner of your room?I'll give you a hand.我們開始清理一下你房間的小角落怎么樣?我會幫你的喲。
  • 11When I was a little bitty baby, my mama would rock me in the cradle in them old cotton field back home.當我還是一個小嬰孩時,媽媽在家鄉那片老棉花田裡常把我放在搖藍里哄我睡覺。
  • 12And they found that the relatively smaller footpads of, say, leopards are much stiffer than those of little bitty kitties.他們發現,相對其體型來說,肉墊較小的,例如,豹子,其肉墊的硬度遠遠優於小貓咪。
  • 13Or perhaps the divers could simply be trained to land in one of those itty-bitty washtubs, the way they used to at the circus.又或者跳水運動員可以練習著跳進一個小洗澡盆里,以前的馬戲團就是這么乾的。


That's a huge nut to crack -- so huge that itty-bitty markets are of no interest.


